Presented below are the responses to a very brief survey of surveys of liaison. Swinburne is planning to have a closer look at our liaison function, and it doesn't seem as if there has been a CAUL survey on this topic for some time, I said when I sent this survey out on 13 October.

Question 1 asked Do you have librarians whose responsibility it is to liaise with faculties and other academic areas of the university? Most just answered “yes”, and the answers which included more are given below.

Many thanks for your cooperation in responding to the survey. We can now set to with confidence that others have gone before.

Derek Whitehead

10 November 2008

Review of liaison over past 2-3 years? / Qu.3
Role of liaison / Qu.4
Plans for review
ADFA / Not in the last year or so. (The last time was about 4
years ago and was in response to amalgamations and other changes within
the academic schools) / Liaison with faculties and research centres, informationliteracy training, reference work (mostly online), some collectiondevelopment. / Yes. In 2008-2009, as a follow up to the recent reviewof this library.
Aust Catholic Uni / No / Liaison with faculties in collection development and informationliteracy training desk work. / Yes. At the end of this year and then probably into 2009
Auckland Uni of Tech / No / Liaison with faculties and research institutes, collection development, information literacy, regular desk work. / No review planned at this stage.
Bond / No / Liaison with faculties and research centres, collectiondevelopment, information literacy training, a little desk work, plus research support, regular Information desk shifts / No, but planning to move towards an integrated service point in
2009, which may have implications for liaison role.
Central Qld Uni / No / Liaison with faculties and research centres, collection development, information literacy education, assistance with discipline specific resources, developing and promoting the institutionalrepository. / No
Charles Darwin / No / Liaison with faculties and research centres, collectiondevelopment, information literacy (generic, discipline specific), shiftson combined service desk (minimal).Currently each liaison librarian has discipline-specific liaison
responsibilities - we are considering a review of this approach. / Yes. In 2008 and 2009.
Charles Sturt / YES - the review identified the need for librarians specificallytasked with the liaison function as opposed to the old model which had
liaison as a duty for more generalist librarians. This old model meantthere was virtually no liaison in some areas due to pressure of otherpriorities, or the priority given to otherwork, or the personalityof the librarian concerned (contact averse), or all of these.CSU: Shirley Oakley, / Liaison with Faculties, Schools and research centres; assistance toboth ends of the process (Library Collection Services and academia) in
relation to collection development; feedback to the Manager, Informationand Liaison Section on information literacy programmes and needs;
development of high level training and information resources forresearch staff and students; to be the interface between the Library andthe academic & research communities. NO desk work - basically they areexpected to spend most of their time in the Faculties, Schools andresearch centres, a "semi-embedded" model. / A 6 month review as part of the review of the organisational
structure of Library Services (report received July 2008) indicatedthat we need more resource in the liaison function. The next formalreview is likely to be 2 years away. The model is
greatly valued by the academic side of the University, along with a
similar model used for Educational Designers, and there is pressure fromthe Deans for a similar "semi-embedded" model to be used by other areasof the University, for example DIT.
Curtin / No / The faculty librarians have their office in the assigned facultyand provide specialist advice on scholarly resources and providetraining & education support to academic staff and research students. / Yes in 2009 as part of a wider review of our Research & Learning
Services Unit.
Deakin / A preliminary review of the background to the liaison service, and strategic issues that were likely to influence and guide service provision into the future was conducted in 2007. A review of the liaison service is currently underway. This review will consider the stratgeic alignment of the current service to the University's Strategic Plan; the effectiveness of the current model and service performance; implications for the service of the increased focus on research; industry best practice and performance measures and standards, and potential mprovements to the service. / Liaison librarians provide a two-way communication channel with faculties, research centres and other areas; develop the Library collection; develop, deliver and review information literacy programs and supporting learning materials; work closely with higher degree students and academics in small group or one-to-one situations providing information, support and training; partner with academics in teaching and learning projects; provide information assistance via IM, phone and in-person on a rostered basis; provide input into the development of the Library website and search tools including Encore and Research Pro; keep abreast of and develop their skills in the application of Web 2.0 technologies; participate in Library committees and represent the Library at selected faculty/school committees. / See answer to Q 2.
Edith Cowan / No / Liaise with faculties, collection development, information literacy(including use of new 2.0 technologies), reference desk rosters. / No, the current model seems to be working well and is highlyregarded by the faculties.
Flinders / There was a light touch internal review in 05/6.
Kate would be an excellent representative for Flinders,
, 08 8201 3290. / Liaison with faculties and research centres, collection
development, information literacy training, a little desk work, And also responsible for many projects, for
example Insynch is managed by a Liaison Librarian. / No
Griffith / YES. We have reviewed the role overall and workloads last year, with further work on the role on the service desk done this year.
Contact: Dianne Selzer, / Liaison with faculties and research centres, collection
development, information literacy training, a little desk work, plus work in multimedia project teams to
integrate information literacy and resources into courses (mainly using the LMS), contribution to accreditation processes, collection maintenance
and evaluation of new technologies and resources. / YES This is ongoing, particularly in regard to the role on the service desk and support for research centres and the university research
James Cook / No / -iaison with faculties and research centres - such things as:
  • monitoring new courses, research, trends and areas ofconcern that may have information support implications
  • acting as a focus for contact and enquiries from staff andstudents of the schools
  • providing expert assistance and specialised instruction toschool staff and students
  • providing suitable induction for new staff and students (andspecifically post-graduate students) of the schools
-Collection development - both the print collection and electronicinformation services relevant to the School
-Information literacy training and creating instructional materialto support teaching, learning and research
-Some reference desk work / Yes. In 2008 and 2009.
Macquarie / Yes. Lee Evans, Manager, Information Access

