Conference Update


This will be the last Conference Newsletter before the event.

We are in the final stages of planning, and we’d like to bring you up-to-date, so that you will be well prepared as you drive up at Muresk on Monday afternoon, July 25, the Lord willing.

We thank Him for the good progress He has allowed us in planning for this Conference, and we look forward to a successful, stimulating and enjoyable event, in His presence, and surrounded by His blessing.

In this newsletter you will find:

•Maps and instructions on how to get to Muresk Institute

•An up-to-date conference programme

•A site map of the conference venue

•Information and requests concerning:


Sleeping arrangements


What you should bring along

Other assorted bits and pieces

•Workshop group allocations

What you should bring along:

•Bible and Book of Praise

•Personal Stationery. A conference wallet with some stationery will be provided

•Personal Toiletries. Towels and bed linen will be provided.

•Warm clothing. We are planning an outdoor activity for Tuesday. Besides, winter nights in the Wheatbelt can be very cold.

Travel to Muresk:

Maps and instructions on how to get to Muresk and directions are attached. Please count ondriving timesas follows:

•1 hour 30 minutes from Armadale.

•1 hour 45 minutes from Baldivis

•3 hours from Bunbury

•5 hours from Albany

We are trying to arrange the use of one of JCCC’s buses from Armadale to Muresk. If the bus is available, Launceston colleagues that need it will have priority; the remaining seats will allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Further details will follow shortly.

Arrival and Registration:

When you get to Muresk, please park in the main visitors’ parking area, and proceed to the “Main Hall” for registration and a cup of coffee (see site map, attached). From there, you will shown to your assigned sleeping area. The first meal is due to begin at 5.30pm; please be sure to be settled by then (We are aware that some of JCCC’s senior staff may unavoidably arrive late. You will be taken care of properly).

The Venue: Muresk Agricultural College.

Those of you who were at the (otherwise highly successful!) conference at Kobeelya in 2008 will notice that the standard of facilitiesthis time is significantly better. There will be a few Muresk students on campus while we are there, but for the most part the facilities are ours to use.

Sleeping Arrangements:

Most participants will be sleeping in single rooms (yes, really!) in the main dormitory buildings (see site map).

There are sufficient doubles for married couples as per their requests. Shared rooms are available to those who asked for them. To the ladies who requested the shared use of one of the houses: Yes, you’re in luck!

There is plenty of sleeping accommodation, but some of it is reserved for students already on campus. So we ask for your cooperation in taking the place allocated to you.

Bed linen, blankets and a towel will be provided. Rooms are well-heated – you should not need to bring an extra doona or sleeping bag.

Showers and Ablutions:

Well-appointed shower/ablution areas are located in all the dormitory buildings and other accommodation areas, and disabled access has been provided.

There has been even less rain in country areas than in the major centres. You are asked, therefore, to keep your showers short.


All meals, as well as morning and afternoon coffee/tea will be provided. There will be a choice of meals for lunch and dinner. Thank you to everyone who let us know about special dietary requests. They will be accommodated.

All meals will be taken in the Main Dining Hall in the Homestead Building (see map).

The Conference Programme:

We are pleased to let you know that br Len Van Burgel, who recently retired after more than 30 years in the FRSA Board, has agreed to open the Conference. We are especially glad to welcome Len and his wife, in recognition of his long and faithful service to the cause of Reformed education, and of his support for the JCS conferences over the decades.

An up-to-date Conference Programme is attached. A detailed day-by-day and session-by-session programme will be provided at the Conference. A few points to note:

•After arrival and registration, the proceedings will begin with an evening meal in the ‘Homestead’ dining hall (see map), commencing with shared devotions at 5.30pm.

•The formal opening of the Conference will take place soon after that, commencing at 7.00pm in the Auditorium (see site map).

•There will be joint devotions before all meals and at the end of each day. Please ensure you are present in time. Provision of free time has been madeat certain points of the day, allowing everyone the opportunity for private devotions as per your own preferred practice.

•The Muresk Campus is fairly spread out. You will need to use your site map, and it would be advantageous to get to know the lie of the land soon after you arrive. Please be sure to allow enough time to reach the meeting areas, especially the elective workshops. And please make an effort to be at your appointed place at the appointed time. It’s important that the various sessions get underway on time, with a minimum of late tricklers-in.

•It was originally our intention to wrap up the conference with a meal after the formal close. In view of the travel time required, and the fact that many participants will be expected to teach the next day, it seemed better simply to close the conference around 5pm, after which everyone is free to go home. So the meal at the end has been cancelled.

Workshop Allocations:

Also attached to this Newsletter are the workshop allocations for the afternoon and evening workshop sessions.

Please be aware that we had to make some significant changes to the workshop programme. We’ve done our best to accommodate your preferences, and on the whole, we’ve succeeded; some of you, however, had to be allocated to a second choice.

