Minutes of the Full Council meeting of The Gorge Parish Council held on Tuesday 16th June 2009 in The Gorge Parish Council Office at 7pm.

FC/2009/102: Apologies and Attendance: Apologies were accepted from Councillor Williams and Borough Councillor Mollett. Present Councillors Osmund-Smith, Smith, Hobson, Taylor, M Swift and E Swift. Borough Councillor Lomax also attended.

FC/2009/103: Public Session: No members of the public were present.

FC/2009/104: Declaration of Interest: a. Prejudicial: None

b. Personal: None

FC/2009/105: Minutes of the full council meeting held on Tuesday 19th May 2009 and 2nd June 2009: It was RESOLVED to sign and approve the minutes of the full council meeting held on Tuesday 19th May 2009 and planning meeting held on Tuesday 2nd June 2009.

FC/2009/106: Borough Councillors: Cllrs L Lomax, T Hope and C Mollett: Borough Councillor Lomax reported that Darby Road has been closed to install sensors because there are concerns it is moving. There are problems with the retaining wall opposite the terrace in New Road. There are lots of complications which will result in the road being closed for three years. There are plans to hold a meeting with residents. Cllr Lomax has held meetings with the relevant officers regarding the management of The Stoney Hill closed waste site. She is awaiting a meeting with Environmental Health. There has been nothing found in the monitoring that was not expected. At one of her surgeries a resident of Sunniside attended to discuss the play area on Sunniside. Clerk reported Phil Heywood from Wrekin Housing Trust had mentioned proposals to do some work on the play area.

FC/2009/107: Strategy Day: update: a. Update from the day on February 28th 2009: It was RESOLVED to invite the four other councils to a cheese and wine event after the planning meeting on October 6th 2009.

FC/2009/108: Matters Arising: a. Enforcement issues reported recently. Brewery Cottage: 1. The developer now has three options, comply with the enforcement notice. Which will mean him starting again after demolishing the existing development. 2. Ignore the notice, carry on and face further action. 3. Submit a planning application for the works done. b. Art Gallery and tattoo parlour. The art gallery does not need change of use application but the tattoo parlour does. The business owner does know this. Enforcement team are investigating.

b. response from highways re problems reported. Wall on Jiggers Bank. The wall belongs to Mr Deeley.

c. Salt Box all wooden road see report some action required: Clerk has obtained prices from several places ranging from ££290-£120.50. It was RESOLVED to buy a salt box via Telford and Wrekin Council provided the price is around £100.00. It was RESOLVED to ask if The Gorge Parish Council’s name could be on the bin. The Parish Council understands it will pay for refills.

d. Gorge Connect: Clerk has written to TWC officer Charlotte Bone, who has responsibility for the Connect, A summary of the connect’s history was given. The service cannot be extended to Jackfield because of funding issues.

e. Street lighting on The Wharfage: A copy of what the columns will look like was handed around. Noted.

f. Railway line through Coalbrookdale: Clerk has emailed David Wright MP. Cllr E Swift has established his office is struggling to find out who is responsible for the works. Clerk to monitor

FC/2009/109: Reports: a. Coalbrookdale. Darby Road is closed for the installation of ground movement sensors. Clerk to find out when a speed limit will be introduced on the B4169 between Jiggers roundabout and Castlefields roundabout. Clerk to find out from TWC. The flytipping has been removed from Coach Road.

b. Coalport. The development next to Brewery Cottage has stopped however deliveries are still occurring the kerb is being damaged. Clerk to report.


c. Jackfield: Jackfield Residents Association have raised four issues: The road to the Half Moon is un adopted residents want to know why and get it re adopted and repaired. The Green Light on the Ironbridge Road is not working. The Severn Valley Way is in poor condition, it is covered in water. Traffic is still speeding along Lloyds Head. Action clerk to report.

d. Ironbridge. There is a water leak on Madeley Hill by the junction with Orchard lane . Clerk to report. The Gullies on Church Hill are again over flowing when it rains. Clerk to report.

e. Lightmoor. Development has started again including the primary school.

