
A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)

People: M-

(other than writers, artists, scientists, intellectuals, saints and main political rulers)


Baldwin, A. W. (Earl of Baldwin of Bendley). The Macdonald Sisters. London: Davies, 1960. (Kipling's mother).

Euphemia Mackalzane

16th-c. Scottish noblewoman tried for witchcraft.

Pitcairn, Ancient Scottish Criminal Trials.

Billy Mackenzie

Doyle, Tom. The Glamour Chase: The Maverick Life of Billy Mackenzie. London: Bloomsbury, 1998.


Haberer, Adolphe. "Orwell, MacSpaunday and Spain." In George Orwell: A Centenary Celebration. Ed. Annette Gomis and Susana Onega. Heidelberg: Winter, 2005. 21-35.*


Ferdinand Magellan, Portugese navigator, organized the Spanish expedition which first circumnavigated the world, begun 1519; killed by natives in the Philippines.

Koelliker, Oscar. Die erste Erdumseglung durch Fernando de Magallanes. München: Piper 1908.

Silverberg, Robert. The Longest Voyage: Circumnavigators in the Age of Discovery. Ohio UP, c. 1998. (Magellan, Drake, Cavendish, Noort, Spilbergen, Schouten, Le Mair).

Thomas, Hugh. Rivers of Gold. 2003.

_____. El Imperio español: De Colón a Magallanes. Trans. Víctor Pozanco. Barcelona: Planeta, 2003.

_____. El Imperio español: De Colón a Magallanes. Trans. Víctor Pozanco. (Biblioteca Historia de España). Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2004.* Trans. of Rivers of Gold.

Maitland, Richard (1653-1695)

Fourth earl of Lauderdale. Jacobite politician.

Malatesta family

Clementini. Raccolto Istorico della Fondatione di Rimini e dell' origine e vite dei Malatesti.

Hutton. Sigismundo Malatesta.

Yriarte. Un Condottiere du XVme Siècle. (Malatesta).

"Malincha" (Doña Marina)

Humm, Maggie. "Simultaneous Translators: Zora Neale Hurston and La Malincha." In Humm, Border Traffic. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1991. 94-122.*


Krauel Heredia, Blanca. "Events Surrounding Thomas Malliard's Will, an English Merchant in Seville (1522-1523)." In SEDERI II. Ed. S. G. Fernández-Corugedo. Oviedo: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad, 1992. 157-66.

Mami, Arnauti.

Albanese renegade, corsair, captured Cervantes in the galley Sol.

Manchester (Duchess of)

Kennedy, A. L., ed. My Dear Duchess. Social and Political Letters to the Duchess of Manchester, 1858-1869. Murray, 1956.


Strachey, Lytton. Eminent Victorians. (Florence Nightingale, Cardinal Manning, Thomas Arnold). 1918.


Collis, Maurice. The Land of the Great Image, being Experiences of Friar Manrique in Arakan. Faber, 1942.

Manson, Charles

López Canales, David. "Charles Manson: La vida entre rejas del asesino más famoso." El Mundo (Papel) 16 Nov. 2016.*


Sanders, Ed. The Family: The Story of Charles Manson's Dune Buggy Attack Battalion. New York, 1971.

Manucius, Aldo (1447-1515)

Venetian printer.


Laudian, 1630s.

Maradona, Diego Armando

Argentinian football star, drug addict, supporter of populist left-wing policies

Sebreli, Juan José. Comediantes y mártires (Gardel, Maradona, Evita, Che…). 2008.

Maragall, Pasqual

Spanish politician, leader of PSC (Partit Socialista de Catalunya, federated with PSOE), president of the Generalitat de Catalunya 2004-6.

El diari del President (Pasqual Maragall)


March, Juan

Spanish businessman and tycoon, prospered under Franco régime

Societies and institutions

Fundación Juan March


Marco, Enric (1921)

Catalan leader of Spanish CNT, faked anti-Fascist activism and stay at Nazi concentration camps

Cercas, Javier. "Yo soy Enric Marco." El País 27 Dec. 2009.

_____. El impostor. Nonfiction novel. Barcelona: Penguin Random House, 2014. 3rd ed. 2015.* (Enric Marco).

Magris, Claudio. "El mentiroso que dice la verdad." (On Enric Marco).


Ich bin Enric Marco. Dir. Santiago Fillol and Lucas Vermal. Documentary. C. 2009.

