DRAFT – For review and comment. Not for general distribution.

Coordinated Transit District 12

Coordinated Public Transit-Human Service Plan

Planning Document for

Sedgwick, Butler and HarveyCounties



May 4, 2007

DRAFT – For review and comment. Not for general distribution.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction...... 1
  1. Description of Service Area...... 2

Counties included in CTD...... 2

Demographics of CTD by county for
Transit Dependent Populations...... 2

  1. Inventory of Transportation Providers in CTD...... 4

Stakeholder Identification...... 6

Transportation Providers Funded by KDOT...... 7

Other Transportation Providers...... 15

  1. Transportation Needs in the CTD...... 13

Framework for Action Summary...... 13

Service Gaps: What do we need to do better?...... 14

  1. Prioritized Needs...... 15
  1. Action Plan...... 16
  1. Project Implementation Priorities...... 25
  1. Attachments
  2. Sample letter of invitation to participate...... 28
  3. Completed Framework for Action...... 29
  4. Stakeholder contact log...... 36
  5. Summit roster...... 46

List of Tables

Table 1: Transportation Dependent Populations, 2005 Estimates

Table 2: Planning Participants

Table 3: Transportation Providers in the CTD 12 Service Area

Table 4: Summary of Survey Results

List of Figures

Figure 1: Map of Coordinated Transit District 12

Figure 2: Population Density for Counties in CTD 12 by Census Tract

Figure 3: Organizations

Figure 4: Planning Participation

DRAFT – For review and comment. Not for general distribution.

Coordinated Transit District 12

Coordinated Public Transit-Human Service Plan

(Sedgwick, Harvey and ButlerCounties)

May 4, 2007

1. Introduction

The goal of this plan is to improve coordination of transportation and human services in Coordinated Transit District 12. It also fulfills the federal planning requirements of SAFETEA-LU which consist of the following:

  • Aunified, comprehensive strategy for public transportation service delivery;
  • Identifies transportation needs of individuals with disabilities, older adults, and individuals with limited incomes;
  • Lays out strategies for meeting those needs; and
  • Prioritizes services.

To complete the plan, stakeholders were asked to complete inventories and web-based surveys. They were also asked to participate in a transportation planning summit held on March 6, 2007. Twenty-six of the 136 organizations invited participated in the summit

By the end of the summit, a draft action plan was completed. Acoordinated public transit-human service transportation plan was developed based on data and input received from summit stakeholders. All identified stakeholders were given the opportunity to comment on the action plan before it was finalized to be included in this report.

This plan addresses transit coordination priorities for the period from July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2010, but may be updated periodically to meet developing needs in the communities of Coordinated Transit District 12.

2. Description of Service Area

In Kansas, there are 15 Coordinated Transit Districts (CTDs). Each CTD is responsible for coordinating public transit within their service area and membership consists of recipients of public and human service transit funds from the Kansas Department of Transportation. Figure 1 providesa map of the three counties included in CTD 12: Sedgwick, Harvey and ButlerCounties.

Figure 2 Population Density for Counties in CTD 12 by Census Tract

Almost 560,000 people live in the CTD 12 service area. Figure 2 provides the population density of the area by number of persons living in each square mile. The following cities and their surrounding areas have higher population densities:

  • Andover
  • Augusta
  • Derby
  • El Dorado
  • Newton
  • ParkCity
  • Wichita

Specialized transportation funds are targeted to individuals that are more likely to be transportation disadvantaged. Groups included in this category are older adults and individuals with disabilities, and individuals with incomes below the poverty level. Almost 12% of the area’s population was age 65 or older. The rate of individuals with a go-outside-of-home disability is 5%. The poverty rate of individuals 18 and older for the area is 6%, compared to the overall rate in the state of 6.5%.

Table 1

Transportation Dependent Populations

2005 Estimates

County / Total Pop. / Elderly 65+ / Elderly 65+ (%) / 16+; Go-outside-home disability / 16+; Go-outside-home disability (%) / Adults (18+) below poverty / Adults (18+) below poverty (%)
Butler / 62,354 / 7,844 / 12.6% / 2,985 / 4.8% / 2,728 / 4.4%
Harvey / 33,843 / 5,675 / 16.8% / 1,634 / 4.8% / 1,385 / 4.1%
Sedgwick / 466,061 / 53,076 / 11.4% / 24,613 / 5.3% / 27,922 / 6.0%
CTD Total / 562,258 / 66,596 / 11.8% / 29,232 / 5.2% / 32,035 / 6.0%
  1. Inventory of Transportation Providers in CTD

The CTD members identified 135 organizations that would be impacted by the Coordinated Plan. Nursing/assisted living facilities and human service agencies represented the highest percentage of the stakeholder organizations. This is not surprising because both types of organizations have clients or residents that rely on public transportation, and as a result these providers often have to coordinate their services with transit providers.

