Lindo’s To Lindo’s 10k Run

Sunday, March 13th, 2016(Remember Daylight Savings!)

Start time: Runners 8:30am

Organized by Mid Atlantic Athletic Club & Sanctioned by Bermuda National Athletics Association

This course has not been certified.

Race Directors: Madison Brewer – Allison Schindel

Start: Lindo’s Family FoodsWarwick. Finish:Lindo’s MarketDevonshire.

Run Route: Along Middle Road through the South Road round about, continue on South Road. Left at Collectors Hill to Middle Road. Left onto Middle Road, left at Chaingate Hill, right onto Watlington Road, left onto Brighton Hill Rd and then left into Lindo’s parking lot for finish.

10K Run Prizes

1st, 2nd, 3rdand 4thMale and Female Overall; 1st & 2nd- Male & Female Junior (Over 12 and under 20), Open (20 to 39), Master (40 to 49), Senior Master (50 to 59), Veteran (60 - 64), Senior Veteran (65 -69), Experienced Veteran (70+)1stmale and female finisher of Italian Descent ALSO Top school competitor prize (school with the most number of pupils who enter either the run or walk) & Corporate Prize (Company with the most number of participants who enter either the run or walk)

Entry Deadlines & Fees

Enter online at or drop off form at Sportseller, Lindo’s Family Foods, Lindo’s Market or The Diabetes Resource Centre

Entry Deadline:Wednesday, March 9th, 2016, 5:00PM

Late Entry and Number PickupONLY on March 12th. Late Entry Fee: $55No late entry on race day

Entry Fees:Juniors: $20 (over 12 and under 20on race day) MAAC Members: $30Others: $40MAAC Gold: $7

Online entry deadline: March 11th

(Please note that $7 per entry is now payable to BNAA in lieu of BNAA Registration and is included in the fees above)


Number Pickup

Early: Horticultural Hall at the Botanical Gardens Saturday March 12th - 10:00 am to 12:30 pm

Late number pick up:Lindo’s Family FoodsWarwickSunday March 13th - 7:45 am to 8:15 am

****Goodie bags and t-shirts available at early number pickup for first 700 participants****
Part of the Race Proceeds to support Bermuda Diabetes Association

Entry Form: Please put form and fees in sealed envelope. No staples PLEASE. Checks payable to MAAC. RUNNER ENTRY

Name (please print) ______Male Female  Italian Descent: Yes  No

Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)______Age on Race Day______Company (Corporate Challenge)______

Telephone Number ______Email: ______

Day ID Number (if known) ______School (juniors only):______

I have included a registration fee of Please circle: $30(MAAC member) $40(others) $20(junior) $7(MAAC Gold)

Yes, I’ve included a donation in addition to registration fees to Bermuda Diabetes Association of $______

Emergency Contact & Phone Number

In consideration of your acceptance of this entry in the Lindo’s to Lindo’s Race, I hereby waive and release Lindo’s Market, Lindo’s Family Foods, their employees, Mid Atlantic Athletic Club and their officials, Bermuda National Athletics Association, The Bermuda Diabetes Association, Bermuda Timing Systems, race officials and other participants from claim for injuries or damages however sustained during this event.

Signed (Parent or Guardian if participant is under 18 years of age)Print Name of Guardian if participant is under 18