UNIT 2 – SYLLABUS: Kingdom Protista

September 12th – September 30th

Topics that will be discussed in the Kingdom Protista unit:

1. Introduction to Kingdom ProtistaChapter 7 pg. 225

2. Kingdom Protista – CharacteristicsChapter 9.4

3. Eukaryotic Cells – Organelles…Chapter 1

4. Producers, consumers, and decomposersChapter 14 pg.486-492

5. The Web of Life Chapter 15

Vocabulary terms to know in order to discuss the Kingdom Protista:

  1. protist10. chloroplast
  2. eukaryotes11 vacuoles
  3. nucleus12. lysosomes
  4. cell membrane13. producer
  5. cell wall14. consumer
  6. ribosome15. decomposer
  7. mitochondria 16. symbiosis
  8. organelle 17. parasitism
  9. golgi body 18. mutualism

There will be a quiz over these vocabulary words prior to the Unit Test and therefore this syllabus should remain as page number one in their notebook for quick reference of the vocabulary words. Flashcards have also been made for these words at

Important Notice: Your child will be completing a cell analogy poster. The project will consist of making a diagram of a eukaryotic cell and creating analogies for the organelles found within that cell. A rubric of the project is on the back of this syllabus. All students are asked to bring a white poster board to class in order to complete this project. The project will be done in class. Posters are due by___September 19th _____.

**Do not forget that each student is responsible for completing 3 enrichment activities this 9-week period. Students have turned in and have been graded on one of these activities already, and therefore have two remaining to complete. These activities have been made available in my classroom as well as on my website for the student’s convenience. The grading period’s end is quickly approaching. Do not wait until the last minute to complete these activities!

Important dates:

Last two enrichment activities are due by September 23rd.

Vocabulary Test- September 28th** Subject to change

Unit Two Test- Septemberr 30th ** Subject to change

Please remind your child to be reviewing notes each night. Read one time through – don’t try to memorize. If something does not make sense come to class and ask for clarification – DON’T wait until a test to say you don’t understand something!

If you have any questions regarding any of this information, feel free to call me at 754-7757 or e-mail me at

Thank You,

Mark Weese

Unit 2 Syllabus and Parent Letter

Student Signature______

Parent Signature______

Cell Analogy Project

Directions: In this project, you will be creating a eukaryotic cell and comparing each of the organelles to an item that performs a similar function. For example: In your cell you could compare a nucleus to a computer because computers store information similar to a nucleus storing genetic information.

Gather information from your textbook and other sources about the cell and its structures.

Keep these ideas in mind when creating your analogies.

*Description of the structure: size, shape, composition, etc.

*Where is it found in the cell?

*What are the major functions and why is it important?

Unit 2: Cells Assessment Rubric

Category / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Score
Factual Information
(x3) / There are no factual mistakes on the visual
and analogies make appropriate comparisons to organelle functions / There are 1-2 factual mistakes on the visual or analogy sheet and or one analogy stretches to make an appropriate comparison to organelle function / There are 3-4 factual mistakes on the visual or analogy sheet and or several analogies fail to make appropriate comparison to organelle function / There are more than 4 factual mistakes on the visual or analogy sheet and most analogies fail to make appropriate comparison to organelle function.
Required Elements
(x3) / The visual includes all required elements and pictures / All but 1 of the required elements are included on the visual. / All but 2 of the required elements are included on the visual.. / More than 2 required elements were missing.
Oral Presentation
(x2) / Poised, clear articulation; proper volume; steady rate; good posture and eye contact; enthusiasm; confidence / Clear articulation but not as polished / Some mumbling; little eye contact; uneven rate; little or no expression / Inaudible or too loud; no eye contact; rate too slow/fast; speaker seemed uninterested and used monotone
(x1) / Very original presentation of material; uses the unexpected to full advantage; captures audience's attention / Some originality apparent; good variety and blending of materials/media / Little or no variation; material presented with little originality or interpretation / Repetitive with little or no variety; insufficient use of multimedia
(x1) / All items of importance on the visual are clearly labeled with labels that are visible from at least 3 feet away / All items of importance except 1 to 2 items on the visual are clearly labeled with labels that are visible from at least 3 feet away / All items of importance except 3 to 4 items on the visual are clearly labeled with labels that are visible from at least 3 feet away. / Labels are too small to view OR no important items were labeled
(x1) / The visual is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. / The visual is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. / The visual is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy. / The visual is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive.

Total score out of a possible 44 points