CEC DVI Executive Board Meeting
2009 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo
Seattle, Washington
April 3, 2009
Name: Location:
Phyllis SimmonsMD
Loana MasonCO
Ellyn RossPA
Shelia AmatoNY
Diane Pevsner AL
Janie Blome KY
Tina HertzogPA
Shirley WilsonAL
David RossPA
The DVI Executive Board meeting was called to order at 9:00am by President Phyllis Simmons and the agenda was distributed to attending members.
Adoption of Agenda– A motion to except the changes to the agenda to cover the following items tabled at Wednesday’s meeting was made by Ellyn Ross and 2nd by Loana Mason:
- Membership
- Vision Therapy
- Financial officer
- Literacy conference
- Brochure
Updates to Division Officer Reports –
PAC – Loana Mason
- Confusion of the role of the special educator
- Each division will have an invited speaker
- Possible invited speakers for Nashville – Ronnie Milsap or Scott McIntyre
Treasurer – Shirley Wilson
- Review of account summary
Diversity – Shirley Wilson
- Revisit strategic plan
- Suggestion to sponsor membership for a few students across the country. Thiswill be discussed with finance committee. This is one way of increasing membership and diversity.
Membership – Loana Mason
- Loana will draft a membership survey
- A rough draft of the survey will be sent to board members before distribution
- Facebook page
- CEC is asking for mentors for students. Sheila Amato will send applications for mentoring to board members
- Compile a list of leaders in the field of vision. If they are not currently members, they will be invited to join DVI
Vision Therapy – Sheila Amato
- A request to write a position paper on the provision of vision therapy in the educational environment. A motion was made by Ellyn Ross to ask Sheila Amato to collaborate with Bob Brasher to structure a plan to create a position paper to address the provision of vision therapy in the educational environment. A 2nd was made by Janie Blome.
Conference Calls –
- A motion was made by Ellyn Ross to ask Janie Blome to investigate the possibility of receiving support from APH to sponsor a conference call during the DVI Board Meeting in Louisville that will run concurrently with the APH meeting. A 2nd was made by Shirley Wilson.
Financial Officer –
- It is recommended that we have a financial officer by next year’s tax season.
Adjourn –
- A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ellyn Ross and 2nd by Shirley Wilson.