02 9850 7553 / Liaison with faculties and research centres, collection
development, information literacy training, desk work. / An overall review of service delivery is being conducted in thelead up to opening our new Library building which is planned for 2010. Areview of how and where liaison services are delivered forms part of this
exercise. The University is implementing a new four faculty academicstructure and the outcomes of a curriculum renewal process in 2009 and thishas also been a catalyst for some changes in how we perform the liaisonfunction.
Massey / No / Liaison with academic staff and postgraduate students. Most collection selection for monographs, information literacy for postgraduates (plus one-on research consultations) and knowledge management for academic staff, some information desk work, attend-ance (sometimes membership) at college committees / No
Monash / This is an ongoing process. In general liaison staff now do less time on reference desks, and the way they do information literacy has
changed considerably. Wilna Macmillan or Lisa Smith. / Liaison with faculties and research centres, collection
development, information literacy, a little desk work. In addition, most liaison librarians are being trained to provide a data management advisory service to researchers within their specialist area, and they work closely with the 20 Learning Skills Advisors now based in the Library to integrate information literacy and learning skills programs in a range of ways. / In addition to the ongoing process of review, we have a formal review underway of the way we configure and manage our service points. This may well result in changes to liaison librarians roles.
Murdoch / No / Liaison with faculties and research centres, collection
development, information literacy training, a little desk work. / Yes, in the context of a wider review of library services for
research; information literacy and reference services.
RMIT / Yes [- but nearly 4 years ago when we created the position of Portfolio liaison manager as opposed to coordinator] Deirdre Gillespie. / Liaison with faculties and research centres, collection development, information literacy training, a little desk work, and including liaison with non-academic areas such as Chancellery [ though that is a very small portion of our work]. The info lit & collection development work includes trying to influence the curriculum (embedding info lit) and being able to view course content on the DLS (Blackboard) so liaison staff can communicate with students, advise on course materials more specifically and arrange links from readings listed in DLS to catalogue or databases. / No
Swinburne / No / Liaison with faculties and research centres, collection
development, information literacy training, a little desk work. / Yes. In 2008 and 2009.
Uni of Adelaide / Not a formal review but have revised and updated key responsibilities
for recent "liaison librarian" vacancies. / Under limited direction, key areas of activity include collaboration withacademics to plan and deliver course-related information skills programs;
identification of appropriate information resources to ensure that teaching,research and learning needs are met (ie collection development); act as aconsultant to advanced levels on access and effective use of informationresources by academic and research staff and students in areas of subjectresponsibility; provision of information, asistance and guidance to Libraryusers; development and maintenance of web-based resource guides and onlinetutorials and utilisation of emerging web technologies for the effectivediscovery, use and dissemination of information resources. / Yes, and I'll use your survey to help me
Uni of Ballarat / Annual informal reviews as part of planning. Kerry Matheson () / See below / In 2009
Uni of New England / No / Liaison with faculties and research centres, collection
development, training (information literacy, Endnote & other systems), support for external students, desk work, policy development, AskALibrarian,web pages. / Yes. In 2009.
Uni of Newcastle / Not formally but we have introduced KPIs (based on work that Griffith did) to ensure that each Faculty Librarian produces a Faculty Resource Plan each year which identifies collection hot spots, research priorities, information literacy activities etc. We are also rotating Faculty Librarians every 5 years starting at the beginning of 2009. Newcastle is also undergoing a small restructure with the appointment of a new Associate Librarian which will manage the Faculty Librarians, Cultural Collections and Research Services (Repository + HERDC). Greg Anderson. / Liaison with faculties and research centres, collection development, information literacy training, a little desk work, plus bibliometrics. I have attached a copy of a recently revised PD. / Response under Q2.
Uni of Queensland / Yes - Review of role of the Liaison Librarian at UQL, completedDec 2007
Ros Follett, Executive Manager, Social Sciences and HumanitiesLibrary Service / Liaison with Schools and Research Centres; Collection Development;Information skills training; Information Assistance - desk, email, chat,personal consultations especially with academics and postgraduates. / Yes - ongoing review following on from the 2007 report.
Uni of Sydney / Not holistically although there have been informal reviews of liaison within individual faculties. / Liaison with faculties and research centres, collection development (some faculties only), information literacy training, a desk work. / Yes as part of review of expenditure exercise
Uni of Tasmania / Yes, in that faculty based, cross-campus, teams of Liaison librarians work together as self-managed groups. / Faculty support for teaching and learning, research, collection development, embedding IL skills in the curriculum and IL skills training, reference desk / Not as such although wider portfolio roles continue to be
UTS / Yes. Sally Scholfield, Information Services Manager / We no longer call our staff Liaison librarians. We moved to the titleInformation Services Librarian (I, II, and III) several years ago as itbetter reflects the wide range of activities they are involved in:
* Design, delivery and evaluation of face-to-face and onlineinformation literacy programs, in partnership with academic staff
* Delivery of face-to-face and online reference services andconsultations
* Management of 'rovers' and development of services for theLibrary's Learning Commons
* Development and review of electronic, print and multimediacollections
* Development and review of web site and discovery systems
* Support for research staff and students
* Liaison with faculties, research and administrative units to deliver and promote services and resources and to identify informationneeds / No, as we have reviewed this function already more than once in
recent years
Uni of the SunshineCoast / No / Liaison with faculties, research support, collection development, information literacy and working rostered shifts on the Information Desk / Yes, the liaison function will be reviewed as part of an Information Services Branch review to be conducted this year
Uni of Western Sydney / Yes- this year the Library has undertaken a review of client serviceoperations which incorporates initial analysis of the liaison role. Thisreview focussed on Desk Operations and the role of liaison librarians at
Service desks, responding to the noticeable shift in the nature ofinquiries received at these service points. Associate Librarian, Client Services, Meg Boness / Liaison with allocated School academic staff and higher degree students,attendance at school meetings, collection development, adding Librarycontent to UWS learning management system for School subjects,
development and delivery of information literacy programs, regularservice desk shifts. Liaison librarians meet with all new academicstaff as part of a formal induction program. Meetings are also initiated
to discuss resources from both a teaching and research perspective.Liaison librarians work closely with academic staff in ensuringresources to support new units and courses. / Implementation of 2008 review will occur in 2009 along with a furtherreview of the liaison role. This review will concentrate on
constructive liaison with academic staff with particular emphasis on
broadening academic staff knowledge of e-resources, supportingteaching preparation and ensuring access to e-resources for studentsthrough learning management systems eg WebCT.
Uni of Wollongong / In progress; we are currently reviewing team structure with the probability of pairing Faculty Librarians to broaden skill base, increase flexibility in response to Faculty needs and even out teaching and preparation workloads / Liaison with faculties and research centres, collection development, information literacy planning and training, staffing the Research Help Desk, Email a Librarian and contribution on some Faculty Committees e.g. Faculty Education; Graduate Qualities Implementation and University Subcommittees as per Q.1. / Yes (see Q.2 above) 2008/2009
Victoria Uni / Yes (restructured liaison librarian function in 2005). Contact Frances O’Neil. / Liaison with faculties and research centres (our Library
ambassadors), collection development, information literacy training, alittle desk work / Currently reviewing our information literacy practice

