November 2017NYSACOP GTSC Law Enforcement Liaison Report

By Dominick Macherone

“National Drowsy Driving Prevention Week - November 5- 12, 2017”: On Sunday November 5th Daylight Saving Time ends, clocks are turned back, and we gain an hour of sleep. However this time change can suddenly disrupt sleep patterns. This is why law enforcement is partnering with the New York Partnership Against Drowsy Driving (NYPDD) to remind motorists to “Stay Awake! Stay Alive!” Drowsy Driving can be just as deadly as drunk, drugged, or distracted driving, and this awareness campaign alerts drivers to the dangers associated with driving while drowsy. So stay alert behind the wheel and please join us in spreading the word to motorists reminding them to not to risk the trip without adequate sleep.These crashes are preventable and don’t put yourself or others in danger. For more information on Drowsy Driving visit the National Sleep Foundation website at or the NYS Department of Health website:

Additionally, the NYS Department of Health recently released their second “See! Be Seen!” public service announcement focusing on pedestrian “Visibility” at night. The media campaign, encourages pedestrians to be safe and visible when walking at dawn and dusk. Forty percent of pedestrian crashes occur after dark, with most crashes occurring in November. The media campaign began October 23rd and continues through November 26th. For more information on pedestrian safety or to see a list of “See! Be Seen!” materials, please call 518-402-7900 or visit

“Traffic Tuesdays-The National Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutors (TSRP) Webinar Series”: As part of the ongoing TSRP training initiative entitled Traffic Tuesdays, the next scheduled webinar on Tuesday November 14, 2017from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (EDT) will feature a presentation on “Enhancing Your Understanding of Novel Synthetic Opioids and Driving”. Drug trends are changing by the day. While fentanyl and carfentanyl are getting a lot of focus around the country, little attention is being given to over a hundred additional analogs that have been detected in impaired driving investigations. This webinar will cover these novel synthetic opioids, how they affect impaired driving, and how to deal with them in the courtroom. Presenter Joseph Jones has been working in forensic toxicology since 2006 and is the former Director of Toxicology for the Ohio State Highway Patrol Crime Lab.

There is no cost for this webinar but you must register in advance; the link to register is: .

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing instructions on how to join the webinar.In order to ensure that you are able to log on, please register at least 4 hours in advance. Also, please make sure you retain the confirmation email sent to you.The confirmation email will come from TSRP webinars ().Please be careful to enter your email address correctly.You will not be able to join the webinar if you do not receivea confirmation email.

“2017 NYS STOP-DWI Thanksgiving Enforcement Crackdown – Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over”: The statewide STOP-DWI Thanksgiving Enforcement Crackdown period will take place November 22 –26, 2017 and needs your participation to make it a success. In planning for this mobilization visit NHTSA’s Traffic Safety Marketing page, a one-stop-shop for the latest communications news, campaign materials and marketing techniques to maximize your high visibility enforcement efforts at: One of the deadliest and most often committed - yet preventable - of crimes (drunk driving), has become a serious safety epidemic in our country. As law enforcement professionals and highway safety advocates, your efforts will help reduce the number of drunk drivers on the roads and save lives. By increasing State enforcement efforts, raising public awareness through paid, earned, and social media, and maximizing your local resources, you can make a marked difference.Additional resource materials are also available on the Traffic Programs Page of the NYSACOP website at and the STOP-DWI New York homepage at

“STOP-DWI NEW YORK Mobile App – Have A Plan”: The Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee and representatives from the New York STOP-DWI Foundation wish to remind all our partners of the release of its free “Have A Plan” mobile application. The app encourages people to have a plan to get home safely if they are impaired by alcohol or drugs. We encourage and look to our law enforcement agencies to promote and market this free program in your communities. To download the app, simply visit .

“NYLaw Enforcement Partnership Forums(LEPF)”: New York’s first Law Enforcement Partnership Forumthat was held October 4th in Geneva, NY by the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee in cooperation with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is now behind us. With its goal is to identify common challenges to and potential solutions for consistent, efficient, and effective Traffic Safety Services,law enforcement leaders attending from this 18-county region provided us with tremendous feedback during the four-hour summit. In addition to obstacles presented for us to analyze, that will assist us in developing action steps and to guide future traffic safety efforts and programs, attendees also shared best practices and strategies for consideration. Stay tuned for a date and location for a second regional Forum that is in the initial planning stages for late winter/early springof 2018. For additional information please contact any of the GTSC Law Enforcement Liaisons at (518) 474-5111.

“Data Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS)”: D-DACTS is a proven law enforcement operational model that integrates location-based crime and traffic crash data to determine the most effective and efficient methods for deploying law enforcement and other resources. The model affords communities the dual benefit of addressing traffic crashes and crime simultaneously, thus reducing overall social harm. D-DACTS Implementation Workshops have been held across the state and continue to be supported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee. A new one-day workshop format is also under consideration to meet law enforcement’s staffing challenges and training needs. Learn more about DDACTS and the workshops by contacting Liaison Nick Macherone.

Please visit the Traffic Programs Page on our NYSACOP website at and Law Enforcement Partners Page on the GTSC website at for additional resources and traffic safety information. As your LEL I look forward to assisting and hearing from you and can be reached at or at 518.474-4935.