SLA (Service Level Agreement) terms for MRO Inventory with The Mosaic Company

  1. MRO Data
  1. When providing a Request for Information (RFI) for an item that does not have a known Mosaic item number, the following must be provided within 48 hours.
  2. MosaicTemplate with required specifications provided and/ or a manufacturer specification sheet.
  3. Manufacturer Name
  4. Manufacturer Part Number
  5. Supplier Part Number
  6. Picture of the item
  7. Drawing of the item (if applicable)
  8. Current Estimated Price
  9. Accurate Lead Time incalendar days
  10. Stocking Location (Branch, Distribution center, etc.)
  11. Quantities available on hand
  12. MaterialSafety Data Sheet (if applicable)
  13. Safety Data Sheet in compliance with GHS
  14. MSDS items must be supplied through Item PO only
  1. Assign acompany contact for the MRO team
  2. Respond to inquiries for quotes within 48hours
  3. If unable to reply within 48 hours with the requested information, provide a follow up call on when the information will be available
  1. Order Acknowledgement

Supplier is responsible for communicating the following upon receipt of PO:

  1. Confirm you are able to meet the required date or suggest achievable date
  2. Verify accuracy of supplier lead time
  3. Verify accuracy of prices
  4. Verify synchronized item record information
  5. Description
  6. Manufacturer
  7. ManufacturerPart number
  8. Supplier Part number
  9. Unit of Measure
  10. All information must be confirmed within 24 hours of receiving purchasing order
  11. Suppliers are to provide advance ship notification 24 hrs. prior to shipment Assign a company contact for Mosaicexpeditorsto contact
  1. Warehouse Services
  1. Central receiving/ warehousing at each facility is the first point of contact for all material receipts, unless otherwise notified.
  2. All shipping documentation should be provided to warehouse personnel for all material deliveries.
  3. Any field delivers should be handled as per SOP procedure.
  4. Barcoding capabilities. Shipping documentation should have barcoded:
  5. Purchase order number
  6. Shipping document number
  7. Item number
  8. Quantity
  9. Supplier material kitting support:
  10. Package, label, and ship items related to specific work orders together.
  11. Work order number can be foundon the last area of the PO line under “WO KIT NO.”
  1. All ITEM Purchase Order delivers are tobe segregated from each other. Each purchase orders item(s) are to be packaged separately with separate documents.
  1. MRO Services
  1. Supplier is to stock items with sufficient inventory available to meet the demand of the sites. Reviewed regularly to ensure optimization of inventory.
  2. Provide quarterly report of Supplier stock balances
  3. No restocking fees for returned items. Special order items may be an exception, subject to mutual agreement.
  4. Agree to work with Mosaic on stock buybacks as necessary
  5. VMI/free issue stock support capabilities
  6. Consigned- Stock that is in the possession of Mosaic and maintained in the inventory management system, but remains the property of the supplier until issued (used) from the respective warehouse; paid for upon issue.
  7. VMI (Vendor managed Inventory)-Goods that are re-supplied and managed by suppliers through regularly scheduled reviews of the on-site materials; paid forupon delivery.
  1. Proactive and timely communication of superseded/substitution/ obsoleteitems handled through SOP
  2. Proactive reporting of items not on contact
  3. Proactive reporting of repeat buys that lack Mosaic item numbers

What Mosaic will provide

  1. Mosaic to provide a listing of Mosaic Classification Templates specific to your commodity with explanation of use.
  2. Listing of Mosaic’s Current Catalog specific to your commodity to include the following;
  3. Mosaic’s Item number
  4. Manufacturer Name
  5. Manufacturer Part Number
  6. Complete available description
  7. Unit of Measure
  1. Periodical update of Mosaic’s Current Catalog (or upon request but not more frequently than quarterly)