Child/ Young Person Plan For:
Date of plan:Plan Number:
The Plan Number is the actual number of the plan being completed
for this young person i.e. it could be plan no 1 or plan number 5
Is the child’s address to be kept confidential as a result of a decision of a hearing of the Children’s Panel?This area needs to be completed by deleting either yes or no ( this is an audit question) / Yes No
Core Information
Child’s Name / Please ensure spelling is correct e.g. Catherine / KathrynDate of Birth / Check the accuracy
School/nursery attended / Name of the school or the pre 5 establishment the child attends. If the child doesn’t attend any establishment just note ‘none attended’.
Reason for the assessment
Including Risk / Examples of this could be :
- Poor parenting
- Move to a child’s plan following de-escalation of Child Protection measures
- Complex health needs
- Parental drug or alcohol misuse
- Additional support needs
Is the child Looked After? / Yes or No
Is the child’s name on the Child
Protection Register? / Yes or No
Are there any legal orders affecting the child? / Yes or No
Are there any conditions or restrictions on sharing information about the child? / Yes or No - if yes what are the restrictions
Are there any restrictions or concerns about the child having contact with any person? / Yes or No - if yes what are the concerns, who is the person
Named Person
Lead Professional
Date of next review / This date should be set at the end of the planning meeting being attended
Does the child have a Co-ordinated Support Plan / Yes or No, if Yes then please attach
It is important that all areas in the parent / carer details are completed correctly, that the address is correct and that the most up to date phone number is included.
Parent details:
Parent / ParentSurname:
Tel. No.:
Where the child is not cared for by a Parent please complete.
If the child is looked after in either Kinship, Foster or Residential Care this needs to be put into this area of the plan.
Carer 1 / Carer 2Surname:
Looked after status if any
Tel. No.:
Family Members in Household and associated family members / people
Forename / Surname / DOB / Relationship to Child / Additional commentNot every child has a named or family GO. If there is no named GP please ensure that the GP practice is written in as well as the correct phone number.
GP details
Tel. No
In this area bullet points can be used if you would prefer rather than a complete narrative.How I Grow and Develop
In this area we want to be recording the facts about the child’s current situation, by using the left hand side of the triangle as a prompt
Not all areas need to be completed if there is no need
Here we want to be recording the facts about the child’s current situation again using the left hand side of the triangle as a prompt.
Not all areas need to be completed if there is no need
What I need from people who look after me
In this area we want to be recording the facts about the child’s current situation by using the right hand side of the triangle
Not all areas need to be completed if there is no need
Here we want to be recording the facts about the child’s current situation by using the right hand side of the triangle.
Not all areas need to be completed if there is no need
My wider world
In this area we want to be recording the facts about the child’s current situation using the bottom side of the triangle
Not all areas need to be completed if there is no need
Here we want to be recording the facts about the child’s current situation using the bottom side of the triangle
Not all areas need to be completed if there is no need
All sections of the assessment should carry information that is correct and up to date at the time of writing. The idea is to create a picture of what is helping or stopping this child from achieving certain goals.
AnalysisWhat does the assessment information mean for the child? Where do we go now? Whatcould we do? What should we do? What can be done?
Ensure analysis covers all 3 sides of the My World Triangle (MWT). This doesn’t mean that every domain (the clouds) is filled out only comment on relevant domains of MWT.
In this section we record our thinking on the implications and impact of the evidence we have about the child relating to all the elements included in the My World Triangle Assessment. This will help us move on to the next phase in the child’s journeyStrategies/Approaches Support strategies should relate directly to the factors outlined above and
should remove barriers to learning, risks related to care and welfare.
In this area we want to detail what we are doing to help get the child moving on in either the short or long term. This could be a list of what has been done for example a referral to speech and language has been made or that child should be allowed access to a time out area when stressed ( there are lots of examples ) .The information in this area can be very directive and address general issues in learning, social understanding as well as health and wellbeing issues.
Usually last a year. They should clearly link to the evaluation and analysis information and should be an outcome for the child or young person. Everyone who supports the
child /young person must refer to these. Highlight the relevant WBIs. Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected & responsible, Included
Desired Outcome 1 S H A N A R R I (Highlight WBIs) / Completeby date / Success Criteria
Outcomes are specific changes, benefits, learning and effects that actually happen or are expected to happen as a result of our action and interventions. They should always be related to specific WBI’s. For example:
Safe: Katy is free from exposure to physical abuse and violence within the home
Healthy: Ryan has a strong loving attachment to his primary carer
They can be expressed using terms like ‘engages in education’, ‘is less anxious’, ‘is more confident’, ‘maintains positive relationships’, ‘feels safe and secure in school’. It is often useful to write them in the present tense / These are the steps that help a child achieve an outcome. Success criteria describe what success looks like when a step leading to an outcome is reached.
They are specific and measurable. They allow a child to know they have achieved a step towards their desired outcome.
Success criteria help partners to the plan decide whether the desired outcome has been achieved.
Actions / Interventions / By Whom / Achieved by date / Evaluation
This is a description of what partners to the plan have to do to help secure an outcome. Actions and interventions will allow partners to the plan to take things forward which help progress towards the outcome. / This is the name of the person taking forward the action. / This is a date / This is where we note our method of evaluation AND at review what our evaluation is.
How we evaluate the action
- Parent / Child / Young Person report
- Observations of child/ young person
- Teacher feedback
Desired Outcome 2 S H A N A R R I (Highlight WBIs) / Complete
by date / Success Criteria
Actions / Interventions / By Whom / Achieved by date / Evaluation
Desired Outcome 3 S H A N A R R I (Highlight WBIs) / Complete
by date / Success Criteria
Actions / Interventions / By Whom / Achieved by date / Evaluation
View of Child/Young Person (appropriate to the age and ability of the child/young person and with assistance if needed)
It is important that the child’s views are recorded no matter what their age and stage. Very young children can express themselves in other ways if they are not vocalising. Children and young people who can express themselves should have their own words written down. Remember, it might not always be positive.View of Parents/ Carers (should include view of the plan and how they expect to be involved)
It is important that this area is filled out accurately by staff following the plan being viewed by the parents or carers.Date Completed:
To be filled out on the day when the views of the Child/ Young Person/ Parent are expressed
This should be filled out by the relevant people and partners to the plan.
Name: / Title: / Contact details:Partners to the Plan (People responsible for implementing plan)
Name / Title / Contact DetailsReviewof Childs Plan
This is a guide/prompt to assist in reviewing the existing plan and developing the next version of the plan.
Have outcomes been met?Have actions been completed?
What is the child/young person’s view of progress?
What is the parent/carer’s view of progress?
What worked well ?
What could we do better
Further outcomes should be detailed in the New Child’s Plan