Please check your allocations straight away. Please let us know immediately if you’ve been missed out, or if we’ve made a mistake.


Any questions or problems: Please contact us at . We’ll do our best to help.

And to everyone who has contributed towards the success of this conference: Thank you very, very much! We’re looking forward to a great conference – as good as any we’ve had!

On behalf of the Conference Planning Committee, have a great holiday, and we’ll see you, the Lord willing, at Muresk.

Aart Plug



Conference Programme:

Monday 25th July / Tuesday 26th July / Wednesday 27th July
7.30am / Breakfast / Breakfast
8.45am / Morning Devotions / Morning Devotions
9.00am / 2nd Keynote – Harry Moes
Excellence in Teaching
Start Group Discussions / Major Workshops
Harry Moes:
Excellence in Teaching / Inge De Visser:
Know What You are Doing
10.30 am / Morning Coffee / Morning Coffee
11.00am / Keynotes:
Group & Plenary Discussion / Alwyn Terpstra:
Finding Your Way with Atlas / Dini Plug:
Art and Special Education
12.30pm / Lunch / Lunch
1.30pm / Elective Workshop 1 (90 min) / Elective Workshop3 (60 min)
2.30pm / Afternoon Tea
3.00pm / Organized Social Activity / Elective Workshop 4 (60 min)
4.00pm / Arrival & Registration / Reflection and Wrap-up
Conference Close
5.30pm / Dinner
6.00pm / Dinner
7.00pm / Welcome & Opening
7.30pm / Keynote Address – Inge de Visser
Ten Advices for Teachers / Elective Workshop 2 (60min)
8.30pm / Close of Day Devotions / Close of Day Devotions


Elective Workshop Sessions:

Workshop 1: Tuesday Afternoon 1.30 - 3.00pm (90 min)
Is the grass still green at night? Teaching Science in Early Childhood
Louise VanderLecq / The Power of Imagination:
iMovie in the Classroom
Jack Swarts / Professional presentations
Ruurd Offringa / Bible Story Telling
Antoon Breen / Teaching Resources
for ECE and Special Needs
Modern Teaching Aids
  1. Evelyn Bruning
  2. Tim deVos
  3. Yvonne Fokkema
  4. Ian ‘tHart
  5. Dinkie Harris
  6. Heidi Muilenburg
  7. Jolanda Mulder
  8. Caroline Sibum
  9. Michelle Spriensma
  10. Naedene Terpstra
  11. Ina VanderLaan
  12. Lisa VanderLecq
  13. Laurence VanderPlas
  14. Alyssa Veenendaal
  15. Johanna Veltkamp
  16. Renske Veltkamp
  17. Tanya Wielstra
  1. Justin Bolhuis
  2. Ian Bosman
  3. Gerrit Brouwer
  4. Daniel Coote
  5. Melinda DeHaan
  6. Eric Dekker
  7. Jack DenBoer
  8. Gordon DeSnoo
  9. Irene Eilander
  10. Bruce ‘tHart
  11. Phil Houweling
  12. Steve Houweling
  1. Bruce Huizinga
  2. Jeanette Janssen
  3. Ben Kramer
  4. Tim Kramer
  5. Murray Plug
  6. Sue Plug
  7. Bud Schoof
  8. Chris Steenhof
  9. Alwyn Terpstra
  10. Sharene Terpstra
  11. Liz VanderLinde
  12. Katie Wagenaar
  1. Hillie Bron
  2. Heather Bolhuis
  3. Derek Brown
  4. Kara Dekker
  5. Gerrit Groenewold
  6. Delroy Hordyk
  7. Bruce Huizinga
  8. Eddy Louw
  9. Geraldine Plug
  10. Siena Postmus
  11. Elsina Ten Haaf
  12. Jan VandenDolder
  13. Hans VanderLinde
  14. Jake VanderLinden
  15. Siebe VanDijk
  16. Andrew Vermeulen
  17. Janette Wells
  18. Pete Witten
  1. Carlien Bosman
  2. Jared Bruning
  3. Natasha DeBruin
  4. Jessica DeJonge
  5. Sean Eikelboom
  6. Cassie Hart
  7. Dina ‘tHart
  8. Andrew Kroeze
  9. Rob Spyker
  10. Alice Steenhof
  11. John Steenhof
  12. Mary Terpstra
  13. Marius VanderLecq
  14. Aimee VanderSchaaf
  15. Colleen Wagenaar
  16. Zania Wesseloo
  1. Tamara Alberts
  2. Rianne Bosman
  3. Annette Bosveld
  4. Monica Bosveld
  5. Henrietta DeBruin
  6. Marissa DenBoer
  7. Hendriette Eikelboom
  8. Veronica Geurts
  9. Jo Hart
  10. Trudy Hart
  11. Tracey Jarian
  12. Janine Mulder
  13. Alby Pleiter
  14. Eleisha Pleiter
  15. Aleesa Reitsema
  16. Carmen Reitsema
  17. Grace VanderRos
  18. Cheryl Versluis

