Gold Public Order Commander

National Gold Public Order Commanders Programme Portfolio

Gold Public Order Commander Candidate Details

Name: / Rank:
Collar Number: / Unit/Department:
Contact Details:
E-learning test for Gold Public Order Commanders / Date passed:
Gold Public Order Commanders Course / Date:
Date Occupational Competence Achieved / Date:
Date Operational Competence Achieved / Assessor’s Name: / Signature: / Date:
Operational Competence Approved / Lead Chief Officer- Name: / Signature: / Date:
Professional Registrar Updated / Date:

Once you have gained operational competence can you submit a copy of this page to () so you can be registered on the National Gold Public Order Commander's database. It is imperative that you do this as soon as your operational competency has been approved.


Gold Public Order Commander Candidate Details

In-course Assessment

Gold Public Order Commanders Assessment Criteria

In Course Appeals Procedure

Workplace Assessment - Achieving Operational Competence

Gold Public Order Commander National Occupational Standards

In-course Assessment

Assessment of the Gold Public Order Commanders Course

General Assessment Principles

  • The entire assessment process for the Gold Public Order Commanders Course has been developed so it is reliable, valid, fair and transparent for both the candidate and the assessor.
  • If you are an assessor declare whether you know any of the candidates, if you are a candidate declare if you know any of the assessors – this will attribute to making the assessment fair and unbiased.
  • The assessors’ should give no feedback or indication on performance to the candidate e.g. ‘that was fine, that was okay’ when the workstation is in session.
  • Assessors’ will read from scripts to ensure consistency for candidates from the start and to the finish of the workstations.
  • Integrity of process is important
  • Overall comments are important to give candidates’ an opportunity of knowing how and where they can develop in a given area.
  • If requested, a copy of the assessors’ feedback will be made available to the candidate for their learning folder.

Assessment Criteria
The Assessment Criteria was formulated from the Skills for Justice National Occupational Standards for Gold Public Order Commanders. Twenty Occupational Assessment Criteria have been identified from these Occupational Standards which the candidates will be assessed against on the course.
Of these 20 criteria, 7 have been identified as being essential to achieve twice throughout the assessment process. These 7 Essential Criteria can be found on the Assessment Criteria Document.
The remaining 13 Assessment Criteria have to be achieved once over the first two assessment workstations.
If any of the Essential Criteria are not achieved at all then the delegate will be deemed to have failed the course and will return to Force.
If any of the Essential Criteria is only hit once after the first two workstations, then the candidate will have a further opportunity to provide evidence of this in workstation 3 and must evidence the 7 Essential Criteria again.
The maximum score which can be achieved during workstation 1 and 2 is 40.
20 and above out of 40 – the candidate will be able to be re-assessed and an action plan will be developed for them to achieve this.
19 or below out of 40 – there will be the possibility of the candidate being re-coursed. This discussion will take place with the Course Director and Assessors.

The Assessment Process

Workstations have been designed for the Gold Public Order Commanders as


  • have high reliability because the assessment is in a controlled environment where they can be delivered with consistency, meaning results can be attributed to the candidate and not different ways different candidates are treated or assessed;
  • importantly have greater predictive validity than other forms of assessment in predicting effective performance in the target job or role;
  • have high levels of content validity through the use of realistic simulations of key tasks and issues from the target role;
  • provide candidates and assessors with an assessment which can be associated with the requirements of the target role;
  • provide a fairer, more objective and accurate assessment by using multiple different assessment exercise types and multiple trained assessors;
  • provide a transparent assessment against clearly defined criteria (competencies), which are related to effective performance in the target job.

Source: NPIA Senior Selection Pre-read 2010

All candidates will have a minimum of two workstations. Should a candidate not be competent in one of these stations they will attend another station. All candidates must achieve competence in a minimum of two stations.

Each station will be timed and lasts for different durations. The learning outcomes are listed on the assessor’s notes.

After the completion of workstations 2 and 3 the assessor may read through their notes and question the candidate to clarify any statements made by the candidates. The principles of these questions are that they are open and based on what the candidate has discussed and not areas the assessor wants to introduce. This helps to ensure the measure taken explores the candidates thinking and not the assessors. It helps to ensure the assessor does not lead the candidate by introducing things the candidate did not think of. This can be an issue in assessment because through the questioning, the candidate can possibly do far better because of the 'help' they get. This is not helpful because it is not a true measure of their knowledge and understanding.

Candidates who Fail the Process

In the event of a candidate not reaching the required standard in assessment of the workstations and subsequent questioning they will be considered ‘not yet competent’.A date will be set for a development plan to be put together with their Force Public Order Lead with the aim for them to sit further workstations after an agreed period. This agreed period must be within 3 months of the first assessment date.