Marie Antoinette

Hunt, Lynn. "The Many Bodies of Marie Antoinette." In Hunt, Eroticism and the Body Politic. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1991. 108-30.

Moberly, Charlotte Anne, and Eleanor Jourdain. [Ps. Elizabeth Morison and Frances Lamont] An Adventure. 1911. 2nd. ed. London: Macmillan, 1913. Eds. in 1924, 1931 and 1955.

_____. An Adventure. 4th ed. Ed. Joan Evans. London: faber and Faber, 1955.

_____. Les Fantômes du Trianon. Trans. Julliette and Pierre Barrucand. Preface by Jean Cocteau. Monaco: Editions du Rocher, 1959.

Nolhac, Pierre de. La Reine Marie-Antoinette. 1890.

Zweig, Stefan. Marie Antoinette: Portrait of an Average Woman. Trans. Eden and Cedar Paul. New York: Viking, 1933.

Marín, Felipe

García Landa, José Ángel. "Barracones de la muerte en Zaragoza." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 4 Feb. 2010.* (Felipe Marín, Bandera General Sanjurjo).



Mommsen, Theodor. Historia de Roma. Trans. A. García Moreno. Rev. Luis Alberto Romero; prologue by F. Fernández y González. (Grandes Obras de la Cultura). Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2005.* (Vol. III).

Marlborough (John Churchill, Duke of). See Churchill, John.

Martin, George (d. 1666)

English colonist in the Caribbean; Lord Willoughby's envoy to negotiations in Barbados, 1651; banished, moved to Surinam.

Martín de Goicoechea, Juan (1732-1806)

(Spanish Enlightenment intellectual; leading tradesman in Zaragoza, leading member of the Real Sociedad Económica Aragonesa de Amigos del País; founded an art academy).

Íñigo Martínez de Pisón

Spanish lecturer and political activist, member of the Foro Ermua.

Martínez Velasco, José

Murdered by left-wing supporters in the Spanish war.


Anglo-Norman princess, daughter of Henry I, married to Geoffrey Plantagenet, heir of Anjou.

Matin, Henry (1602-1680)

Regicide judge.

Martínez Jerez, Emilio

Molina, Eustoquio, Trinidad Pardo Ballester and Miguel Jerez Mir. "La trágica historia de la familia del político republicano Emilio Martínez Jerez." Revista del CEHGR 2 (2012): 125-44.*

Martius, Caius

Plutarch. "Life of Caius Martius," in Lives.

Mas, Arturo

Spanish politician, Convergencia Democráctica de Cataluña, Catalan nationalist, advocated Catalan independence 2012

García Landa, José Angel. "Cuanto MAS subes..." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 30 Oct. 2012.*


Moa, Pío. "Carta abierta a Artur Mas." Presente y pasado 15 Feb. 2013.*


Maurín Juliá, Joaquín

Spanish republican activist, war prisoner, survived in hiding in Jaca during the Spanish Civil War

Bonsón Aventí, Anabel. Joaquín Maurín 1896-1973: El impulso moral de hacer política. Huesca: Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses, 1995.

Gómez, Esteban C. El eco de las descargas: Adiós a la esperanza republicana. Barcelona: Escego, 2002.*

Maurín, Jeanne (Jeanne Souvarine). Cómo se salvó Joaquín Maurín: Recuerdos y testimonios. Madrid: Júcar, 1980.

Mayer, Michael

Mackay, Charles. "The Alchymists." In Mackay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. Ware: Wordsworth, 1995. 98-256.*


Pottinger, George. Mayo: Disraeli's Viceroy. Russell, 1990.

Mazeppa (1644-1709)

Ukrainian hetman


Byron (Lord). Mazeppa. 1819.

Hugo, Victor. Les Orientales. Poems. 1829.

Pushkin. (On Mazeppa).

Slowzki, Juliusz. (On Mazeppa).


Liszt, Franz. Mazeppa. Symphonic poem no. 6, based on Victor Hugo.

_____. Mazeppa. Prod. 1961. In Liszt, Los Preludios. Mazeppa. Rapsodias húngaras 2 y 4. Berlin Philharmonic / Herbert von Karajan. MC. Madrid: Polygram-Deutsche Grammophon-Privilege, 1980.*

_____. Mazeppa, S 640. Symphonic Poem no. 6. In Liszt, Symphonic Poems: Composer's Two Pianos Version. Prague Piano Duo. CD. (Praga Digitals). Prague: Praga Productions / Harmonia Mundi, 1997.

