December Newsletter
Please note that we will be closing for the Christmas break on Thursday,
18th December at 1.30pm and we will re-open on Tuesday, 6th January
2015 at 8.55am ********************************************************************
PTA – Shoe Box Appeal
We have now sent off all the shoe boxes which have been filled with various items which you kindly donated. As always we are extremely appreciative of your help with this worthy cause.
Remembrance Assembly
Thank you to everybody who came to our special Remembrance Assembly. We were so proud of all the children on the day for their respectful behaviour throughout the assembly. It was fantastic to have our old school bell in working order and hope that everybody enjoyed the bell ringing – the staff certainly did! Thank you also to everyone who bought a poppy. We managed to raise £31.51 in support of The Royal British Legion.
Christmas Fayre
We are holding our Christmas Fayre on Thursday, 4th December at 3.15. This will take place in the school sports hall. There will be tombola, a raffle and various stalls including a Christmas gift stall, toy stall, book stall, cake stall and a Christmas craft stall. There will also be a chance to visit Father Christmas in his Grotto! Tea, coffee and cake will also be on sale for 50p. We hope to see lots of parents, children, grandparents and carers at the event – please tell all your friends – the more the merrier!!
School Christmas Lunch Day (10th December)
If anyone has not yet returned their Christmas lunch slips, please can you do so urgently. This is because the kitchen needs plenty of notice to put their food order in. Thank you.
School Nativity
Children in Nursery and Reception will be performing their Nativity ‘The Sleepy Shepherd’ on Friday, 12th December at 11.00am. A letter with more details will follow shortly.
Christmas Parties
Christmas party dates are as follows:-
Nursery and Reception - Monday, 15th December
Years 1 and 2 - Tuesday, 16th December
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 - Wednesday, 17th December. Further details will follow soon.
Unfortunately Year 2 will not be able to swim on Monday, 8th December. This is because the Leisure Centre will still be carrying out maintenance on the small pool.
After the Christmas break swimming will continue for Years 2, 3 and 5 for a short time – the first session being on Monday, 12th January. Please look out for next year’s swimming timetable on our website and also on the parent noticeboard.
Reception Starters – September 2015
A gentle reminder to anyone who has not yet completed their form for a place in Reception in September 2015, please can you do so. The closing date is mid-January. If anyone needs a replacement form, please call at the office. Thank you to everyone who has already completed their forms.
Parent Library
We have organised for a parent library trolley to be available every Monday as from 8th December. Please feel free to have a look at the books on offer and if any take your fancy, you are welcome to take one home. There is absolutely no obligation to take a book. The library trolley will be available at school pickup time and will be located under the junior canopy.
After-school Clubs
There will be no after-school clubs running after Friday, 12th December. A new timetable of clubs will be sent out in the New Year.
Toddler Group
The last session for toddler group this year will be on Wednesday, 10thDecember.
Outstanding dinner money
It would be appreciated if any outstanding dinner money could please be paid before we close for the Christmas break. Many thanks.
We are very pleased to announce that Year 2 had the highest attendance in November with 96.76%.
Ofsted Inspection
Following our Ofsted inspection on 18th and 19th November, we expect that the Report will be published before the end of term. Thank you to all Parent Governors, parents, etc who spoke to the Inspection Team and gave valuable insight into our school. You will, of course, receive a copy of the Report when it becomes available.
Mrs E Kent & Staff