P.O BOX 1 KAKUMA/104 Lodwar CELL: +254 727 107 653/
+254 710 245 998
Email: Philip_ekolong@ yahoo.com
FROM:TERACounty Co-coordinator
DATE:25Th Aug 2012
Turkana Environmental Resources Association is community-based Organization which was incepted to serve the purpose of advocating for useful utilization, control and conservation of the environment and the resources.
The key issue was to bet for the prices of the resources.In the first encounter, the association in 1998 (especially in Kakuma region) where environmental degradation is severe formed this alliance to help control the degree of the effect.
To achieve this, the association helps in pricing these resources. This strategy aims at reducing and controlling these resources collection sites by carrying out survey prior to collection.
Secondly the association through the public meetings and barasas sensitize the wananchi on issues concerning environmental conservation and recourses ownership policy.
- T.E.R.A: Turkana Environmental Resources Association.
Turkana means the TurkanaCounty
Environmental means the natural surroundings
Resources means all the locally available, useful and exploitable natural materials.
Association means organization of the people .
- Goals/Mission Statement
The goals to conserve, control, advocate and facilitate useful harvesting and utilization or
Exploitation of all the locally available natural resources within the district for economic growth. The mission statement states that thus: facilitating the enhancement and management of our local resources.
- Objectives
Advocate for the conservation/reservation and useful utilization of environmental natural resources.
Promote and facilitate inter and intra community cooperation and collaboration amongst the co-existing diversified communities.This will ensure equitable and sustainable economic development of local resources for commercial users.
Promote self-reliance through establishment of enhanced income generating activities.
Establish and enhance community capacity building through business skills training and participation in decision –making forums.
Improve the environmental conditions through enhanced tree planting and construction of water catchment in rural areas.
Establish education program on environment for enhanced community environmental awareness and participation.
Enhance community’s own crisis and resources management through establishment of a central (Policy of community own control) of harvesting, pricing and transportation of the local resources.
Provision of civic education to the community members
Enhancement of good governance and advocacy
- Activities
Initiate trainer service at each of its established branches.
Train and educate the community on the importance of natural resources at awareness barasa and meeting.
Carry out soil conservation activities such as construction of water catchments.
Lobby for all the natural resources and supply contracts within the district.
Plant and manage trees every year at identified areas
Continually review and bet reasonable prices of the natural resources among other.
Participate in lobby and advocacy for Community and resident’s rights and their natural resources.
Establish green belts in the areas of concern within the County.
To mitigate and resolve conflicts related to natural resource management and sharing.
Develop Community Forest Association (CFS) in TurkanaCounty for a friendly Environment to live in.(There are 5 fully registered and 5 in the process of registered)
- Main areas of interest
Natural Resource Management
Water and Sanitation
Community Health
PeaceBuilding and conflict Management
Micro-Entrepreneurship Development
- Programme components
Lobby and advocacy
Capacity building-training
Micro-finance credit scheme
Water services
Agro forestry
Disaster Preparedness and Response
- Operational Strategy/Management
The association’s activity and other unspecified the branch chairman co-ordinates operations. The six branches are directly answerable to the district forum. Every branch is managed by eleven (11) members who form the management committee.
The Association’s patron provides technical support/advice to the association by recommendations and approval of projects proposed.
Assist in program programming and training.
Assist and direct in preparation and amendments of the association’s constitution and budget among others
- Achievements
The association has six legally registered branches district wide –registered by Registrar of societies/companies.
Environmental awareness meetings have been successfully conducted.
There is notable rise in the standards of living among members who have already benefited from contracts given by the association.
Some of the association members have changed from one commercial operation to a better one-burning of charcoal to small open-air market businesses.
- Problems faced
The association has very little funds,which cannot make it accomplish its laid down obligation.
There is no means of transport to enable the association carry out its duties effectively.
The associations not publicly known as environmental organization charged with the utilization and conservation of the resources and the environment.
The office bearers do not maximally invest in the demands of the association due to lack of motivation incentives.
The association uses most of its funds in renting offices, conferences and other office machines-type writer.
Most of the siblings nursed do not do well due to unreliable source pf water.
- Way Forward:
The association plans to present proposals to various agencies for financial support
Construction of the office is meant to begin this year
Tree nurseriesare to be established and managed by each branch
Getting means of transport for easy policy implementation
Hire environmental experts to enhance a forestation projects
More awareness meetings /barasas will be regularly conducted to help facilitate capacity building.
TERA like any other NGO requires your advice and assistance for it’s sustainability,
Thank you.