Getting Started with Asset Compliance Tracking
- Overview
It is often daunting working with a new software application for the first time:
- What do I do first?
- How do I start in an ordered and coherent manner?
- How do I ensure that what I am doing now will be useful down the line?
In this short guide to getting started with ACT (brite-sparks asset compliance tracking application) we outline some of the preparatory planning that need to be undertaken before entering information into ACT.
1.1.Establishing Ground Rules
First scope the size and deployment of your asset base; this is best recorded in a spreadsheet, which as it develops will become your master spreadsheet for the ACT application. This reference spreadsheet will become a useful tool to assist you in managing the introduction of new assets and new tests into the ACT application.
1.2.Start Small and Build Up
Aim to start with a small subset of your asset base that is easily and effectively managed and once you have this working well train a small group of people to use and champion the system. Use this core group to migrate the system to other locations and users.
1.3.Open a Spreadsheetand record the following:
- First scope out your requirements what assets do you want to track in the application?
- List the assets you want to manage.
- The list should classify assets as belonging to asset classes (collections of similar assets)
- Each asset class within ACT needs to be identified by a unique three (or more) character asset class code. So identify your first asset class at AAA and the next one as AAB etc. Keep these records updated as you create more asset classes.
- Estimate the likely number of assets in each asset class. These numbers will quantify the number of labels or RFID tags that are required to identify assets within each asset class.
- The example below shows an extract from a spreadsheet, which lists assets by asset classes and the likely number of barcode labels needed to for each asset. Note only one unique RFID tag can be used per asset.
- Where in the organisation do these assets belong? The answers to these questions will identify organisational boundaries for assets and establish your organisations asset categories Typical asset categories include:
- Operational Equipment
- ITC Equipment
- Land and Buildings
- Office furniture and equipment
- Next, determine which asset class groups you want within each asset category for example within ITC equipment one could identify Computers Laptop and Computers Desktop
- Within eachAsset Class Group identify specific Asset Classes which can be used to identify specific models of computer.
- Each Asset class can further contain a series of user definable fields, so for example, for the Laptop asset class described above you could record the software installed on each laptop its processor and memory and any ancillary equipment supplied.
- Note, you are not expected to get this right from the outset you can always change your mind and reassign asset class groups and asset classes to other asset categories as your organisation changes. However, it is worth giving some thought to how you want your assets organised and what sort of views people will have on this information.
- Next, consider where these assets are to be held? Your answer to this question will indicate what containers you will need to create within the ACT system to house assets. Containers can be vehicles, rooms, floor areas or virtual locations like an asset retirement home.
- Next, consider if any of these containers contain sub containers. A vehicle may have a number of tool lockers or a store may have a number of racks. Make a list of containers which will contain sub containers
- Where are these containers likely to be located? Many of these containers will be physical entities like rooms and vehicles. The answer to this question will provide a list of locations.
- Who manufactures supplies and insures your assets? The answers to this question will provide a list of suppliers and insurers.
- Who needs to use the system and what level of access do they require, recordtheir names and access privileges.
- Who is responsible foreach asset class? Who are the budget holders responsible for replacing theseassets? The answer to these questions will provide a list of responsible people and the asset classes for which they are accountable.
- Who is responsible for testing your assets and in which areas, record their names and the areas they work.
- First Reminder: who needs to be informed when an opportunity to test or inspect assets has been missed? Record name/s and email or ACT system addresses.
- Second reminder: who needs to know when a second opportunity to test assets has been missed and these assets are approaching an out of test condition? Record name/namesemail or their ACT system address.
- Note when entering users without a brigade or organisational email address the system will generate an ACT system email address thatcan only be used within the ACT application.
- Once you have recorded the above information you can progress to setting up small pilot implementations covering one or two locations.Extend these pilots to cover progressively your whole organisation.
- Setting up ACT
2.1.Enter details of suppliers via menu item Assets>Suppliers>New Supplier, record details of the suppliers name, address, fax, phone and contact details.Where a large number of suppliers need to be entered,arrange with brite-sparks staff for a file import.