Should the candidate be unsuccessful in this process they will be required to attend another course.

Any assessment of ‘not yet competent’ is based upon areas of competence lacking evidence of knowledge, understanding or ability to apply the learning.

Assessment Feedback

Upon a candidate failing the process, both oral and written feedback is provided with associated recommendations and action plans. All feedback is retained by course staff and candidates are supplied a copy should they require it, to insert into their learning portfolio.

Candidates are advised of the relevant appeals process in relation to the assessment process at their registration.

In the event of a candidate not agreeing with the assessment decision or they feel that they have been denied the opportunity for fair assessment or been subjected to unfair treatment they may appeal to the Course Director. The In Course Appeals Procedure is attached at Appendix 1.

Fair Assessment

The key to fair assessment is to be objective. In doing this it maximises the likelihood of an assessment being based on objectively observed and recorded evidence relative to defined assessment criteria. In turn, this helps assessors manage the subjective bias that exists within all of us, from inappropriately influencing the assessment.

Gold Public Order Commanders Assessment Criteria

Assessment Criteria
1 / Ensure effective systems are in place to gather and review information and intelligence about threats and risks to public order events
2 / Ensure that information and intelligence are up-to-date and kept continually under review
3 / Ensure that accurate assessments of threats and risks are carried out, including risks to the organisation
4 / Decide whether a criticial incident should be declared a ‘critical incident’ and handled as such
5 / Arrange for the update of the assessments of threats, risks and the impact on the community and organisation when necessary
6 / Use the NDM to review the strategy and resources
7 / Take timely decisions to update or vary the strategy in response to identified needs.
8 / Explain promptly any changes to the strategy and/or command structure
9 / Use the NDM to set strategic aims, objectives, parameters and policing style for the public order operation, taking into account all relevant legislation and case law
10 / Assess the impact of a public order operation on the community, individuals and stakeholders
11 / Use information, intelligence and the outcomes of threat, risk and community impact assessment to establish the need for police involvement and determine the role of the police
12 / Identify that a clear command structure is in place and agree the command protocols
13 / Review and approve the tactical plan and remain available at all times to the Silver Commander
14 / Review the resources required to meet the strategy at appropriate points
15 / Regularly review the effectiveness and resilience of the command structure and the performance of individuals within it and take timely action if they are not fully effective
16 / Ensure a communications strategy to meet the needs of all stakeholders is in place
17 / Ensure an appropriate briefing and de-briefing policy is in place for the operation
18 / Arrange the briefng of key personnel and stakeholders on the strategy, ensuring they understand their roles, the roles of others with whom they interface and the parametres in which they operate
19 / Ensure all decision, actions, options and rationale are recorded for the public order event
20 / Ensure that all individuals are dealt with in an ethical manner, recognising their needs with respect to race, diversity and human rights

Assessment Criteria Document

Student: / Assessor:
Date: / Assessor:
Day 5 Workstation ( )
Learning Outcome (1) / Competent
The Gold Public Order Commander throughout the workstation has confirmed that they have the ability to:
Command Roles and Responsibilities
Demonstrate the ability to command an operation, displaying an awareness of the needs of key stakeholders, the roles and responsibilities to be discharged within the established command structure.
Essential Assessment Criteria:Each of the criteria in this section MUST be demonstrated for successful competence of this workstation.
  1. Identify that a clear command structure is in place and agree the command protocols.

  1. Ensure that all individuals are dealt with in an ethical manner, recognising their needs with respect to race, diversity and human rights.

  1. Use information, intelligence and the outcomes of threat, risk and community impact assessment to establish the need for police involvement and determine the role of the police.

Assessment Criteria which the candidates should demonstrate the through observation:
  1. Regularly review the effectiveness and resilience of the command structure and the performance of individuals within it and take timely action if they are not fully effective.

  1. Arrange the briefing of key personnel and stakeholders on the strategy, ensuring they understand their roles, the roles of others with whom they interface and the parameters in which they operate.

Learning Outcome (2) / Competent
The Gold Public Order Commander throughout the workstation has confirmed that they have the ability to:
Recognition of Threat and Risk
Apply the NDM in accordance with ECHR, demonstrating the ability to evaluate information in order to make an appropriate assessment of threat and risk within an operation.
Essential Criteria:Each of the criteria in this section MUST be demonstrated for successful competence of this workstation.
  1. Use the National Decision Model to set strategic aims, objectives, parameters and policing style for the public order operation, taking into account all relevant legislation and case law.

Assessment Criteria which the candidates should demonstrate the through observation:
  1. Ensure effective systems are in place to gather and review information and intelligence about threats and risks to public order events.

