Equine Advisory Committee
MeetingFebruary 15, 2011 at 7:00 PM
Advisory Committee Members Present: Ruthe Riehle, Annie Widger,Leah Leising, Jim Little, Lenny Brainard, Veronica Weber,Terri Crisafulli, Jim Leising, Robert Pfohl, Tom Livak, and Ted LaCroix
Advisory Committee Members Absent: Richard Bernstein, Lisa Williams,Steve Lord, Bonnie Hall, Judy Dalton, JoAnne Young, Thomas Livak, and Crystal Abers, Director of the Department of Economic Development, Planning,
General Attendance: James Isaacson, Senior Planner, Becky Smith, Holly Parry, Dolly Little, Melinda Nichols, Luke Brainard, Robert Riehle, Janet Pfohl, Amy DeTine and Nicole Kerstetter.
- Call to Order at 7:06 PM
- Veronica Weber made the motion to approve the January 18, 2011 Minutes, Ted LaCroix2nd all in favor, carried.
- The Three Sub committees met and reorganized
- Committee Reports
- Trails–Lenny was appointed Chairman. Reported continue work being done on McCarthy Hill, Pine Hill, and the Pat McGee trail. The group continues to look for opportunities to development trails in new locations.
- Marketing/Tourism/Website/ Events–Ruthe Riehle reported---The continued update of the website and adding links to the site such as a picture page of local events. Keeping the web page up to date with the board minutes was discussed. The brochure was new last year and will not need replacing. Giving the Cattaraugus County Equestrian Videos away at Ohio Equine Affair to use them as a promotionaltool. CattaraugusCountyis going to sponsor two booths this year. One at the Hamburg Equfest and the other at theOhio Equine Affaire. Holly, Dolly, Jim, Leah, James, Luke and Mindy are going to manthe booth in Ohio. Bob & Ruthe Riehle, James and Leah Leising will man the booth in Hamburg. Businesses and clubs are encouraged to send flyers to be distributed at both events.
- Advocacy/ Horse Resource/Education-
Bob Pfhol was appointed chairman of this committee
- Inherent Risk Bill, also known as the Equine Activity Safety Code Act, (A01325/S00171),will be introduced again this year. This proposed legislation establishes reasonable safety guidelines to protect horse owners and riders. It also reduces liability in cases where the safety guidelines have been met. Thirty-eight states have already passed such legislation. Please contact your Representative to show your support for this needed law.
- Horse Resource continues to learn about the process in the county regarding the sezeing of Horses in need of care. A Chinese Auction will be held at the Round up in Little Valley to sponsor the Horse Resource to assist with the cost for the care of seized horses. A meeting with the County’s DA, Lori Pittit Rieman, and The Sheriff, Timothy Whitcomb is being planned.
- Farm Bureau is a great supporter of our local farmers. All welcome to become a member. They can Lobby and are supportive of equine issues.
- Education of horse owners for the proper care of a horse. Through programs with 4-H groups, Catt Co. Corporative Extension, Boces, FFA groups, youth groups. Adult education classes in area schools. Discussion was held on holding classes—Leah checked with Gowanda school –we can have there. Lenny to check with Lee Harkness to see if he would be interested---maybe at JCC.
- Old Business
- A letter was sent to the current appointed Equine Committee Members to inquire if they are still interested in participating. JoAnne Young and Richard Bernstein replied and requested to step down. They both are interested in being a resource if there is anything that they could do for the County to please let them know. That left two seats vacant. A motion was made by Lenny to recommend to the Legislators, Melinda Nichols, and Amy DeTine to be seated on the Board, 2nd by Annie, All in favor carried.
- Catt/Chaut request to reuse $4,000 grant fromCattaraugusCounty was tabled until the next meeting. Need to have Spring so that exact plans could be made. This Grant would be for the continued maintenance on the trails at Pine Hill.
- A get together is planned for April 2, 2011 at the Little Valley Riders Club at 12:00 PM with all the Trail user groups who wish to attend. Bring a dish to pass, and an item to grill. For more information contact Dolly Little and Annie Widger who volunteered to be in charge of this event.
- Leah would like everyone to show their support and attend the Catt/Erie Rail to Trail walk being held in Springville meet at the Spring Creek Pharmacy—show equestrians support the making of this trail.It is a great opportunity.
- Bob Pfohl reportedLou Eibl Corral will be sponsoring a Trail Stewardship Seminar at their club house with Bud & Gwen Wills from the Pa Horse Council on June 25 & 26. Sat will be classroom and Sundaywill be ahands on workshop in the field in Boutwell Hill.Learn how to make trails sustainable & correct.
- New Business
- The Agriculture Committee is very interested in the Return of the Ed Barn to the 2011 fair year. Annie will Chair the Education Barn this year. She is looking for helpers…
- Horse Owners essentials Education program. Leah has spoken with the GowandaSchool and we could hold classes there through the Adult Ed program. Horse Management classes at the County building were also discussed. This could be a 6 week course and would talk about, Vet care, Feed, housing ect. A motion was made by Annie for Lenny to contact Lee Harkness and ask if he is interested in speaking. 2nd by Terry. Lenny is going to contact Lee Harkness to see if he would be interested in helping us out. Those classes could be held at JCC.
- Next meeting March 29, 2011, 7:00 PM in the Legislative Chambers (third floor) of the CattaraugusCountyCenter, 303 Court Street, Little Valley, NY.
- Adjournment 9:10 pmMotion made by Robert Pfohl, Seconded, Ted LaCroix, all in favor, Carried
Respectfully Submitted by Ruthe Riehle, Secretary