Scholar: ______Date: ______Period: ______

The First Atoms
Stellar Nurseries
Nuclear Fusion / In the first second after the ______, hot particles became ______, ______and ______. At 3 minutes old, the universe cooled down enough so protons and neutrons could make up ______.
Electrons would join ______years later. The first complete atoms were ______, helium, lithium and ______.
The simplest and most abundant element in the universe. Today, it is about ____ of the universe.
Where hydrogen is so dense and crowded, it cannot help but to run into other hydrogen and ______.
All protons have ______charges. They normally don't like other protons because they have the same charge. So they REPEL. But when there is an enormous amount of ______and ______, they are pushed into each other to ______.
The combination of light atoms such as hydrogen and helium into heavier ones, such as helium, carbon, and oxygen. This process releases intense energy.

Stellar Fusion and the Origins of Elements

Hydrogen Fusion
E= MC2 / The combination of light atoms such as hydrogen and helium into heavier ones, such as helium, carbon, and oxygen. This process releases intense energy.
In a ______, ______pulls hydrogen atoms together and they begin to ______.
And they make ______and release energy...
And more energy leads to more ______...
______is the heaviest element that will fuse inside of a star.
Eazy E= MC2 (Albert Einstein) says:
Energy = Mass x Speed of Light

Write in the answers for the class activity:

What do the paper balls represent?

Your paper balls will have four trials of interaction. What do the first two trials represent?

What do the last two trials represent?

What happens when there are more atoms condensed in a space?

As fusion continues, what makes it more difficult for atoms to run into each other?

Word Bank: Silicon, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon, Iron, Helium