John McLoughlin


World Trade Center. Dir. Oliver Stone. Based on the life events of John and Donna McLoughlin and William & Allison Jimeno. Written by Andrea Berloff. Cast: Nicolas Cage, Michael Peña, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Maria Bello, Stephen Dorff, Jay Hernandez, Michael Shannon. Music dir. Craig Armstrong. Music supervisor Budd Carr. Ed. David Brenner and Julie Monroe. Prod. des. Jan Roeles. Photog. Seamus McGarvey. Exec. Prod. Donald J. Lee, Jr. and Norm Golightly. Prod. Michael Shamberg, Stacey Sher, Moritz Borman, Debra Hill. USA: Paramount, 2006. 2 DVD ed. Paramount, 2007.*

Medici, Lorenzo di


Lorenzo il Magnifico: Trionfo di Bacco. Doulce Mémoire / Denis Raisin Dadre. CD. France: Naïve.

Mena (ex SJ)

Menéndez Pelayo, Marcelino. "IV.x. Protestantes españoles fuera de España en los siglos XVI y XVII." In Menéndez Pelayo, Historia de los Heterodoxos Españoles. 5th ed., rpt. Madrid: BAC, 2000. 2.87-144. (Juan Pérez de Pineda, Casiodoro de Reina, Reinaldo González Montano, Antonio del Corro, Cipriano de Valera, Adrián Saravia, Juan Nicolás y Sacharles, Fernando de Tejeda, Melchor Román y Ferrer, Aventrot, Montealegre, Miguel de Montserrate, Jaime Salgado, Mena (ex SJ), Juan Ferreira de Almeida, Juan de Luna).

Álvaro Mendaña de Neira

Spanish navigator, discoverer of Solomon Islands, 1595, chronicle written by Cristóbal Suárez de Figueroa.

Mendes Pinto

Collis, Maurice. The Grand Peregrination. Life and Adventures of Fernao Mendes Pinto. Faber, 1949.

Menéndez de Avilés, Pedro

Spanish naval commander, fought in the Atlantic and the Caribbean, conqueror of Florida, "Adelantado de la Florida".

Jean Charles de Menezes

Brazilian citizen killed by London police as suspect, because he was running.


Barry, Kieron. Stockwell: The Inquest into the Death of Jean Charles de Menezes. Verbatim drama. Prod. Landor Theatre, Clapham, 2009.

Lally, Stephen. Oh Well Never Mind. Drama. Prod. Upstart Theatre, 2009. (Menezes case).

Unwin, Paul, and Sarah Beck. This Much Is True. Verbatim drama. Prod. Theatre 503, Battersea, 2009. (Menezes case)

Mengele, Josef

Nazi doctor at Auschwitz, cruel mass murderer; escaped, not prosecuted; d. in Brazil 1979.

"Josef Mengele." In Wikipedia: La Enciclopedia libre


Mercader, Caridad

Spanish Stalinist agent, mother of Ramón Mercader.

Luri, Gregorio. El cielo prometido: Una mujer al servicio de Stalin. Barcelona: Ariel, 2016. (Caridad Mercader).

Mercader, Ramón

Spanish stalinist agent, murdered Trotski in Mexico; imprisoned; allegedly murdered by Stalinists.

Luri, Gregorio. El cielo prometido: Una mujer al servicio de Stalin. Barcelona: Ariel, 2016. (Caridad Mercader).

Meres, Thomas

MP for Lincoln in Restoration parliaments.

Méricourt, Théroigne de (d. 1817)

Hamel, Frank. A Woman of the Revolution. London, 1911. (Théroigne de Méricourt).

Lacour, Léopold. Trois femmes de la Révolution. Paris, 1900. (Olympe de Gouges, Théroigne de Méricourt, Rose Lacombe).

Merlo, Juan de

Spanish knight, Portuguese family, fought beside Alvaro de Luna, d. 1443

Merrick, Joseph (the "Elephant Man")

Day, Gary. Varieties of Victorianism: The Uses of a Past. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1998. (Elephant Man).

