Welcome! I want you all to achieve excellence in your Math studies. The following information will help you get off to a great start. Please refer to this throughout the year.
A.Daily Schedule
- Take out your homework and start the “Do Now” assignment (Homework will be checked/collected at this time)
- Homework review
- Introduction of new material
- Practice / activities
- Homework assignment
B.What is expected from you each day:
- Be respectful and courteous of everyone and everything in your classroom.
- Be patient with classmates who may be having trouble. Be helpful to others.
- Please raise your hand to ask a question. Only one person should speak at a time.
- Work from any other class is NOT permitted during your math class. If caught, your work may be confiscated.
- Foul language is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
- Be in class on time and ready to learn.
- School policy: late twice = detention. Unexcused lateness results in loss of credit.
- If you receive a pass to go elsewhere during math class, you must check with mefirst. A pass does not always give you automatic permission to leave.
- Sharpen pencils before class starts.
- No cell phones. No ear buds.
- No food or drinks in class (except water).
- Please stay in your seat unless you are given permission to get up.
- Bathroom passes are used only in an emergency. Use the bathroom facilities in between classes or at lunch.
- Be preparedfor class with the following materials. You will NOT be able to retrieve anyitems from your locker once the bell rings.
- Math notebook: It is strongly recommended that you use a three-ring binder. Keep your notebook in order. Notebook quizzes will be given throughout the course.
- Homework
- Pencils:It is good practice to have two sharpened pencils on hand.
- Covered textbookwhich includes your name.
- Straight edge (ruler)
- This expectation sheet, signed by you and a parent/guardian, is to be the first page in your notebook.
C.Evaluation Procedures
- Your grade will be determined by the following:
- Tests 50%
- Quizzes/Class Assignments 25%
- Homework Quizzes/Google Classroom 25%
- Homework will be assigned on a regular, if not daily, basis. It must be returned when due for full credit. All work must be shown. Reasonable attempts will be accepted for credit. No make-up homework will be acceptedunless it is due to an absence.
- Homework assigned while absent is due the second school day after your return.
- If absent, including class trips, then homework is due the day you return.
- Cheating or talking during a test/quiz is unacceptable. A grade of zero may result from this action.
- If absent, it is your responsibilityto get the notes from a classmate and assignments that you missed from the Teacher website.
- You are responsible for promptlynotifying the teacher of any grading discrepancies.
- No extra credit assignments will be given.
D.Teacher Website
- The following will be posted on the website
- Daily Objectives
- Homework assignments
E.Make -Up Tests and Quizzes
- If you are absent the day before or the day a test/quizis given, be prepared to take the test/quiz the day you return. You are expected to review and study on your own.
- If absent multiple days, it is your responsibility on the day you return to schedule a make-up test/quiz with me. Tests and quizzes must be made up within two tutorial days after the last day of an absence.
F.Extra Help
- Morning help in Room 227 starting at 7:10 am
Peer Tutorial will be available after school on Wednesdays and Thursday in Room 226 starting October 4th and 5Th
Please inform me if you require help and I will schedule time after school
Best wishes for a productive and successful school year!
Ms. McNulla
Math Office: (732) 602-8659
Main Office: (732) 602-8650
Sign and return this page, indicating that you have read and understand the “Expectations for Math Class” guide lines. Place the other pages in the front of your notebook for reference.
Print student name______Block______
Student signature______Date______
Parent signature______Date______
Please provide parent’s daytime and evening contact phone numbers.
Cell Ph #Home Ph #
Work Ph# ______
2017- 2018Page 1