Topic: Artificial Intelligence: Eyes on the prize, bionic vision
Description: The problem is how to improve human vision past its limits of 20/20. This is done by bionic vision through contact lenses. Where the contact lens will improve vision and connect users to a large screen display of their mobile devices.
Motivation: Bionic vision will be applied in several different ways. It can help blind people see again by implanting computer chips in the brain and using bionic glasses. The military can use these lenses to improve a pilot or soldiers vision to give them an aid in battle. Video games, movies, iphones and your computer could be brought right to your field of vision.
· Jennifer Anderson, “Bionic Vision: Rare Operation Brings Sight to Blind Woman” Ergonomics Today,2005, pp. 1.
[A blind Missouri woman gets a sci-fi device implanted in the brain. The prosthetic device functions as a cornea, directing light into the interior of the eye.]
· Corinna Wu,”Supernormal Vision, A focus on adaptive optics improves images of the eye and boosts vision,” Science News, 1997, pp.1-3.
[This article focuses on the possibilities of such technology being fused with the human body. Like eagle like vision and curing blindness. The author goes through a brief history of an optic system that strives to improve vision through computer technology.]
· Alexi Mostrous, “And next- the contact lens that lets e-mail really get in your face,” TimesOnline, 2008.
[The author describes the possible capabilities of a contact lenses created by a team at the University of Washington. This contract lens combined with a computer chip will be able to connect to wireless device and provide a visual image of the device in your field of vision.]
· Boyle, J.; Maeder, A.; Boles, W., "Scene specific imaging for bionic vision implants," Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, 2003. ISPA 2003. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on , vol.1, no., pp. 423-427 Vol.1, 18-20 Sept. 2003
[ Goes into details about how a certain scene will affect vision with bionics and how to solve that problem through signal processing.]
· Nilesh Kakade, “ Bionics help for the disabled,”, February 2006 , pp.44
[Reviews all the ways bionics can help the disabled including vision]
· Justin Boyle, Antohony Maeder, Wageeh Boles, “ Scene specific imaging fro bionic vision implants,” IEEE, 2003
[They suggest image processing that is required for implants to be adjustable depending on the scene type]
· Gregg J Suaning, Nigel H Lovell, Klaus Schindhelm, Minas T Coroneo,” The bionic eye (electronic visual prosthesis): A review, ” Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 1998
[Review describes past efforts, investigate the present state of the art and indicate the obstacles that must be overcome in order to bring an electronic visual prosthesis to fruition.]
· Brendan Z Allison, Elizabeth Winter Wolpaw, Jonathan R Wolpaw. (2007) Brain–computer interface systems: progress and prospects. Expert Review of Medical Devices 4:4, 463-474
online publication date: 1-Jul-2007.
[Discusses the structure and functions of BCI systems, clarifies terminology and addresses practical applications. Progress and opportunities in the field are also identified and explicated.]
· Lotfi BMerabet, Joseph FRizzo, AlvaroPascual-Leone, EduardoFernandez. (2007) ‘Who is the ideal candidate?’: decisions and issues relating to visual neuroprosthesis development, patient testing and neuroplasticity. Journal of Neural Engineering 4:1, S130-S135
Online publication date: 1-Apr-2007.
· Normann R, Maynard E, Rousche P, Warren D, A neural interface for a conical vision prosthesis, Vision Research 39(15), pp. 2577-2587, 1999
· 121 Suaning G, Lovell N, CMOS Neurostimulation System with 100 Electrodes and Radio Frequency Telemetry, Inaugural Conference of the IEEE EMBS (Vic), Melbourne, pp.37-40, Feb 1999