AWA Executive Meeting Agenda - 11th April

1. Welcome

2. Attendees:

3. Apologies;

4. Previous Minutes.

5. Treasurers Report.

6. Chairman's Report.

7. Correspondence.


7.1. Flight Requirement and Test Sheet - Fourteen (14) received.

7.2. Applications for MAAA Inspectors - Six (6) received.

7.3. Application for funding - WARMS.

7.4. 9/2/16. Safety Incident Reports -WARMS.

7.5. 15/2/16. Club Assistance Scheme Application Form from MAAA.

7.6. 16/2/16. Lakes Model Aero Club contacts list.

7.7. 16/2/16. Email re. Renewal of Membership.

7.8. 16/2/16. Soaring Model Society contacts list.

7.9. 16/2/16. Request from Fred Adler for copy of MAAA Midyear Presidents Meeting Minutes.

7.10. 17/2/16. Clarification needed on to be levied.

7.11. 18/2/16. Email concerning Treasurer handover from Ross Cant to Mal Brunning.

7.12. 18/2/16. Old Timer Contest Calender.

7.13. Email re. silver wings, log-in to MAAA website to view members details.

7.14. 19/2/16. Newsletter from AWA President to all memebers.

7.15. 19/2/16. Silver wings stock request from Swan MAC.

7.16. 21/2/16. New members notification from WARMS.

7.17. 22/2/16. WARMS grant enquiry.

7.18. 22/2/16. Submission from Kevin Robinson re. training manuals for wings.

7.19. 22/2/16. Fred Tower request for Council Meeting minutes.

7.20. 24/2/16. Application for Temporary Height extension from Soaring WA.

7.21. WA 2016 Free Flight Contest Calendar.

Provisional Timeline for Control Line World Cup.

7.22. 24/2/16. Request for dates of Open F3F.

7.23. 24/2/16. Email re. Protest on Hand Launched Glider rules from Fred Tower.

7.24. 25/2/16. Copy of Ed Meesters entry form for the Aust team selection in F3F.

7.25. 25/2/16. Email from Peter Somers re. newsletter from AWA President.

7.26. 27/2/16. Submission from Geoff Allan re. affiliation details.

7.27. 27/2/16. Submission from Leslie Meehan re. lost MAAA card.

7.28. 2/3/16. Lease holders and Rates - re. SWARMS.

7.29. 2/3/16. WARMS enquiry re. Area Approval and Temporary Height Extension.

7.30. 2/3/16. Email re. Leaseholders and Rates (SWARMS).

7.31. 2/3/16. Registration Fees of Clubs within WA.

7.32. 2/3/16. Submission from T. Markwitz re. regulations for flying with FPV.

7.33. 2/3/16. Lee Groves re. Indoor Flying Venue.

7.34. 2/3/16. Treasurers Report received.

7.35. 2/3/16. Member Registration received from DAMS.

7.36. 3/3/16. Advice from MAAA re. Area Approval process.

7.37. 3/3/16. Insurance Assessing Survey - WARMS claim.

7.38. 3/3/16. Request for supply of wings from MAAA.

7.39. 5/3/16. F3F World Champs details forwarded by Ed Meester.

7.40. 7/3/16. KAMS WARBIRD Poster received, with request to put on MAAA webpage.

7.41. 8/3/16. Submission from Tim Neeson re. Robotics and Drone Technology event in Kalgoorlie in July requesting info/assistance.

7.42. 9/3/16. Submission from Neil Davies re. silver wings.

7.43. 10/3/16. Noise Complain re. LMAC.

7.44. 13/3/16. LMAC Membership registration.

7.45. 14/3/16. WAM Grant application.

7.46. 17/3/16. From Adrian Byrne re. change of address.

7.47. 25/3/16. Poster re City Of Bayswater River Festival.

7.48. 29/3/16. Submission from Luke Williams re. email address, comfirm wings rating is on file.


Email Re Renewals.

Request from AWA secretary to upload all Agendas and Minutes onto MAAA website.

24/2/16. Answer to F Tower re protest Glider Rules.

25/2/16. Reply to F. Tower, AWA President re. protest from secretary MAAA.

11/4/16. No answer from P. Allan when called.

29/2/16. Advice re. WARMS Area Approval.

2/3/16. Advice on Lease Holders and Rates from MAAA.

2/3/16. Registration Fees advice from MAAA.

2/3/16. Wanneroo Lease Request - Copy of Lease and Sublease.

2/3/16. AWA President re. Indoor Flying.

2/3/16. Invitation to World Championships Banquet to President and Secretary MAAA.

7/3/16. Request to MAAA to place warbirds poster on website.

11/4/16. MAAA Club Assistance application form to all secretaries.

8. Matters Arising.

8.1 14/3/16. WAM Grant Application.

9. General Business.