2.2.Enter locations via Setup>Locations, record the locations name, address, postcode,and whether this location is part of a group of locations. Locations can be groupedinto geographic or organisational clusters just type agroup descriptor into the entry box and use the same descriptor for other location in the same cluster. The ACT system will provide reports based on these clusters.
2.3.Location Access Codes: use the Access control tools to set up location access code. Note the use of locations name to establish a location code within the ACT system.
2.4.Location Passwords: enter location passwords via the password maintenance tools see Setup >Access Control. Passwords these need to be established for locations that you will use within ACT
2.5.Record staff via Setup>Access Control>Staff Login, use this method to record small numbers of staff. Where large numbers of staff need to be entered, arrange with brite-sparks for a file import.
2.6.Note the auto generation of ACT system email identities for staff without organisational or personal email addresses where a location email address has been established and personnel are identified with locations.
2.7.Establish which asset categories you wish to establish for the trial enter details via Setup>Tools> Asset Category
2.8.Enter details of Asset Class Groups within a selected Asset Category. Enter a three or 4-character code to identify each asset class group plus a description.
- Asset Class Setup
- Enter a new Asset Class via Setup>Asset Class Setup> Asset Class. Clicking new will open an Asset Class entry pane where you can enter details of the new asset class.
- Select Staff. From the Pull down list, select the member of staff responsible for this asset class.
- Select the Asset category and asset class group to which this asset class will belong
- Enter a three or four character asset class code to identify this new asset class.
- Enter a descriptive description to portray this new asset class.
- Indicate whether this asset class is to be a physical or virtual asset class. Examples of virtual asset classes include off run containers (areas of floor marked with a barcode or RFID tag into which assets are scanned,asset retirement homes and virtual stores. These virtual entities are useful if you want to move assets from a physical location en masse before physically moving them.
3.2.Assets in Limbo
3.2.1.The limbo day’s value sets the time limit an asset from within a class can be missing before it is deemed lost. Assets are deemed missing if they have been uploaded from a container and are subsequently not uploaded from the same container or from any other container. Assets are deemed lost when they exceed the limbo limit.
3.3.General Asset Defaults
This following section of the form is used to record asset life expectancy, inflation, and storage rates specific to the asset class plus details of manufacturers, suppliers and insurers.
3.3.1.Asserting the activate asset class default flag populatesall assets created with the default information entered at this time. The subsequentediting of an asset class description and asserting the asset class defaults flag will not overwrite existing asset details within the class. See also related asset copy and clone tools.
3.3.2.The Inflation escalator is a percentage value, which is used to projectbudget forecasts for the replacement of assets. Entering five will increment the replacement costs of assets within this class by 5% annually. However, it is probably best to apply generic inflation values within the financial features of ACT and only use this feature when you wish to record an unusually high inflation rate for assets from this specific asset class.
3.3.3.Off line, storage charges are the daily costs of storing assets from this class. For example, vaccines that require refrigeration will have a daily incremental storage charge, this incrementing charge should be based on some % of the value of the asset
3.3.4.Static testing cycle has been superseded and will be removed in a future update.
3.3.5.Total care applies is a way to record that assets from this class are hired via a total care package.
3.3.6.Expected life, enter the anticipated working life of assets into this box. Expected life is used for projecting replacement quantities and costs within ACT’s financial reporting facilities.
3.3.7.Expected Life unitsare entered as years, months, or days.
3.3.8.Details of manufacturer, supplier and insurer are entered into the next three panes via list box displays. Note the use of the shift and first letter of the suppliers name will speed you to required area of the list.
3.3.9.The asset category pane will be moving to the top of the form so that users can select to create an asset class within an Asset Category>Asset Class Group.
3.4.Financial Defaults
This panel is used to record financial defaults for all assets created within the asset class; note you can vary specific assets costings by individually editing these fields within their specific asset cards.
3.4.1.Purchase price. Enter the purchase price, the default purchase date, and other relevant financial information for assets within this class into the relevant fields. If you do not have, the information leave the field blank. Note the copy and clone tools can be used to write the above information to existing assets within an asset class. See copy and clone tool in Asset Card section.
