You Should Never Believe These Myths About High Blood Pressure
· Lauren Weiler
July 22, 2017
We all know heart disease is one of the leading killers in America, and high blood pressure can certainly contribute to your risk. But how much do you know about hypertension, really? For one, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reminds us one out of every three adults has high blood pressure, and only half of them are managing it. This leads to about 1,000 deaths each day fromhealth conditions that are caused by hypertension— think heart attack, stroke, chronic heart failures, and kidney disease.
It’s not all bad, though. More people than ever are learning about the importance of maintaining a healthy blood pressure, thus reducing their risk of fatal disease. Curious to see how much you know about this condition? Here are the top myths you must stop believing.
1. If it runs in your family, there’s nothing you can do about it
Just because it runs in your family doesn’t mean you’re destined to have it. |
Maybe your mother and father both have high blood pressure and you think you’re doomed to also have the condition. Well, there’s good news for you — genetics aren’t everything. The CDC says even if you haven’t won the genetic lottery, there are other things thatcan greatly reduce your risk of developing hypertension. This is where avoiding tobacco, eating nutrient-dense foods, and maintaining a healthy weight comes into play. It’s never too late to lower your blood pressure, either, so talk to your parents about lifestyle changes they can make as well.
2. Avoiding table salt will help reduce your blood pressure
There’s a lot of debate on whether a low-sodium diet is beneficial for those with high blood pressure, but here’s the truth: The average American diet is loaded with salt, regardless of whether it’s giving you problems. The American Heart Association recommends most adults consume no more than 1,500 milligrams a day — that’s less than 2 tablespoons of soy sauce. You probably think you’re doing your blood pressure a favor by skipping the table salt during mealtime, but keep in mind the majority of your sodium isn’t coming from the shaker. It’s coming from processed foods.
Be aware of the “salty six” — bread, cold cuts, sandwiches, pizza, soup, and chicken. These are the biggest culprits for your sodium-laden diet. And some medications contain surprising amounts of salt, too.
3. You don’t have to worry about your blood pressure if you feel fine
You may have some preconceived notions of what high blood pressure is supposed to feel like. Perhaps you envision someone who is always overheated, sweating, or nervous, but that’s typically not the case. In fact, NorthBay Healthcare states you likely won’t experience any symptoms if you have hypertension, but that doesn’t mean you’re not putting your heart, kidneys, and brain in grave danger. Don’t let your high blood pressure reading go to the wayside because you don’t feel ill. Seekingtreatment can be life-saving.
You may have some preconceived notions of what high blood pressure is supposed to feel like.
4. Drinking red wine is fine if you have high blood pressure
You’ve heard it before — drinking a glass of red wine is surprisingly good for your heart, and so it must be OK to consume if you have high blood pressure, too. There are a few flaws in this thought. First, a meta-analysis from the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs foundthere’s not really any strong evidence to support drinking in moderation is healthy. Secondly, Mayo Clinic reports drinking can raise your blood pressure both temporarily and in the long-term. That glass of wine at dinner may not beso good after all.
5. You don’t need to take your own blood pressure readings at home
You might not think one high blood pressure reading at the doctor’s office means much, but in this case, it’s a really good idea to have your own monitor at home. The AHA recommends anyone who’s on blood pressure medication takehome readings in addition to having them with a physician to see if the treatmentis making a difference. As for what kind of monitor you should be using, go for the cuff-style ones that wrap around your bicep. Wrist and finger monitors aren’t as reliable.
How to take your blood pressure reading at home
Perhaps you’ve taken a moment to go dig up that old cuff-style blood pressure reader out of your basement. Great! But that’s just step one — getting an accurate reading yourself takes more than just throwing the cuff on and hoping for the best. Make sure you haven’t smoked, exercised, or had caffeine within 30 minutes of taking your reading. And, make sure you’re sitting tall with your feet flat on the ground and the cuff directly above your elbow. Don’t forget to record your findings, either. Keeping a blood pressure journal to see any trends is a smart move for both you and your doctor.
6. You can stop taking your blood pressure medications once the readings lower
Perhaps you take medication to treat your high blood pressure and you’re finally seeing results — awesome! But don’t get ahead of yourself byabruptly stopping your treatment without a doctor’s orders. Verywell explains drug therapy is incredibly effective at controlling blood pressure without any real downsides, and it also helps protect your kidneys.
