MPS Master
SECTION 12 35 53
A.Section Includes:
1.Provide prefabricated wood veneer faced laboratory casework and related accessories noted on Drawings.
2.Provide wood filler panels, scribe strips, and trim required for a complete installation.
3.Provide epoxy resin countertops and related epoxy resin sinks, backsplash, and endsplash on wood laboratory casework.
4.Provide Project site constructed wood sub bases for support of floor mounted cabinet units as specified in Part 3 of this Section.
5.Provide accessory materials related to wood laboratory casework as specified in this Section.
6.Provide motorized ceiling mounted visual aid mirrors and related hanging devices, anchorage devices, and hardware.
7.Provide hardware required to install casework and related items.
8.Provisions Related to Mechanical Systems to be Built Into Casework:
a.Provide openings required to allow for fixtures and other mechanical related components to be built into, on, or through casework, countertops, and backsplash. Coordinate size and location of openings with Mechanical Contractor.
b.Provide access panels in casework if needed to allow access to concealed mechanical components. Coordinate the need for access panels and their sizes and locations with Mechanical Contractor as approved by Architect.
9.Provisions Related to Electrical and Communication Systems to be Built Into Casework:
a.Before start of casework manufacture and related Project site electrical installation work, coordinate with Electrical Contractor location of where electrical and communication systems will be installed in building structure in relationship to each casework unit requiring connection to them.
b.Provide openings required to allow for electrical and communication system components to be built into, on, or through casework, countertops, and backsplash.
1)Coordinate with Electrical Contractor:
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a)Size and location of holes/openings required.
b)Raceways to be constructed within casework cabinets to accommodate routing of Project site installed electrical and communication system components by Electrical Contractor.
c.Provide access panels in casework cabinets if needed to allow access to concealed electrical and communication system components. Coordinate the need for access panels and their sizes and locations with Electrical Contractor as approved by Architect.
B.Products Furnished But Not Installed Under This Section:
a.For sinks provided by this Section, furnish sink drains and plugs loose to Mechanical Contractor for installation and connection.
b.Furnish fixtures specified in this Section loose to Mechanical Contractor for installation and connection.
c.Furnish eye wash fixture(s) to be installed where indicated in countertops installed on wood laboratory base cabinet.
C.Related Work:
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1.Mechanical: After casework has been delivered, uncrated, set in place, fitted, trimmed, leveled, and anchored by casework supplier, Mechanical Contractor shall install plumbing products and make connections to service utility lines.
2.Electrical: Concurrent with casework installation, Electrical Contractor shall:
a.Provide conduit/raceways and related boxes within casework, for wiring to electrical power and communication system devices, as coordinated with casework supplier.
b.Provide wiring in conduit/raceways within casework.
c.Provide electrical and communication system devices and cover plates.
d.Provide wiring connections.
A.Design Requirements:
1.Casework to be flush overlay construction with hinged doors and drawer fronts overlaying cabinet body (ends/sides/stiles, top rail, intermediate rails, and bottom rail).
a.Conceal vertical and horizontal case shell members (stiles and rails) behind doors and drawer fronts.
2.Design of doors and drawer fronts to be square edge and square corners.
3.Within front of each cabinet and at connection to adjacent cabinets, provide not more than a 1/8 inch wide reveal between pairs of doors, between doors and drawers, between drawers, and between doors and drawers and adjacent trim and filler panels.
4.Support separate individual floor mounted casework units (cabinets), and groups of adjacent floor mounted casework units, on a separate sub base. Sub base to be continuous under all units of a group. Project site fabricate sub bases using materials furnished by casework supplier. Casework units supported by integral end panels for each individual cabinet extending down to floor are not acceptable.
5.Interior of casework units shall be flush and easily cleanable.
6.Base cabinets with double swinging doors shall provide full access to complete interior without center vertical post, unless a standard referenced casework unit has a center vertical divider or one is specifically indicated to be provided in a modified standard unit.