3.4.2.Container storage costs, if the new asset class represents a container, like a store or an incident unit, or if you are configuring a process asset class where items are scanned into and out of a process. (An example would be tocheck and recharge breathing Apparatus Canisters or to clean and lubricate cutting equipment) then you should consider applying a container charge, which will accrue to assets passing through or entering and exiting the process-container.
3.5.Container Asset classes
3.5.1.Select yes for the first entry pane if the asset class will represent a containers.
3.5.2.Select the off run and repair option if you need to have scheduled testing switched of for assets in this container.
3.5.3.Finally if the container is made up of a series of sub containers like the locker on a fire appliance, enter the number of sub containers in this box.
3.6.User Definable Fields
3.6.1.This provides means for establishing fields to record discriminatory information to distinguish assets. So for example, these fields can be used to record serial numbers, processor types, software installed etc.
- Containers
Select the location from the list box of locations where you wish to place this new container. Next selects from the displayed asset classes the asset class within which you wish to create this new container, finally enter the barcode or RFID tag numberfor this new container.
4.1.Place the barcode or tag on the container at the location and scan items into this container this will ensures that items are physically present and recoded within the container. Alternatively, use the batch move function to move assets and then instruct staff to move the items. If items are not moved physically, their position will revert to their current location when they are next scanned and uploaded.
4.2.Move container. This allows you to move a container with all its assets from one location to another.
4.3.The remaining tools within this section enable users to set a required complement for a container. This tool sets the quantity and types of assets required for a container. The system will report discrepancies from this complement after an audit upload and report which bar or RFID codes are missing.
- Installation: install PC_ACT at each location you will be using for the trial or if where you are using a Citrix based system arrange for the PC_ACT application to be installed on a local Citrix server and map your Citrix terminal locations into the ACT application.
- Local Settings: Where PC_ACT is installed locally,users will need to identify the location via the system Parameters screen note upload user name and upload password. These should match the location details entered into the Web application. Once this is done uploads will be accepted and identified as coming from this location.
5.3.Tests and Testing
Test processes can be established for any asset class and can in addition contain criteria fields for recording measurements. Users should first establish a list of generic test requirements; these may include monthly, quarterly, annual, biannual and five yearly tests. Tests are created by time interval and then applied to appropriate asset classes. Note specific test instructions and procedures should be created within a test document and associated to the test type.
5.4.Test Documents
Once a set of generic tests have been created users need to draft test procedures and upload these via the document upload tools. Documents can be associated with an asset, an asset classes, a test type or a company via the document tools section
5.5.Specific Tests
Specific tests can be created for asset classes where these are required remember the more test processes you create the more work you will have to undertake to ensure these are maintained and undertaken so try and cover as much ground as possible via the application of generic tests.
5.6.Test Notifications, Implementation Issues and Politics
Often when new systems are introduced into large and geographically widespread organisations, there will be elements within the organisation that will oppose the need to undertake tests and other processes. These elements can frustrate the process by choosing not to scan kit or only scanning some items. Where this happens stations can be informed that they have pending tests on kit that they know has been relocated to location or Station X but because Station X are not scanning their kit the system still sends notification of overdue tests to them plus it reports up the command chain that they have overdue tests.
5.6.1.System Tools
Where System administrators have the authority, they should instruct Station/location X to scan all their kit, or move the kit to the offending station via the move asset or batch process functions. A guide to which locations or stations are under scanning kit is available in the reports section of ACT.
5.6.2.More System Tools
Where systems administrators do not have the authority to order remote stations/locations to scan kit and do not have the authority to use their system tools to move kit to offending stations/locations they can create a virtual container in which testing is turned off and move kit to this virtual container. This action turns off the notification of overdue tests at the complying stations and will immediately reapply testing notification once the asset is scanned at any other location/container
- Creating Tests
Use menu item: Setup>Test Setup> Create Tests to generate a new test. The ACT application will display an entry pane that provides fields for users to enter details of the new test. A brief description of the test needs to be entered within this text box,