FC/2009/110: Financial: a. Invoices to pay: It was REOSLVED to pay the following invoices SLCC Enterprises Ltd £262.50, Madeley Print Shop £485.00, TWC £61.00, Elite calls £43.75(dd), Mrs J Madeley £668.47, Inland Revenue £362.11 and SC Pension fund £198.12.

b. Consider Grant Application from Coalbrookdale PCC. Clerk to investigate if the churchyard is closed and if so why TWC are not maintaining it.

c. Greenwood centre response to query re invoice: The committee thought the Parish Council had committed to two years. It was RESOLVED to pay the invoice of £100.00.

FC/2009/111: Planning: a. New Applications: a 1 W2009/0417MR M Mansell HLM, Land at corner of Dale End Court, Dale End, Coalbrookdale. Re building of wall damaged by flooding

Full Planning. The Gorge Parish Council has no objection to the building of the wall.

However the Gorge Parish Council would like to ensure the conservation officer is involved in agreeing the type of brick to be used to match.

2 W2009/0433 Mr P O Connor, 1 Belmont Road, Ironbridge. Erection of a two storey extension. Listed Building. The Gorge Parish Council has the same comments to make on this application as the full planning application for the same site. Comments made in response to application W2009/0414 (without the comment reporting the fact the property is listed)

2. In the Design and Access Statement may 2009 the paragraph "Approach to Design" States the

proposal will re balance the elevation by adding an extension of similar proportions. The mass of the

proposed extension is similar in size to the existing extension but not in detail ie the windows are

different, there is no chimney stack.

3. The Conservation officer must be referred to regarding this application.

4. English Heritage should also be consulted.

5. the proposed development is a major change to a listed building.

The Parish Council would like to see this application green carded because of the significance of the

building to the history of the Gorge.

3 W2009/0449 Mr & Mrs Dexter, 30 Darby Road, Coalbrookdale. Full Planning

The Gorge Parish Council has no comment to make on this particular application.

However the Parish Council has a concern about the general state of the ancient walls around the

Parish and how they are being allowed to disappear.

b. Decisions: 1 W2009/0292 Mr S Hill, Glendawn, The knowle, Jackfield

Erection of a detached double garage. Full planning

Comment 23/04/09The Gorge Parish Council has no objection to the application however in view of the fact there are mine workings on the site The Parish Council would like to ensure the stability team at the Borough Council is informed of the development.

Decision 16/06/09 Planning Permission

4. The garage shall not be used for any purpose other than those incidental to the enjoyment of a

dwelling house but not including use as living accommodation.

5. No development shall take place until an investigation of the site has been undertaken to identify the location of any untreated mineshafts which may exist on the site. The investigation shall be

undertaken in accordance with a brief which shall first be agreed in writing will the LPA and shall

include recommendations for the treatment of all mineshafts discovered. The agreed recommendations shall be I implemented in full and written evidence to confirm completion of the work provided to the LPA in accordance with eh agreed scheme.

6. Unless it can be demonstrated to the LPA that an alternative foundation would be satisfactory then the proposed development shall be constructed on a reinforced concrete raft capable of spanning 3.m and cantilevering 1.5m.


c. TWC LDF Central Telford Area Action Plan. Noted.

d. Any other urgent planning issues. None.

FC/2009/112 a. Woodside Allotments: The registering of the lease would cost £40.00 per lease and £100.00 plus VAT for doing the work. This would come out of the £6000 future projects budget. It was RESOLVED to accept this quote and use Hedleys to register the lease. The Association would like a further three actions added to the schedule four. It was RESOLVED to accept the amended Schedule Four.

1. The Gorge Parish Council will lease the site to The Woodside Allotments Association.

2.  Woodside Allotments Association will be responsible for the day to day management of the site as per the lease and Allotment Law.

3.  Woodside Allotments Association will be members of the National Association of Allotment holders and Leisure Gardeners Ltd.

4.  Woodside Allotments Association will provide The Gorge Parish Council with a quarterly report on the work of the association. The report will be completed on an agreed template provided by The Parish Council.

5.  Audited Accounts will be presented to The Gorge Parish Council annually. No later than four months after the financial year end.