7.Drawers are to be modular in order to be interchangeable with similar drawers and are to be easily removable in field without the use of special tools.
8.Framed glass doors to be designed with removable glazing stop for ease of glass replacement.
9.Shelving behind closed doors to be metal shelving which is adjustable at 1 inch centers.
B.Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Design Requirements: Where specifically indicated on Architectural Drawings as "ADA", including a General Note, or included as part of casework manufacturer's referenced model number, casework units shall comply with special requirements of Federal Register Volume 56, No. 144, Rules and Regulations.
A.General Requirements: Provide submittals in accordance with Section 01 33 00.
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1.Provide 1/4" = 1' 0" plan drawings of casework layouts with elevations of casework keyed into Plans.
2.Provide 1/2" = 1' 0" or larger elevation drawings of individual units and of banks of casework units which indicate countertop and backsplash materials, utilities required, filler and closure panels, dimensions, shelving, and accessories.
3.Provide cross sections of casework, details, anchor placements, tolerances, and clearances, and location and sizes of sinks, type and location of faucets and other fixtures, and other items to be installed in, on, or through countertops and backsplashes.
4.Indicate relationship of units to surrounding walls, windows, doors, and other adjacent and affected building components.
5.Indicate countertop and backsplash materials, countertop edge profile, backsplash profile, sink cutouts, and methods of attaching and joining countertops.
6.Provide rough in utility plan drawings for coordination with trades.
7.Indicate locations of accessory equipment/appliances to be provided by Contractor.
8.Indicate locations of accessory equipment/appliances to be provided by Owner.
9.Indicate locations of accessory equipment/appliances to be furnished by Owner and installed by Contractor.
10.Indicate casework and countertop materials and construction.
11.Show cabinet-cut details and dimensions for casework and countertops.
12.Indicate epoxy resin countertops and backsplashes, include locations of sinks, fixtures, electrical/technology devices, and other items to be installed in countertops and backsplashes.
13.Indicate equipment/appliance placements and utility rough in points.
B.Product Data:
1. Specifications:
a.Submit complete specifications for products being provided which confirm products comply with requirements of Project Specifications.
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b.Highlight deviations. If no deviations are identified, it is Architect’s assumption that products are in strict accordance with specified requirements.
2.Manufacturer’s Data: Submit manufacturer’s data for each component and item of equipment and accessory specified.
1.Prior to commencing fabrication of casework, submit a sample of a base cabinet with 1 drawer, 1 door, loose top, and shelf for Architect and MPS to review. Sample shall not be less than 24” wide by 36” high. Sample to be sent to MPS Carpenter Shop and to remain until project is completed. Sample will be picked up by Fabricator upon accepted completion of the project.
D.Samples for Color Selection: For selection by Architect, submit manufacturer=s color charts and samples which show full range of colors and finishes available for each prefinished material exposed to view, to include, but not be limited to, casework, wood stain colors, work surfaces, and accessories.
A.Source Limitations: Obtain casework and related components through one source, from a single casework manufacturer, except where accessory items are specified to be manufactured by other than the casework manufacturer.
B.Product Designations on Drawings:
1.Drawings indicate casework sizes, designs, configurations, features, and certain accessories which come standard with a particular item of casework by referencing a specific manufacturer=s catalog numbers. Unless otherwise modified on Drawings or in Specifications, catalog description constitutes specific requirements for each type of cabinet.
2.Other manufacturers products not referenced, but which are approved as equivalent to manufacturer=s products referenced, are obligated to provide casework equivalent in sizes, design, configurations, features, and quality, and which include accessories comparable to those provided as a part of casework units referenced on Drawings as approved by Architect.
C.Manufacturer Qualifications: Casework manufacturer shall have, on file with Architect, evidence of not less than 5 years of experience in manufacturing products specified and in installations similar to type(s) indicated for this Project.
