EE 5351 – Syllabus – Spring 2014


Instructor: Scott R. Norr, PE Office: 154 MWAH Phone: 726-8947

Office Hours: Monday: 11-Noon, Thursday: 11-Noon – Office Schedule


Lecture Place & Time: Chem 251, MWF, 3:00 – 3:50 PM

Textbook: Siciliano, Sciavicco, Villani, Oriolo – Robotics: Modelling Planning and Control, 2009


Computer Usage: Mathematica, Matlab, or equivalent;

Assessment: Homework will be due at the beginning of lecture, 1 week from the day assigned..

One Mid-Term examination and one Final examination will be given; work must be shown to receive partial credit.

For Graduate Credit: Additional problems will be added to assigned homework. A paper will be

written on the topic of robotics and presented orally in class.

Course work will be weighted as follows: Homework: 30%, Midterm: 30%, Final Exam: 40%

WeekTopics_____ Reference______

1 Introduction, Review of Linear Algebra Chap 1, App A

2 Linear Algebra, Review of Control Theory App A, App C

3 Kinematics Chap 2

4 Kinematics, Inverse Kinematics Chap 2

5 Differential Kinematics Exam I Chap 3

6 Statics Chap 3

7 Actuators Chap 5

8 DC Servo Control and Modeling Chap 5

3/17 - 21 SPRING BREAK

9 Internal/External Sensors Chap 5

10 Dynamics Chap 7

11 Trajectory Planning Exam II Chap 4

12 Motion Control Chap 8

13 Force Control Chap 9

14 Visual Servoing/Motion Planning Chap 10,11

15 Graduate Student Presentations

5/13 Final Exam - Tuesday, May 13, 2PM-4PM

Individuals who have any disability, either permanent or temporary, which might affect their ability to perform in the class, are encouraged to inform the instructor at the start of the semester. Adaptations may be made as required to provide for equitable participation

ABET Outcomes Delivered by this Course:

a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering / c. An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs
e. An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems / k. An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice

Instructor Signature: ______Date: __January 20, 2014____

EE 5351 - Robotics and Mobile Platforms

Spring semester 2014