USD #218
February 9, 2007
The meeting started @ 7:30 a.m. in the High School Business Room.
Members present: Lorna Herrman, Terri Houtz, Nancy Crowell, Terry Wynn, Rex Richardson, Sherri Hurn, Erika Parker, DeLane Boaldin, Retta Eiland, Mike Wiegers, Diane Brown, Kim Hoskinson, & Rex Toomey.
1. Surveys: Parent surveys will be given at next weeks Parent/Teacher Conferences. We will have wireless computers set up & catch them as they come into the buildings. The principals will see to it that these are set up. Staff surveys to the faculty will be done next Friday, February 16th, on early release day. The support staff is to be informed to take theirs by the building principals by next Friday. Terri is going to inform Andy & Gene to have their employees fill one out. The students will be taking theirs next week also. Discussed how to get more out to the community. We are going to hand out flyers at the Carly Madrid benefit & then are also going to call some of the local businesses (bank, hospital, oil companies) to see if we can get their employees to fill it out. Retta is going to contact the public library to see if they can help out also.
2. New Hardware: ES lab, HS lab, & HS business lab will all be updated. Terry said the old computers would be sold & some will be moved to the HS art department.
3. New Software: All these new computers will need updated software. Terry & Nancy are going to contact Orchard & Compass to see if they will come & give a demonstration of their products. Also looking at MAPP software – which is a computerized testing software. Terry said that we need to have the plan in by May so that we can go through the bid process. ECS would also be interested in switching over to the Compass software & replace their Skills Tutor program with it. Nancy informed the committee that this is all dependent upon costs.
4. Update on Channel 40: The modulator was installed yesterday & we are in control of Channel 40. New programs are already up and running. Equipment is store in the ITV network closet in the high school.
5. We are on hold with the SOCS website. BOE will discuss it at Monday night’s board meeting & then we will proceed according to their recommendations.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00. Next meeting April 19th.