Table 2

Planning Participants

Agency Name / City / Attended Summit? / Inventory Received?
American Red Cross Senior Medical Transportation / Wichita / yes / yes
ButlerCounty Dept. on Aging / Augusta / yes / yes
Catholic Charities Adult Day Care / Wichita / yes / yes
Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation / Wichita / yes / yes
Creative Community Living of South-Central Kansas / Winfield / yes / yes
Derby Senior Services / Derby / yes / yes
Envision / Wichita / yes / yes
HarveyCountyCommission / Newton / yes / yes
Heartspring / Wichita / yes / yes
Hesston Transportation/Schowalter Villa / Hesston / yes / yes
Medicab / Wichita / yes / yes
Prairie View, Inc. / Newton / yes / yes
Rainbows United / Wichita / yes / yes
Sedgwick County Department on Aging / Wichita / yes / yes
Starkey / Wichita / yes / yes
Wichita Transit / Wichita / yes / yes
COMCARE / Wichita / yes / no
IndependentLivingResourceCenter / Wichita / yes / no
KETCH / Wichita / yes / no
Project Independence / Wichita / yes / no
Safe Riders / Wichita / yes / no
Social and Rehabilitation Services / Topeka / yes / no
Social and Rehabilitation Services- EES / Wichita / yes / no
United Way of the Plains / Wichita / yes / no
Vocational Rehabilitation / Wichita / yes / no
Agency Name / City / Attended Summit? / Inventory Received?
Wichita Area Metropolitan Planning Organization / Wichita / yes / no
Asbury Park / Newton / no / yes
CatholicCareCenter / Wichita / no / yes
Chaucer Estates / Wichita / no / yes
GeorgetownVillage / Wichita / no / yes
Halstead Housing Authority / Halstead / no / yes
HaysvilleHealthCareCenter / Haysville / no / yes
HomesteadHealthCenter / Wichita / no / yes
KansasChristianHome / Newton / no / yes
Kidron Bethel / N Newton / no / yes
Larksfield Place / Wichita / no / yes
RiversideVillage / Wichita / no / yes
The ARC of SedgwickCounty / Wichita / no / Yes
Total Success Services, Inc / Newton / no / yes
Total Success Services, Inc / Newton / no / yes
Trumpets of Yahweh Ministries / Augusta / no / yes

Transportation Providers Funded by KDOT

Transportation providers who are members of CTD 12 receive capital and/or operating assistance from the state and federal government. The two primary funding programs are the Section 5310 (Specialized Transportation for the Elderly or Disabled) and Section 5311 (General Public Transportation). There are also other funding sources for transportation providers. The following paragraphs include are descriptions of providers funded by KDOT.

American Red Cross Good Neighbor Nutrition

This program transports older adults in SedgwickCounty to local dining centers to participate in social activities and eat meals, and also to shopping centers. The program utilizes a demand response system, and is funded by State Operating Funds. It operates five vehicles of which three are lift-equipped.

Arrowhead West, Inc.

This non-profit agency provides trips to their Arrowhead West clients for various trips, such as medical, personal business, education, recreational, shopping, employment, and to nutrition sites. Both demand response and deviated route systems are used. Arrowhead West receives Section 5310, State Operating Funds and State Capital Funds from the State of Kansas. It operates three vehicles in SedgwickCounty, and all of them are lift equipped.

Asbury Park

Asbury Park is a continuing care retirement facility located in Newton. It provides transportation services to its residents and the general public for shopping, medical, or meals. It provides trips to Newton, Wichita, and Hutchinson. Asbury Park receives 5310 funds from the State of Kansas, and operates one vehicle which is lift-equipped.

ButlerCounty Dept. on Aging

The Butler County Department on Aging is a local government agency. It provides all types of trips to older adults, individuals with disabilities, and the general public. It utilizes demand response and deviated route systems to provide service in ButlerCounty, as well as two trips to Wichita each week. The Department on Aging receives Section 5311 funds from the State. It operates six vehicles, which are all lift-equipped.

Catholic Charities Adult Day Health

This agency provides transportation to older adults and individuals with disabilities to the adult day center, medical, recreational, shopping, and community outings. It utilizes a deviated route system within SedgwickCounty, primarily in Wichita’s city limits. Transportation is funded by Section 5310 and State Operating Funds. The agency operates five vehicles of which three are lift-equipped.

Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation

This non-profit agency provides transportation service in the Wichita area. It provides medical, personal business, education, recreational, shopping, and employment trips for older adults and disabled persons. The Foundation utilizes a demand response system. It receives Section 5310 funds from the State. It operates six vehicles of which two KDOT, lift-equipped vehicles.

Creative Community Living of South-Central Kansas

This non-profit agency provides transportation services to developmentally disabled clients who live in Creative Community Living residences or in their homes. Trips are made for medical, education, recreational, shopping, employment, church, and other trips. The agency utilizes demand response and deviated route systems. The service area consists of Butler and Sedgwick counties. The agency receives Section 5310 and State Operating funds. It operates eight vehicles of which only one is a KDOT, lift-equipped vehicle.


This non-profit agency provides transportation service to individuals with sight disabilities. The trips are usually made in Wichita and include medical, person business, recreational, and employment. ENVISON utilizes a demand response system. It receives Section 5310 funds from the State of Kansas, and operates four vehicles of which only two are lift-equipped.


The Harvey County Commission provides all types of trips to older adults, individuals with disabilities, and the general public. It utilizes fixed route, demand response and deviated route systems to provide service in HarveyCounty. The Commission receives Section 5311, State Operating and Capital funds from the State. It operates 17 vehicles of which are all lift-equipped.


This non-profit agency provides medical, education, recreational, shopping, and employment trips to disabled individuals. It provides service in SedgwickCounty and utilizes a demand response system. The State of Kansas provides Section 5310 funds in order for the agency to operate 12 vehicles, of which only one is lift-equipped.

Hesston Transportation/ Schowalter Villa

This non-profit agency provides service to older adults and individuals with disabilities. Trips are made within Hesston, to other communities in HarveyCounty, and to surrounding counties. Hesston Transportation utilizes demand response and deviate route systems. It receives State Operating Funds from the State. It operates three vehicles of which all are lift-equipped.

KansasElksTrainingCenter for the Handicapped (KETCH)

This non-profit agency provides transportation services to older adults and individuals with disabilities. Trips provided include medical, recreational, shopping, and employment to Wichita, Derby, and Bel Aire. The agency utilizes demand response and fixed route systems. It receives Section 5310 funds from the State of Kansas, and operates 17 vehicles of which 14 are lift-equipped.

Prairie View, Inc.

This non-profit entity provides transportation service to its disabled clients. Trips are made within HarveyCounty to medical, education, recreational, shopping, employment, and to psychosocial groups. Services scheduled on an individual basis with the client’s direct care staff. Prairie View receives Section 5310 and State Operating Funds from the State of Kansas. It operates 21 vehicles of which two are KDOT vehicles.

Rainbows United

This non-profit agency provides education and recreational trips for disabled persons, and transports Foster Grandparents. It utilizes a fixed route system in its SedgwickCounty service area. Rainbows United receives Section 5310 and State Operating Funds from the State of Kansas. It operates 16 vehicles, which are lift-equipped.

Sedgwick County Department on Aging

The Sedgwick County Department on Aging has brokered contracts with seven vendors to provide 24 hours a day, seven days a week in SedgwickCounty. In addition to its contracts, the Department on Aging operates two vehicles, which are lift-equipped. It utilizes demand response and deviated route systems. Trips of all types are provided to older adults, individuals with disabilities, and the general public. The Department on Aging receives Section 5311 and 5307 funds from the State.


This non-profit agency provides transportation service to individuals with disabilities in SedgwickCounty. The types of trips made include medical, personal business, recreational, shopping, employment, and day programs. The agency provides eight daily routes from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, allowing for additional evening and weekend hours. It receives Section 5310 and State Operating Funds from the State of Kansas. Starkey operates 70 vehicles of which 12 are KDOT vehicles.

The ARC of SedgwickCounty

This non-profit agency provides transportation service to its disabled clients. Trips are made for the The Arc’s program activities in SedgwickCounty, which include recreational, shopping, meals, and social event trips. The Arc receives Section 5310 funds from the State, and operates four vehicles of which two are KDOT vehicles.

Wichita Transit

This local government agency provides transportation service in Wichita. Any type of trip can be made including personal business and recreational. Clients include older adults, individuals with disabilities, and the general public. Fixed bus routes provide transportation to over 321,000 residents of Wichita. Demand-response routes provide additional service on the City's west side. Paratransit van routes provide over 210,000 rides annually to the elderly and persons with disabilities. Wichita Transit receives Section 5307 and State Operating Funds from the State of Kansas. It operates 77 vehicles of which 66 are lift-equipped.