If you’ve made healthy lifestyle changes and your numbers have been in the normal range for more than six months, feel free to ask your doctor about a trial run without your meds. You might get the thumbs-up to try it out, but don’t go doing this all on your own.
Don’t like your current medication? Ask about other options
Not all medications are going to make you feel your best, even if they’re helpful in the long run. Luckily, there’s more than one option for you if you have high blood pressure. Diuretics are commonly prescribed to those with this condition, but some of them may cause low potassium levels or blood sugar issues in diabetics, says the AHA. In this case, ask your doctor about beta-blockers, which work to reduce the heart’s workload, or ACE inhibitors, which allow your blood vessels to relax. There’s a laundry list of medications you can try if you find the side effects are negatively impacting your life, so always ask about your options.
7. If you’re taking medication, you don’t have to worry about exercise or diet
Thanks to modern medicine, having high blood pressure is highly treatable. But that doesn’t mean you can sit back and let the pills do all the legwork. It’s likely your doctor will recommend you start getting a bit more active to help treat your condition, so take the suggestion seriously. Try to go for 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity — think briskly walking — three to four times a week to see the best results.
As far as your diet is concerned, you’ll need to pay extra attention.Go for foods high in potassium, like bananas, and omega-3s, like salmon. Whole grains, low-fat dairy, nuts, and olive oil are also good to incorporate.
The best exercises for those with high blood pressure
Ready to get moving? Vic Froelicher, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, shares his thoughts on exercising when you have hypertensionwith Prevention. First, make sure you’re not overdoing it. Anything that requires quick bursts of energy could boost your blood pressure temporarily, so a steady walk is a better idea. If you’re planning on doing some resistance training, don’t go for the heaviest weights you can find. Moderate weight with a moderate number of reps will be to your benefit.
When you’re exercising, make sure to never hold your breath, as this can skyrocket your blood pressure without you realizing it. And skip the pre-workout shakes — those contain a lot of caffeine, which can also cause a spike.
8. As long as one number is normal, your blood pressure is fine
You’ve probably had your blood pressure taken hundreds of times in your life, but you may not really know what those numbers mean. Or, maybe you do, and as long as one of those numbers is normal, you feel like you’re free to shrug it off. Mayo Clinic explains both the top and bottom numbers matter when determining whether or not you have high blood pressure. In fact, if your top number is too high and your bottom number is totally normal, you have a very common condition known as isolated systolic hypertension. Having this for too long can result in an increased risk of cardiovascular problems over time
9. High blood pressure only really matters if you’re older
You’re more likely to have hypertension when you’re older, but don’t ignore an abnormal reading just because you haven’t yet reached 50 years of age. Astudyin the Journal of American College of Cardiology followed nearly 2,500 men and women between the ages of 18 to 30 for more than 25 years.. They found those who had slightly elevated blood pressure levels as young adults were a lot more likely to show signs of heart disease later in life. Basically, prehypertension is no joke — get it treated early to avoid trouble down the road.
10. Men are more likely to have high blood pressure
If you think men make up the majority of those who develop hypertension, we’ll give you some credit — the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute says men are more likely to have high blood pressure in the under-55-years-old category. But things change after this age. Women are actually more likely to develop the condition post-55. Ladies, get an annual check-up for this reason.
11. Over-the-counter medications are totally safe for those with high blood pressure
If you don’t need a prescription to take it, it’s totally safe, right? Not exactly. WebMD explains some OTC meds like certain decongestants, pain meds, and cold and flu symptom relievers can actually raise your blood pressure or interfere with your hypertension medication. Even vitamins and supplements can have this effect if you’re not careful. And if you’re prone to taking antacids for heartburn, know they can have lots of sodium. If you’re currently taking something to lower your blood pressure, ask your doctor or pharmacist about OTC meds you can take without interference.
12. White coat hypertension is nothing to worry about
Visiting the doctor probably isn’t your favorite activity. If you get particularly anxious surrounding your annual exam, you may see a spike in your blood pressure. You probably think this is no big deal, especially if you take your own readings at home and they’re all normal. But here’s why you should be paying attention to those high doctor’s office readings — they give you insight into how your body deals with stress. Everyday Health explainsseeing your blood pressure rise to unhealthy levels every time you experience stress can put a lot of strain on your heart over time.
Don’t disregard your doctor’s readings just because of white coat anxiety. If anything, use it as an opportunity to address your stress levels and work to lower them.