D.Installer Qualifications:
1.Direct employee of casework manufacturer, direct employee of local authorized casework dealer, or installer approved by casework manufacturer.
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2.Installers must be factory trained and certified, and shall perform installation work under the supervision of manufacturer's representative.
3.Installer, if not directly employed by casework manufacturer or local authorized casework dealer but is approved by them as an installer, shall warranty casework installation for same duration as warranty provided by casework manufacturer.
E.Regulatory Requirements:
1.Work and materials shall meet requirements of authorities having jurisdiction.
2.Provide products meeting governing VOC requirements.
F.Manufacturer Qualifications: Casework manufacturer shall have on file with Architect, evidence of not less than 5 years' experience and installations for similar type of project including evidence of financial stability, plant facilities, catalogs, and specifications.
G.Installer Qualifications: Direct employee of casework manufacturer or installer certified/authorized by manufacturer as an acceptable installer under the supervision of manufacturer's representative.
H.Regulatory Requirements: Work and materials shall meet requirements of authorities having jurisdiction.
1.Provide products meeting governing VOC requirements.
1.Schedule delivery of casework and equipment so that spaces to receive casework are sufficiently complete, environmental requirements have been met, and after sufficient time has been allowed to condition casework to environmental conditions of installation area before beginning installation.
2.Protect casework during transit and reject casework damaged in transit.
B.Off Site Storage: If storage of casework is required, store casework under cover in a ventilated building, not exposed to extreme temperature and humidity changes, at conditions similar to those that will be in Project areas where units will be installed.
A.Environmental Requirements: Do not deliver casework until following conditions have been met:
1.Exterior windows and doors are installed and building is enclosed, secure, and weathertight.
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2.Wet work such as concrete, masonry, drywall finishing, and plaster is complete and dry.
3.Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are operating and will maintain temperature and relative humidity levels intended for Owner occupancy during remainder of construction period.
4.Ceilings and overhead mechanical and electrical work have been installed.
5.Painting is complete.
B.Field Dimensions:
1.Casework supplier shall be responsible for details and dimensions which are controlled by site conditions and shall indicate, on Shop Drawings, required field dimensions beyond supplier’s control.
2.Casework supplier shall coordinate with other working trades to establish and maintain field dimensions.
3.Verify that each casework item will be capable of passing through building openings and arriving at designated installation location. Indicate recommended changes on Shop Drawings for items too large for passage.
4.Provide fillers and scribes to allow for Project site trimming and fitting.
C.Field Measurements for Countertops:
1.Verify dimensions of countertops by field measurements after base cabinets are installed, but before countertop fabrication is complete.
2.Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delaying Work.
A.Coordination: Coordinate layout and installation of blocking and reinforcement required in steel stud framed walls/partitions for attachment and support of casework.
A.Acceptable Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents, acceptable manufacturers are as follows or Owner approved equal:
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1.Basis of Design Product: Requirements of these Specifications are based on casework meeting the design, quality of materials, sizes, configurations, features, workmanship, and function of the casework specified and implied by reference to the following manufacturer and product, and as shown on Drawings, regardless of alternative or approved manufacturer’s “product standards”, unless approved by Architect, in writing, prior to bidding:
a.Hamilton Scientific LLC
2.Alternative Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with specified requirements and standards established by Basis of Design product, the following manufacturers are acceptable or others Owner approved equal:
a.Kewaunee Scientific Corporation
c.Diversified Woodcrafts, Inc.
d.Sheldon Laboratory Systems, Inc.
B.Cabinet Designations on Drawings: Drawings refer to catalog numbers of Hamilton Scientific LLC which are used to describe design, shape, size, and quality of casework desired.
1.Casework manufacturers shall inform Architect, in writing, of deviations of materials or equipment specified or indicated on Drawings.
2.Request for written approval of deviations must be received by Architect not less than 7 days prior to Bid Date.
A.Hardwood Lumber:
a.Clean and free of defects.
b.Kiln dried to uniform moisture content of 6 percent.