Table 3

Transportation Providers in the CTD 12 Service Area

Agency Name / City / Type of service / Funding / Client Type / Annual Ridership / No. of Vehicles (KDOT in parentheses)
American Red Cross Good Neighbor Nutrition / Wichita / Demand response / 5310 / Elders / 5
American Red Cross Senior Medical Transportation / Wichita / Demand response / 5310, United Way, County, Donations / Elders / 7
Arrowhead West, Inc. / Dodge City (serves SedgwickCounty) / Demand Response,
Deviated Route / 5310, State Operating Funds / Elders, disabled / 3
Asbury Park / Demand response / 5311 / Elders, disabled / 1
ButlerCounty Dept. on Aging / Augusta / Deviated Fixed Route / 5311 / Elders, disabled, general public / 6
CatholicCareCenter / Wichita / n/a / n/a / Nursing facility and assisted living facility / 278 / 2
Catholic Charities Adult Day Health / Wichita / Deviated Fixed Route / 5310 / Elders, disabled / 5
Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation / Wichita / Demand response / 5310 / Elders, disabled / 6
Chaucer Estates / Wichita / n/a / n/a / Assisted Living Facility / 8 / 2
Creative Community Living of South-Central Kansas / Deviated Fixed Route, demand response / 5310, donations, county / Elders, disabled / 8
Derby Senior Services / Demand Response / 5307 / Elders / 2
Envision / Wichita / Fixed route / 5310 / Disabled / 4
Halstead Housing Authority / Halstead / n/a / n/a / Senior nutrition and low-income housing / 101 / 1
HarveyCountyCommission / Newton / Demand response / 5311 / Elders, disabled, general public / 17
HaysvilleHealthCareCenter / Haysville / n/a / n/a / Nursing facility / 97 / 1
Heartspring / Wichita / Demand response / 5310 / Disabled / 12
Hesston Transportation/Schowalter Villa / Hesston / Deviated Fixed Route / 5311, 5310 / Elders, disabled, general public / 3
HomesteadHealthCenter / Wichita / n/a / n/a / Nursing facility / 75 / 1
KansasChristianHome / Newton / n/a / n/a / Nursing facility / 42 / 7
KETCH / Wichita / Demand response / 5307 / Disabled / 17
Kidron Bethel / N Newton / n/a / n/a / Continuing Care Retirement Community / 2,200 / 1
Larksfield Place / Wichita / n/a / n/a / Nursing facility / 180 / 8
Medicab / Wichita / Transportation w/c & stretcher, non-emergency medical / n/a / 3
Northview / Newton / fixed, deviated fixed / 5311, 5310 / Disabled
O T Cab / Wichita / Subscription, demand response / 5311 / Elders, disabled, general public
Prairie View, Inc. / Newton / n/a / n/a / Community Mental HealthCenter / 13,332 / 21
Rainbows United / Wichita / fixed route / 5310 / Elders, disabled / 16
RiversideVillage / Wichita / n/a / n/a / Nursing Facility / 90 / 2
Sedgwick County Department on Aging / Wichita / Deviated fixed route, subscription / 5311, 5310, 5307, Medicaid, HUD ROSS grant, OAA III-E, county, COMCARE, Envision / Elders, disabled, gen. public rural, Medicaid recipients, mental health, caregivers / 2
Starkey / Wichita / Deviated fixed route, subscription / 5310 / Disabled / 70
The ARC of SedgwickCounty / Wichita / Transport only to program activities, don't pick up from home / 5310 / Disabled / 4
Wichita Transit / Wichita / Fixed, Deviated fixed route, van pool / 5307, 5309 / Disabled, general public, other / 77

4. Transportation Needs in the CTD

Framework for Action Survey Results

To assess the current level of coordination in CTD 12, approximately 160 transportation and human service providers were asked to complete an online survey. Only 17, individuals completed the survey “The Framework for Action: A Self-Assessment Tool for Communities.” Table 4 provides a summary of the results of the web-based survey.

Table 4

Summary of Survey Results

(N=17 individuals)

Area / Done Well / Needs Some Action / Needs Substantial Action / Needs to Begin / Unsure
  1. Making Things Happen by Working Together
/ 2
12% / 3
18% / 10
59% / 1
6% / 1
  1. Taking Stock of Community Needs and Moving Forward
/ 0
0% / 3
18% / 11
65% / 2
12% / 1
  1. Putting Customers First
/ 2
12% / 3
18% / 4
24% / 5
29% / 3
  1. Adapting Funding for Greater Mobility
/ 0
0% / 1
6% / 5
29% / 3
18% / 8
  1. Moving People Efficiently
/ 1
6% / 1
6% / 8
47% / 5
29% / 2

The results indicate that each of the areas needs at least some action. However, the best use of this information is to help prioritize the goals of the coordinated plan.