CASC Ontario Council
March 23, 2012 (teleconference)
PRESENT: Mike Chow(SW), Dan Moulton(NE), Janice Neal(OC), Marvin Shank(SW - PPC), Merv Wilson(NW), Ciaran McKenna - chair(SW), Rebekah Hackbush – vice chair(NE), Kathy Edmison - treasurer(OC - PPC), Cindy Elkerton - secretary(OC).
REGRETS:Robert Mundle(NE - PPC)
- Meeting called to order by Ciaran at 1:04 PM.
- Agenda – accepted with no additions/changes
- January minutes – accepted with corrections to item7 to add the word “approximately” before 400 and add “in 2011” at the end of that sentence. Also add the word “approximately” before 460 after Action in item 7.
M/S: Mike/Marvin: that the minutes of February 17, 2012 be adopted as circulated with the above noted corrections. Carried.
- Welcome 3rd OCR rep (Janice) and 3rd ONE rep (Dan), Council pleased to have Janice and Dan on board and look forward to working together.
- Financial report / Budget – Kathy reported that to date there is no change in our bank balance of $3676.84. There has been no activity on the account. Some miscellaneous expenses come up and receipt can be submitted to Kathy for reimbursement. Kathy brought up the question of a budget for CASC Ontario Council but finds it difficult to create a budget without a spending history and would need to know what our expenses are. Kathy has asked us to think about what our costs might be. In the fall of 2012 we may be better able to look at this. Council agreed with this process. There was a reminder about the Coalition costs that are paid yearly.
- Sending out Recruitment letter to Non-CASCers. Mike reported that he made a few minor changes to the letter and the Council agreed that it is well written and ready to be sent out. Mike wondered about adding a Q&A brochure, Council decided to wait until after Sydney to create the Q&A. Regarding the list of who will receive this letter, a subgroup will be formed to create a distribution list. Council suggested we also email it to Ontario members so they can distribute to their immediate community. Dan is in Sudbury and raises the issue of small, northern towns possibly not being interested in CASC membership and they may not even join the College; hard to get people up there. These are questions we will continue to grapple with.
Action: Mike and a subgroup will create a distribution list and inform us in May so that we can send it out in May 2012.
- Update about CASC ON Council’s Chat with the Presidents. Ciaran, Marvin and Cindy reported back to Council about their teleconference conversation on Wednesday March 21st with Brian Walton and Doug Kellough. They were very open to hearing from us and open to the changes happening in Ontario. They are aware that members could chose to leave CASC but that we are making efforts to remind members of the benefits of CASC membership as well as inviting non-members to join CASC. They seemed open to new categories of membership and possible ‘membership fees cost breaks’ and having a CASC Ontario Administrator in Ontario. We currently have a PPC representative from each Ontario Region on the CASC ON Council and on the National Professional Practice Commission as one form of reporting and they welcomed a more clearly defined relationship between the Board and the CASC ON Council Chair; possibly involving 2 written reports per year and a verbal report once a year at Board meetings held before the Annual Conference. Mentioning a “dotted line” be added on the Organisational Structure between CASC ON Council and CASC Board.
Action: Ciaran will meet with Board on Wednesday, April 18th and then report to Council at our next meeting.
- Funding
- Marvin’s letter about funding and the revision of the distribution structure of membership fees. Council found the letter helpful and clear. Council believes the 60%/40% is fair but we need to know how many Ontario members there really are to know the full impact of this change. There is some concern about the timing of this letter since we are not clear about our Council’s reporting structure. Perhaps we wait until Spring 2013 in Ottawa however if the Board asks, we should be transparent about our intentions. Concern was raised that the Council may not have authority to make this step at all and that it may be the Regional Executives or Regional members. . Perhaps the request needs to come from the Regional Chairs, (written by Marvin).
Action: Hold it off the table until 2013 AGM.
Action: Whenever we decide to send this letter, it must come from the regional executives. The Council must go to their regions (executive and members) to discuss then have the executives and/or members decide and act on this proposal for transfer fund revision.
8.2.What about the $50 voluntary fee from Ontario members? It’s on the form for 2012 renewal, we should assess if we want it on the 2013 membership form. Perhaps we need a mandatory fee of $50 or some lesser amount. Perhaps mandatory for certified members only.
Action: Let’s continue to think about this and keep it on the agenda.
8.3.College Development $3000 from National Professional Practice Commission for each region – SW, NE and OC regions have all moved ahead with this in the form of a letter to the Professional Practice Commission. Will it be decided at the April PPC meetings?
Action: The 3 members of the Council who are also the PPC reps will report on the status of these requests at the May meeting.
8.4.Merv’s update about Ontario’s share from the Manitoba Ont NW region. Manitoba will not make a request to the PPC for this money as they feel that NW will be the responsibility of Ontario in a few weeks.
8.5.Staff person in Ontario – what would the funding look like.
Action: We will keep this on the agenda for further exploration. Marvin will collaborate with Bob to put together a mock role description to help Ontario members, when the time comes, to understand why we are proposing thisCASC ON Executive Administrator staff person in Ontario.
- Scopes of Practice and Professional Designation, adding our input before the PPC meetings. Marvin spoke with Bob Bond and his concern is that the PPC felt that that which does not concern our members should not be included in the Scopes of Practice but Bob felt that the document should include material about non-CASC members. We do not know where this document is now, since Fall 2011.
Action: PPC reps will hear more at the PPC about this document and then report back to the Council with anymore information they discover.
- The Ontario College Development workshop by Marvinat the 2012 Conference.
Action: Marvin will continue to keep us in the loop about his workshop.
- Council’s CASC ON Council’s goals for meeting with Ontario members at the Conference in Sydney (Thursday from 3:30-5:30pm – see new schedule).
Action: Cindy will put the agenda together and send it to the Council to review.
Action: We require a laptop, projector, screen, handouts, the MAP, the agenda.
- Succession planning - Can the current members stagger leaving the council so history and experience is maintained? Should a change be added to the Terms of Reference? Ciaran and Cindy met to have a look at the Terms of Reference with regard to this concern. There were three points. First, we could change the Terms of Reference to add a Past Chair to have more continuity of leadership and second, we can invite current members who if they are willing to stay on the Council longer, and third, who are those folks in our regions that would bring energy and creativity to this, not a last minute thing but proactive thought and invitations. Also a concern was raisedabout the Northwest representative after Mervhas completed his term.
Action: Council will continue to work on this and a motion can be put forward in May.
- Parking lot
- Feedback from Ciaran’s letter from John Parks. Ciaran got green light from John to bring his questions to the gathering in Sydney.
- Partnerships with OMC or others groups in Ontario, to reach all those doing Spiritual Care and Counselling, perhaps hold joint gatherings
Action:Subcommittee could pick up the dropped meetings with OMC. Let’s take this to the membership in Sydney to see if some members may want to take part in this.
13.3.Ontario Member’s Gathering in “Spring” to help members prepare for College Registration.
Action:Keep on hold in parking lot.
- NEXT MEETINGS:April 18 in Sydney @ 12noon and 5pm in order that as many of us may meet as possible between those two times. (Meet at the front desk)
June TBD
July TBD
August TBD
September TBD
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