2.Exposed Material: Northern Red Oak, plain sawn, to match exposed plywood veneer. Oak to be Grade 1 minimum.
a.Appalachian and Southern Red Oak are not acceptable.
3.Semi Exposed Material: Select hardwood.
4.Concealed Material: Sound hardwood, of species suitable for intended purpose.
B.Plywood Face Veneer:
1.Exposed Surfaces:
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a.Plain sliced Northern Red Oak veneer, Grade A, selected from golden wheat color and narrow hearts of no more than 5 inches.
b.No split hearts are acceptable; book matched only.
c.Appalachian and Southern Red Oak veneers are not acceptable.
2.Semi Exposed:
a.Same species as specified for exposed face veneer, Grade 2.
b.Birch, poplar or other hardwoods or softwoods are not acceptable.
3.Use for exposed hardwood plywood at laboratory casework exteriors, including at exposed backs, ends, and underside of upper cabinets.
C.Plywood Core:
1.Cabinet body to be 7 ply, 3/4 inch thick, and 9 ply, 1 inch thick, veneer core plywood with cross and face plies bonded with Type II water resistant glue.
2.Drawers to be 9 ply, 1/2 inch thick.
3.Use of 5 ply plywood is not acceptable for cabinet construction.
D.Welded Fiber Board: Wood fibers and resin binder formed under head and pressure, in thicknesses specified. Impregnate tempered fiber board with tempering liquid polymerized by baking.
E.Edgebanding: 3mm hardwood, of same species as exposed plywood face veneers and hardwood lumber.
F.Glass: Tempered safety glass with no imperfections or marred surfaces.
1.7/32 Inches for Tall Cabinets and Unframed Wall Cabinet Doors
2.1/8 Inch for Framed Wall Cabinet Doors
1.Laminating: Type II Water Resistant
2.Assembly: Type III Water Resistant
A.Epoxy Resin Countertops:
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1.Subject to compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents, acceptable manufacturers are as follows or Owner approved equal:
a.Durcon, Inc.
b.Hamilton Scientific LLC
c.Kewaunee Scientific Corporation
a.Molded from modified epoxy resin which is compounded and cured to provide optimum physical and chemical resistance.
b.Uniform mixture throughout full thickness which is not dependent on a surface coating for chemical or stain resistance.
c.Non-glaring black finish.
d.Top to be [1] [1 1/4] inch thick with drip groove on overhanging edges.
e.Exposed corners and edges rounded to a minimum 1/4 inch radius.
3.Backsplash and Endsplash:
a.4 inches high, unless otherwise indicated on Drawings, of same material as adjacent countertop.
b.Provide endsplash where a cabinet is adjacent to a wall or taller cabinet.
a.Provide openings in countertops required for sinks, plumbing fixtures, and other accessories to be installed in countertops.
b.Openings to be smooth and uniform, without saw marks.
c.Top edge to have a uniform radium of approximately 1/8 inch.
d.Provide manufacturer’s standard edge profile for lipped sinks.
e.Bottom edge of openings to be finished smooth, with edge broken to prevent sharpness.
f.Radius corners of opening, if necessary, to accommodate item to be installed.
2.04 SINKS
A.Built-In Epoxy Resin Lipped Sinks:
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1.Acceptable Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements of the Contract Documents, acceptable manufacturers are as follows or Owner approved equal:
a.Durcon, Inc.
b.Hamilton Scientific LLC
c.Kewaunee Scientific Corporation
a.Sink Bowls:
1)Molded modified epoxy resin, cast in 1 piece, with lip so when sink is installed into recess in epoxy resin countertop the top surfaces of sink and countertop are flush.
2)Provide coved corners between sides and between sides and bottom of sink bowl.
3)Factory install epoxy resin in joint between sink lip and countertop to provide a smooth and undetectable transition between sink and countertop.
4)Sink Bowl Sizes: Indicated on Drawings.