Petry, Alice Hall. "Stephen Crane's Elephant Man." Journal of Modern Literature 10.2 (1983): 346-352.*


The Elephant Man. Dir. David Lynch. Screenplay by Christopher DeVore, Eric Bergren, David Lynch. Anthony Hopkins, John Hurt, Anne Bancroft, John Gielgud, Wendy Hiller, Freddie Jones, Michael Elphick, John Standing, Phoebe Nicholls, Kathleen Byron, Kenny Baker, Patricia Hodge. Photog. Freddie Francis. Britain, 1980.*


Constantine, David. Lady Hamilton and the Elephant Man. In PN Review. Broadcast on Radio 3 (1997). Rpt. in The Pelt of Wasps.


Petitgirard, Laurent. Joseph Merrick dit Elephant Man. Opera in four acts. Libretto by Eric Nonn. 1996-98. [sic]

_____. Joseph Merrick dit Elephant Man. Nathalie Stutzmann, Nicolas Rivenq, Robert Bréault, Marie Devellereau, Sophie Koch, Nicolas Courjal, Celena Nelson-Shafer, Damien Grelier, Christophe Crapez, Francis Dudziak, Liliana Faraon, Yves Blanchard, Françoise Faidherbe, Agnès Poly, Mari Laurila. Choeur Français d'Opéra (Claire Le Vacher). Solo violin Ronald Patterson. Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo / Laurent Petitgirard. 2 CDs. (Le Chant du Monde / Musique Française d'Aujourd'hui). Editions Durand, 2000.*

Merrick, Gilly

Steward to 2nd Earl of Essex.

Merrick, Gilly (Sir). (Confession on the Essex conspiracy, 5 March 1601). Calendar of State Papers Domestic, 1598-1601. Vol. 278, art. 78, p. 575.


López Fernández. General Miaja, defensor de Madrid.

Milbank (family)

Elwin, Malcolm, ed. The Noels and the Milbanks: Their Letters for Twenty-Five Years. London: Macdonald, 1967.

Harvey Milk

(US politician, gay activist, murdered by an envious rival in politics)


Milk. Dir. Gus Van Sant. Written by Dustin Lance Black. Cast: Sean Penn, Emile Hirsch, Josh Brolin, Diego Luna, James Franco. Music by Danny Elfman. Ed. Elliot Graham. Photog. Harris Savides. Prod. Dan Jinks and Bruce Cohen. USA: Focus Features / Axon Films / Groundswell, 2009.*

Millais, J. E.

Estevez Saá, Margarita "Millais's Reading of Tennyson's 'Mariana' and 'Mariana in the South'." In AEDEAN: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference (León, 16-18 de diciembre, 1999). CD-ROM. León: AEDEAN, 2003.*

James, William, ed. The Order of Release: The Story of John Ruskin, Effie Gray and J. E. Millais, Told in their Unpublished Letters. London: Murray, 1947.

Miller, William (1782-1849)

Apocalyptic preacher, forerunner of the Seventh Day Adventists and the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Milo (Titus Annius Milo Papinianus, Roman citizen).

Milton, Christopher

Brother to John Milton. Royalist, knighted under King James, lawyer and judge.

Minamoto no Yoshitsune

Morris, Ivan. The Nobility of Failure. 1975. (Yamato Takeru, Yorozu, Arima no Miko, Sugawara no Michizane, Minamoto no Yoshitsune, Kusunoki Masashige, Amakusa Shiro, Oshio Heihachiro, Saigo Kakamori, kamikazes).

_____. La nobleza del fracaso: Héroes trágicos de la historia de Japón. Trans. Paloma Tejada Caller. Madrid: Alianza, 2010.*


King of Pontus


Emerson. "Mithridates." Poem.

Lee, Nathaniel. Mithridates, King of Pontus. Drama. 1678.

Mommsen, Theodor. Historia de Roma. Trans. A. García Moreno. Rev. Luis Alberto Romero; prologue by F. Fernández y González. (Grandes Obras de la Cultura). Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2005.* (Vol. III).

Moberly, George

Moberly, Charlotte Anne. Dulce Domum: George Moberly, His Family and Friends. London: J. Murray, 1916.

Moll Cutpurse. See Frith, Mary.

Monasterio, Rocío

Spanish politician, member of Vox.

Cuervas-Mons, Rosa. "Rocío Monasterio, Plataforma por las Libertades: 'El éxito de esta ley sería que todos tuviésemos miedo'." La Gaceta 5 Nov. 2016.*


Moncada, Miguel de

Spanish military leader at Lepanto, commander of captain Diego de Urbina. Cervantes was a soldier at his company.