6.  A representative of The Gorge Parish Council will sit on the Woodside Allotments Association Committee. The representative will be an observer and have no voting rights in matters relating to the association.

7.  The Woodside Allotments Association will have sufficient insurance to cover its assets and public liability insurance.

8.  The Association representatives will meet with The Gorge Parish Council on an annual basis.

9.  The Gorge Parish Council requires the Association to levy such rents as they see fit to cover any liabilities it has relating to the site.

10.  Plot holders will be drawn from a 5 mile radius of the Site itself .

b. Coalbrookdale project: no further information.

FC/2009/113: Ironbridge Regeneration and Borough Towns Initiative South Telford Partnership: partnership: clerk has found the possibility of a grant to open a business in a rural village it entails being filmed for a bbc programme. The grants are £100k-£400K. The partnership does have proposals for such a proposition. The idea would be to open an emporium type place selling local produce to local people. The project is ready to go it just needs funding and someone to project manage it. The pc would need to be a supporter but not organiser or project manage.

Branding Launch.

The regeneration partnership has agreed to fund paper bags with the brand logo on. The brand launch will be on the 23rd June

Fay is proposing the June and July meeting are merged on 6th July to allow me and her to work on the Christmas lights proposal and Village SOS.

FC/2009/114: Christmas lights: It was RESOLVED to hire Jackfield Band for the switch on at a cost of £250.00. this will be put towards the repayment of an interest free loan for an instrument.


FC/2009/115: STROWP: Alec has sent copies of photos of some work done and some work needed to be done. Photos were made available at the meeting.

FC/2009/116: Environmental issues. Clerk has asked if TWC has any proposals more info at meeting. Keith Slater TWC environmental maintenance officer sent suggestions for the £3000.00. He proposes work on the benches near the arches next to the bridge, purchase and install a disable picnic benches by the viewing platform and some more planting in the Jockey Bank/Bedlam Gardens. The money would be used as part of the two for one scheme and the £1500 generated will be used to do extra leaf sweeps throughout The Gorge. Clerk to inform Mr Slater of the public realm document and proposed spending around The Bridge.

FC/2009/117:WHS Festival: No update.

FC/2009/118: Parish Plan: a. The Plan is at the printers and will go out with the Gazette. Mr Pidgeon has written to Councillors again. Clerk to respond on behalf of all the Councillors stating contents had been noted.

FC/2009/119: Quality Status: Now the parish plan has been produced, the parish council can apply for quality status. Can I suggest we try to apply in September. The reason being I have to get a load of information together. After the July meeting traditionally pc work drops off . It was RESOLVED to go ahead with the application.

FC/2009/120: Correspondence: a. TW&C Parish Charter consider signing. It was RESOLVED to sign the charter.

b. Walks festival discussion session 22nd June 2009 GWC. Who would like to attend? No one was free to attend clerk to contact with information and apology.

c. Thank you from the play scheme Coalbrookdale. Noted.

d. Valley Hotel staff offering to help a community project as part of their Corporate social responsibility. Any projects? Suggest Sunniside play area.

e. minutes of the WHS Group’s meeting held on 20th May 2009. Noted.

f. Thank you letter from the Brass Band festival. Noted.

g. Secret Millionaire funding from big lottery. Noted.

FC/2009/121: Any other business: (Only items advertised should be discussed and decided upon. Items can be suggested for the next meeting). It was RESOLVED to suspend standing orders to consider the following motion. This Council regrets the way in whichTelford & Wrekin Council has recently abandoned the well established protocol for selection of deputy mayor and mayor. The protocol was introduced a number of years agoto ensure fairness to all and has greatly benefited the people of this Borough and councillors from all parties by allowing them to play a full part in civic life regardless of which party has been in power. Itnow appears to have been contravened for the sake of political expediency -to the extreme detriment of the pre-designated candidate and in so doing has caused significanthurt and distress to many, includingthe ethnic minority communities of the Borough. This Council will thereforenot participate in anycivic functions involving the current deputy mayor until this matter has been satisfactorily resolved. It was RESOLVED to accept the motion.