Question 1 asked whether the university had liaison librarians. Most respondents answered yes, and those below provided further information.

  • Wollongong: Yes with Faculties and also through representation on many University Committees (e.g. eLearning and Teaching Subcommittee; Teaching Facilities Subcommittee of UEC; Student Support for Learning Sub-Committee; International Student Experience Committee) and links with University Units e.g. Learning Development; CEDIR (Centre for Educational and Interactive Educational Resources). It is also the responsibility of the Research Training Librarian and one of the Associate Librarians to liaise with the Research and Innovation Division of the University.
  • Monash: Yes, we have over 50 librarians organised into 10 faculty teams.
  • Ballarat has only a very small team of staff working in this area and after an internal review several years ago, it was decided tomove to a liaison model based around levels of study. As a result wehave staff who work predominantly with undergraduates, postgraduates andresearch, international students, TAFE students - across all Schools. Wehave common PDs across positions within the Information Literacy teamwith variances based only on the specific services underpinning eachgroup.

Common responsibilities include development of IL programs for specificgroups, development of online support for those groups, some desk work.Staff are expected to develop a strong knowledge of the needs of thestudent groups that they have responsibility for supporting and tomaintain links with year level and course coordinators.

We would ideally like to move back to a faculty based model but withouta substantial increase in staff this will be difficult to achieve.

  • Deakin: Yes. Teams of liaison librarians, led by members of the Library's senior management team, liaise with designated School, Faculties, research centres and a range of other university areas.
  • VictoriaUniversity: VU: Yes (Research Librarian, International Librarian & ChancelleryLibrarian in addition to Faculty Librarians and their cross-campus teamsof staff involved in liaison)