Workshop 2: Tuesday Evening 7.30 – 8.30pm (60 min)
Sing – Harmonize – Play
Geraldine Plug / Mental Maths Strategies
Renske Veltkamp / Sumptuous Sushi
Janette Wells / Australian Curriculum
Year 7-12
  1. Tamara Alberts
  2. Justin Bolhuis
  3. Jared Bruning
  4. Jessica DeJonge
  5. Kara Dekker
  6. Dinkie Harris
  7. Cassie Hart
  8. Jo Hart
  9. Tracey Jarian
  10. Aleesa Reitsema
  11. Bud Schoof
  12. Caroline Sibum
  13. Lisa VanderLecq
  14. Grace VanderRos
  15. Siebe Van Dijk
  16. Alyssa Veenendaal
  17. Johanna Veltkamp
  18. Cheryl Versluis
  19. Colleen Wagenaar
  1. Heather Bolhuis
  2. Carlien Bosman
  3. Rianne Bosman
  4. Annette Bosveld
  5. Marissa DenBoer
  6. Tim DeVos
  7. Hendriette Eikelboom
  8. Yvonne Fokkema
  9. Veronica Geurts
  10. Gerrit Groenewold
  11. Trudy Hart
  12. Delroy Hordyk
  13. Steve Houweling
  14. Andrew Kroeze
  1. Eddy Louw
  2. Janine Mulder
  3. Ruurd Offringa
  4. Alby Pleiter
  5. Murray Plug
  6. Siena Postmus
  7. Michelle Spriensma
  8. Bruce ‘tHart
  9. Ian ‘tHart
  10. Dina ‘tHart
  11. Jan VandenDolder
  12. Louise VanderLecq
  13. Marius VanderLecq
  1. Monica Bosveld
  2. Evelyn Bruning
  3. Henrietta DeBruin
  4. Natasha DeBruin
  5. Eric Dekker
  6. Ben Kramer
  7. Heidi Muilenburg
  8. Eleisha Pleiter
  9. Carmen Reitsema
  10. Mary Terpstra
  11. Alice Steenhof
  12. Jack Swarts
  13. Elsina Ten Haaf
  14. Naedene Terpstra
  15. Sharene Terpstra
  16. Ina VanderLaan
  17. Liz VanderLinde
  18. Katie Wagenaar
  19. Tanya Wielstra
/ English:
  1. Gerry Huizinga
  2. Derek Brown
  3. Melinda DeHaan
  4. Irene Eilander
  5. Sue Plug
  6. Alwyn Terpstra
  7. Aimee VanderSchaaf
  8. Chris Steenhof
/ History:
  1. Andrew Vermeulen
  2. Antoon Breen
  3. Gerrit Brouwer
  4. Phil Houweling
  5. Tim Kramer
  6. Jolanda Mulder
  7. Laurence VanderPlas
  8. Gordon DeSnoo

  1. Hans VanderLinde
  2. Ian Bosman
  3. Hillie Bron
  4. Jack Den Boer
  5. Sean Eikelboom
  6. Rob Spyker
  7. Zania Wesseloo
/ Science:
  1. Jake VanderLinden
  2. Daniel Coote
  3. Bruce Huizinga
  4. Jeanette Janssen
  5. John Steenhof
  6. Pete Witten

Elective Workshop Sessions(continued):