  1. Ensure that accurate assessments of threats and risks are carried out, including risks to the organisation.

  1. Decide whether a critical incident should be declared a ‘critical incident’ and handled as such.

  1. Arrange for the update of the assessments of threats, risks and the impact on the community and organisation when necessary.

Learning Outcome (3) / Competent
The Gold Public Order Commander throughout the workstation has confirmed that they have the ability to:
Planning and Responding to an Operation
Prioritise and continually review the strategic aims and tactical parameters of an operation, engaging with and communicating key decisions to multiple stakeholders whilst maintaining appropriate records.
Essential Criteria:Each of the criteria in this section MUST be demonstrated for successful competence of this workstation.
  1. Take timely decisions to update or vary the strategy in response to identified needs.

  1. Assess the impact of a public order operation on the community, individuals and stakeholders.

Assessment Criteria which the candidates should demonstrate the through observation:
  1. Use the NDM to review the strategy and resources.

  1. Explain promptly any changes to the strategy and/or command structure.

  1. Ensure a communication strategy to meet the needs of all stakeholders is in place.

  1. Ensure all decisions, actions, options and rationale are recorded for the public order event.

  1. Ensure that information and intelligence are up-to-date and kept continually under review.

Learning Outcome (4) / Competent
The Gold Public Order Commander throughout the workstation has confirmed that they have the ability to:
Development and coordination of tactical plans
Test, assess and approve tactical plans, ensuring that they incorporate appropriate professional advice and deploy appropriate resources in light of the legal framework, the strategic aim and the specific dynamic context within which they will be deployed.
Essential Criteria:Each of the criteria in this section MUST be demonstrated for successful competence of this workstation.
  1. Review the resources required to meet the strategy at appropriate points.

Assessment Criteria which the candidates should demonstrate the through observation:
  1. Ensure an appropriate briefing and de-briefing policy is in place for the operation.

  1. Review and approve the tactical plan and remain available at all times to the Silver Commander.

Overall Comments:




In Course Appeals Procedure

The process of assessment is essential in ensuring that the National Standards are maintained and the quality requirements of the qualification are being met.

It is anticipated that the working methods adopted and the free flow of information between assessors and candidates will allow almost all differences to be resolved before formal appeals are invoked.

When a candidate has been assessed they must be informed verbally and in writing of the assessor’s decision within a reasonable time scale. When a decision of ‘not yet competent’ is made the reasons for this decision will be documented in the candidate feedback report.

In order to resolve any assessment appeals that may arise during the Assessment Process the following procedure should be applied:

Appeals against an assessment decision

Where the candidate is appealing against an assessment decision the appeals process will be as follows:

Stage 1The candidate should in the first instance discuss the matter with the Assessor, in order to reach an agreed resolution.

Stage 2Where an agreed resolution cannot be reached the candidate can refer the matter to the Course Director.

Stage 3Where no such resolution can be found, the Course Director will refer the issue to an independent member of the Command Training Team. This is the final stage of the Appeals procedure. The candidate must be made aware, in writing, of the final decision.

Signed……………………………………….Candidate. Date:………………

Signed……………………………..………..Assessor. Date:…………………

Signed………………………………………..Assessor. Date…………………

Workplace Assessment - Achieving Operational Competence

On successful completion of the course, you are deemed occupationally competent to undertake supervised work.

You must now evidence your operational competence against the Gold National Occupational Standards (NOS) which are below. This must be achieved within 12 months of successfully completing the course.

Your assessorsmust:

  • Be trained to assess through a programme that meets the requirements of the Police Sector Standard for Training of Assessors or be qualified as an Assessor
  • Be an accredited operational Gold Commander
  • Be briefed on the assessment requirements, process and documentation.

It is the responsibility of your force to support, supervise, mentor and assess this on-going development. The Force must implement an auditable period of shadowing, mentoring and structured command deployment to enable you to safely buildthe required operational competence. This process accords with the ACPO Manual of Guidance on Keeping the Peace 2010, Para 4.16

“Chief Officer’s are responsible for ensuring that individuals who pass the course and are assessed as occupationally competent are subject to a continuous professional development programme. Commanders must demonstrate themselves to be operationally competent by performing the role for which they have been trained in accordance with nationally agreed standards. A commander’s operational competence should be assessed by his or her force.”

The mentoring period must include:

  • Shadowing an operationally competent person for the role on an event.
  • Being assessed on an event (not in a shadowing role) where there was a risk to public safety, or the potential for disorder.

Once you have gained operational competence can you submit a copy of this page to () so you can be registered on the National Gold Public Order Commander's database. It is imperative that you do this as soon as your operational competency has been approved.