IMC USA Professional Resource Evaluation Application
Type of material:
Date of publication ISBN#
Person to contact:
Contact address:
City:State: ZIP:
Contact phone: FAX:
Contact e-mail:
- What major business related topic areas does the material address?
- What IMC USA Common Body of Knowledge topics are addressed?
Note: See “IMC USA Common Body of Knowledge,” under “IMC USA Resources” at - What new ideas, best practices, or unique consulting methods are presented?
- How does the material help IMC members better understand and apply the topic(s) to client engagements?
- To what consulting discipline(s) is the material applicable?
Note: Specialties and industries are listed on web site in the advanced consultant search area. - Where can your resource be obtained?
- What is the retail purchase price?
- Is the author a member of IMC? YesNo
- Is the author a Certified Management Consultant (CMC)?
- Is the author a member of an organization formally allied with IMC? Yes No
Name of organization:
Note: See the listing of formal alliances and links at under “IMC USA Resources.”
- Other information that will assist our evaluator?
Thank you for your application for IMC evaluation!
Send this application along with the material to be evaluated to:
Richard P. Morgan CMC
Two Galleria Tower, Suite 10008
13455 Noel Road, Dallas, TX 75240-6620
Contact IMC Professional Resource Evaluation Committee
by e-mail –
IMC Professional Resources Evaluation
Policies & Procedures
To objectively evaluate resource materials* created by anyone other than IMC-USA for inclusion in an IMC bibliography related to the professional development needs of IMC members.
*Includes books, tape courses, cd/roms, distance and interactive learning courses, etc.
Items not considered for evaluation would typically be most articles, promotional materials, etc. PRET team may nominate articles of special significance for evaluation.
To receive an evaluation, resource topics must relate to the Common Body of Knowledge of IMC. The current CBK is available on the IMC USA web site.
Resources produced by IMC members will be subject to the same criteria as resources produced by others.
To qualify, a resource must be business-related and pass IMC’s basic criteria for listing. For example, novels, cookbooks, erotica, or pilot’s manuals would not qualify.
Materials of general business interest, but unrelated to IMC’s CBK, will be listed by IMC without evaluation, as “of interest.”
All qualified resource materials submitted for evaluation will be listed in IMC’s bibliography with or without IMC recommendation. Evaluation does not seek to exclude any qualified material from being available to IMC members. Evaluation may, however, lead to IMC ‘recommended’ status.
The bibliography list will be available on the IMC web site and available for downloading. This method keeps the listing current.
Non-qualified resources
Non-qualified resources include but are not limited to: materials that lack direct relevance to business topics or management consulting, promotional materials, general literature and most novels, political and religious materials, erotica, humor, sports, cookbooks, non-business manuals, most articles, and unpublished documents, etc.
Recommended resources
Recommended materials must reflect the values of IMC’s code of ethics.
Qualified resources will not receive a negative review or rating. Evaluations will reward excellent resources with a recommendation. Other resources will simply be listed.
Levels of evaluation:
–IMC Recommended - presents newideas and best practices, or existing concepts and methods with excellent clarity, creating added value for IMC members. Directly relates to IMC’s CBK and/or CMC certification.
–IMC Listed - presents information related to IMC’s Common Body of Knowledge or CMC certification.
–Of Interest - presents information of general interest to certain IMC members. Material not directly related to IMC’s CBK. Examples: a marketing textbook; “Drucker on Management;” a human resource handbook; a sales management course; “High Tech Successes;” a finance course, etc.
Basic Criteria
Material must be business-related. This covers a wide range of disciplines including management consulting, general business management, finance, information technology, law, real estate, sales, marketing, production, human resources, self-improvement, logistics, etc. Specifically excluded are novels, cookbooks, erotica, joke books, comics, political or religious material, current events, etc. A measure of ‘reasonableness’ will be exercised by the PRET team when necessary.
Material must be in the form of a published book, workbook, audio or video taped course, electronic course (distance learning), interactive course, or published monograph in a consulting journal (e.g. items in C2M).
Materials must be sent to IMC postage paid, accompanied by the required basic application information. Materials submitted become the property of IMC USA and will not be returned, so IMC will have a file copy.
Evaluation Procedure
Author completes information sheet and request for evaluation.
Copy of material and evaluation request sent to PRET chair.
Chair or designee qualifies or rejects the material and assigns one reviewer to evaluate the qualified materials. Reviewer must have adequate knowledge of the subject matter being evaluated.
Reviewer evaluates the material against pre-determined criteria, returns materials and issues a brief written report recommending one of the following:
–Of interest
–IMC listed
–IMC recommended
Chair advises the author of the results of evaluation with a brief explanation.
PRET advises IMC Professional Knowledge Committee (PKC) of new material and its evaluation.
IMC’s PKC arranges for material to be listed on the IMC USA web site in the appropriate evaluation category.
Each evaluation will be dated so members will know its age. Evaluations may be changed at a later date by the PRET team based on a pre-determined set of criteria to be developed. Example: A first edition may be superceded when a second edition is published, or material becomes too outdated to be considered as recommended anymore.
The Institute of Management Consultants (IMC-USA)
2025 M Street, NW, Suite 800
Washington, D.C. 20036-3309
Tel: 202.367.1134 Fax: 202.367.2134