7th Grade Science
Mrs. Bradshaw, Mr. Finn, Mr. Ohlig
Contact Information:
Tutorials are available mostmornings 7:45 – 8:20 and afternoons 3:35 – 4:30.
Course overview
Seventh grade science is an integrated course of earth, life and physical concepts taught through the context of Texas Ecoregions and the human body. Field and laboratory experiences, research and investigations will be major components of the learning environment. Students will experience science as a way of learning about the natural world and realize that knowledge gained through science is always changing.
Science Grade 7 Honors is an accelerated course designed for the student who has demonstrated ability and interest in science above and beyond that which is offered in the on-level Science 7 course. Preparing the student to enter Science Grade 8 Honors will be emphasized. Independent science research is a requirement of Science Grade 7 Honors.
Equilibrium within EcoregionsHomeostasis within Living SystemsVariations in Species
Ecoregions of Texas HomeostasisVariations
Human Impact
Plant Processes
Grading Policy:
Daily Workis 25% of the total grade. All daily work must be completed. Students can correct failing work up to a 70.
Quizzesare 25% of the total grade. All students can correct a quiz for half the points back that they missed.
Major Evaluationsare the final 50% of the student’s grade. All students can correct for half the points back that they missed.
Mandatory tutorialsmay result if the student has twoormore missing or failing assignments.
Teachers may offer an alternate assignment and/or corrections based on academic need, curricular standards and benefit to the student.
Discipline Procedure :
1st infraction – warning from teacher
2nd infraction – warning from teacher (parent contacted by teacher)
3rd infraction – detention with teacher (parent contacted by teacher)
4th infraction – referral to Administrator
5th infraction – detention with teacher (parent contacted by teacher)
6th infraction – referral to Administrator
Tardy Policy:
You will be counted tardy if you are not in our classroom and ready to learn by the time the bell rings unless a pass is provided.
It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to request late work. If you know you will be absent beforehand, let us know as soon as possible. If you miss a test, come see us to schedule time to make it up. You have the same number of days you were absent to turn in work or to schedule a make-up test.
Entering our Classroom:
Preparedness is important to learning and fun, we expect everyone to come to class prepared. You will be in your seat with your materials, agenda copied, and working on the daily warm-up/critical thinking exercise when the bell rings.
Spiral-either 2- one subject or 1-three subject spirals will be needed. Students will be working in this interactive notebook every day all year long.
Glue sticks or tape will be needed for use with the notebook.
Science Fair:
ALL HONORS science students are required to participate in Science Fair. A packet will be provided with detailed information and due dates. Please read the packet carefully and feel free to contact us with any questions that may arise. You will need a 1” binder and dividers for your research binder, acomposition notebook for a log book, and a presentation board.
Online access to class information and assignments will be available through the student’s PISD login on Google Classroom. Student grades will be available through myPISD.
Teacher / 1st Period / 2nd Period / 4th Period / 5th Period / 6th Period / 7th PeriodBradshaw / vd3alm / ruklav / n9tbg3 / pf0khsa / rj4s6sv / b3mozr
Finn / z2cx53 / st60h2 / ccug4y
Ohlig / h3sj257 / x1h5m / wbvxlw / tly2ro / Qk1hh8u / 3xc0i8