Workshop 3: Wednesday Afternoon 1.30 – 2.30pm (60 min)
Open Investigations
Sci-Tech / The Language of the Content Areas
Aart Plug / Brighten up your Classroom
Carmen Reitsema / Geo-Literature: Google Earth and Spatial Awareness
Laurence VanderPlas
  1. Tamara Alberts
  2. Justin Bolhuis
  3. Carlien Bosman
  4. Hillie Bron
  5. Jared Bruning
  6. Jessica DeJonge
  7. Yvonne Fokkema
  8. Gerrit Groenewold
  9. Cassie Hart
  10. Steve Houweling
  11. Bruce Huizinga
  12. Jeanette Janssen
  13. Eddy Louw
  1. Heidi Muilenburg
  2. Janine Mulder
  3. Murray Plug
  4. Michelle Spriensma
  5. Bud Schoof
  6. Chris Steenhof
  7. John Steenhof
  8. Elsina TenHaaf
  9. Sharene Terpstra
  10. Lisa Vanderlecq
  11. Marius Vanderlecq
  12. Jake VanderLinden
  13. Siebe Van Dijk
  1. Gerrit Brouwer
  2. Derek Brown
  3. Daniel Coote
  4. Hendriette Eikelboom
  5. Irene Eilander
  6. Sean Eikelboom
  7. Delroy Hordyk
  8. Gerry Huizinga
  9. Tim Kramer
  10. Ruurd Offringa
  11. Geraldine Plug
  12. Rob Spyker
  13. Alwyn Terpstra
  14. Jan VandenDolder
  15. Hans VanderLinde
  16. Liz Vanderlinde
  17. Renita Wagenaar
  18. Zania Wesseloo
  1. Heather Bolhuis
  2. Rianne Bosman
  3. Annette Bosveld
  4. Monica Bosveld
  5. Evelyn Bruning
  6. Henrietta DeBruin
  7. NatashaDeBruin
  8. Eric Dekker
  9. Marissa DenBoer
  10. Veronica Geurts
  11. Dinkie Harris
  12. Jo Hart
  13. Trudy Hart
  14. Tracey Jarian
  15. Ben Kramer
  16. Jolanda Mulder
  17. Natasha Olde
  1. Alby Pleiter
  2. Eleisha Pleiter
  3. Aleesa Reitsema
  4. Caroline Sibum
  5. Alice Steenhof
  6. Mary Terpstra
  7. Naedene Terpstra
  8. Ina VanderLaan
  9. LouiseVanderLecq
  10. Grace VanderRos
  11. Alyssa Veenendaal
  12. Joke Veltkamp
  13. Cheryl Versluis
  14. Colleen Wagenaar
  15. Katie Wagenaar
  16. Tanya Wielstra
  1. Antoon Breen
  2. Melinda DeHaan
  3. Kara Dekker
  4. Jack DenBoer
  5. Gordon De Snoo
  6. Tim DeVos
  7. Phil Houweling
  8. Siena Postmus
  9. Jack Swarts
  10. Aimee VanderSchaaf

Workshop 4: Wednesday Afternoon 3.00 – 4.00pm (60 min)
Open Investigations
Sci-Tech / Sing – Harmonize – Play
Geraldine Plug / Logos Bible Software
Ruurd Offringa / Early Literacy
Cheryl Versluis / Teaching Adolescent Boys
Gordon deSnoo / School Leaders’ Workshop
Harry Moes
  1. Tamara Alberts
  2. Justin Bolhuis
  3. Carlien Bosman
  4. Hillie Bron
  5. Jared Bruning
  6. Jessica DeJonge
  7. Yvonne Fokkema
  8. Gerrit Groenewold
  9. Cassie Hart
  10. Steve Houweling
  11. Bruce Huizinga
  12. Jeanette Janssen
  13. Eddy Louw
  1. Heidi Muilenburg
  2. Janine Mulder
  3. Michelle Spriensma
  4. Bud Schoof
  5. Chris Steenhof
  6. John Steenhof
  7. Elsina TenHaaf
  8. Sharene Terpstra
  9. Lisa Vanderlecq
  10. Marius Vanderlecq
  11. Jake VanderLinden
  12. Siebe Van Dijk
  1. Heather Bolhuis
  2. Monica Bosveld
  3. Evelyn Bruning
  4. Eric Dekker
  5. Marissa DenBoer
  6. Alby Pleiter
  7. Eleisha Pleiter
  8. Carmen Reitsema
  9. Alice Steenhof
  10. Naedene Terpstra
  11. Louise VanderLecq
  12. Ina VanderLaan
  13. Katie Wagenaar
  14. Renita Wagenaar
  15. Tanya Wielstra
  1. Gerry Huizinga
  2. Siena Postmus
  3. Jack Swarts
  4. Mary Terpstra
  5. Hans VanderLinde
  6. Liz VanderLinde
  1. Rianne Bosman
  2. Annette Bosveld
  3. Henrietta DeBruin
  4. Natasha DeBruin
  5. Kara Dekker
  6. Hendriette Eikelboom
  7. Veronica Geurts
  8. Dinkie Harris
  9. Jo Hart
  10. Trudy Hart
  11. Tracey Jarian
  12. Aleesa Reitsema
  13. Caroline Sibum
  14. Grace VanderRos
  15. Alyssa Veenendaal
  16. Johanna Veltkamp
  17. Colleen Wagenaar
  1. Derek Brown
  2. Daniel Coote
  3. Melinda DeHaan
  4. Sean Eikelboom
  5. Irene Eilander
  6. Delroy Hordyk
  7. Ben Kramer
  8. Tim Kramer
  9. Natasha Olde
  10. Rob Spyker
  11. Laurence VanderPlas
  12. Aimee VanderSchaaf
  13. Janette Wells
  14. Zania Wesseloo
  1. Antoon Breen
  2. Gerrit Brouwer
  3. Jack DenBoer
  4. Tim DeVos
  5. Phil Houweling
  6. Murray Plug
  7. Jolanda Mulder
  8. Alwyn Terpstra
  9. Jan VandenDolder

How do we get there?