Smith, Richard. The Life of the Most Honourable and Vertuous Lady, the La. Magdalen, Viscountesse Montague. 1627. Trans. C. F. Excerpt in Lay by Your Needles Ladies, Take the Pen: Writing Women in England 1500-1700. Ed. Suzanne Trill et al. London: Arnold, 1997. 125-30.*


Menéndez Pelayo, Marcelino. "IV.x. Protestantes españoles fuera de España en los siglos XVI y XVII." In Menéndez Pelayo, Historia de los Heterodoxos Españoles. 5th ed., rpt. Madrid: BAC, 2000. 2.87-144. (Juan Pérez de Pineda, Casiodoro de Reina, Reinaldo González Montano, Antonio del Corro, Cipriano de Valera, Adrián Saravia, Juan Nicolás y Sacharles, Fernando de Tejeda, Melchor Román y Ferrer, Aventrot, Montealegre, Miguel de Montserrate, Jaime Salgado, Mena (ex SJ), Juan Ferreira de Almeida, Juan de Luna).


Moreno, Enrique. Lola Montes, reina de reyes. Madrid: Cipriano López, 1856.

Montfort, Simon de

Bemont. Vie de Simon de Montfort.

Montgomery of Alamein (Viscount), CBE

Son of General Bernard Law Montgomery

Matanle, Ivor. World War II. Foreword by Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, Oberbürgermeister Manfred Rommel, John S. D. Eisenhower.1989. Godalming, Surrey: CLB Publishing / Select Editions, 1995.*


Montmorency-Nivelle, Felipe de (count of Hoorne), executed by the Spaniards 5 June 1568.

Montoro, Cristóbal

Spanish politician, minister of economy under Rajoy,

"Montoro intercede en la reforma energética." Intereconomía 20 July 2012.*

Montseny, Federica

Spanish anarchist leader, politician in the 2nd Republic.

Lozano, Irene. Federica Montseny, una anarquista en el poder. Espasa, 2005.

Monserrate, Miguel de

Menéndez Pelayo, Marcelino. "IV.x. Protestantes españoles fuera de España en los siglos XVI y XVII." In Menéndez Pelayo, Historia de los Heterodoxos Españoles. 5th ed., rpt. Madrid: BAC, 2000. 2.87-144. (Juan Pérez de Pineda, Casiodoro de Reina, Reinaldo González Montano, Antonio del Corro, Cipriano de Valera, Adrián Saravia, Juan Nicolás y Sacharles, Fernando de Tejeda, Melchor Román y Ferrer, Aventrot, Montealegre, Miguel de Montserrate, Jaime Salgado, Mena (ex SJ), Juan Ferreira de Almeida, Juan de Luna).

Montes, Luis

Left-wing Spanish doctor, worked at Ramón y Cajal hospital, Madrid, polemical malpractice accusations involving many "terminally sedated" patients; defended by Spanish socialist party and president Zapatero.

Losada, Cristina. Morfina Roja. Madrid: Libros Libres, 2008. (On Luis Montes, PSOE and "terminal sedations").

Eugenia de Montijo

Arteaga, Almudena de. Eugenia de Montijo. Historical novel.

Moore, John N.

Levitt, Zola. Creation: A Scientist's Choice. 1976. (On creationist John N. Moore).

Mora, Gotzone

Spanish politician, Chair of sociology, U of the Basque country, member of Basque socialist party, anti-nationalist, expelled after her outspoken attacks to Zapatero's administration.

Morante Benlloch, José María

Iglesias, María Antonia. Maestros de la República: Los otros santos, los otros mártires. Prologues by José Mª Maravall, Xosé Manuel Beiras, Santiago Carrillo, Luis Mateo Díez, Josep-Lluís Carod-Rovira, Manuel Vicent, Joaquín Leguina, Javier Cercas, Félix Grande, Almudena Grandes and Luis García Montero. Madrid: La Esfera de los Libros, 2006. 6th rpt. 2006.* (On Arximiro Rico, Ceferino Farfante and Balbina Gayo, Bernardo Pérez Manteca, Miguel Castel Barrabés, José María Morante Benlloch, Gerardo Muñoz Muñoz, Severiano Núñez García, Teófilo Azabal Molina, Carmen Lafuente, José Rodríguez Aniceto, all murdered at the start of the Spanish Civil War).