Task Force Advisory Committee

Legislative & Public Policy Subcommittee

Membership Application

Application instructions & information:

1.  This application is a fillable form; after you have completed it, save a copy for yourself and return subcommittee application form to Task Force via email at or via fax at (503) 990-6547, ATTN: Membership Coordinator (applicants are welcome to attend a subcommittee meeting as a guest in conjunction with the application).

2.  Subcommittee members will review the application and make an appointment recommendation. Subcommittees may elect to ask for additional information.

3.  The appointment recommendation will be reviewed by the Steering Committee and Executive Director for final approval.

4.  Applicants will be contacted by the Membership Coordinator to notify them of their membership status.

5.  Subcommittee appointments are made by the Attorney General and the Task Force Executive Director for a period of two (2) years.

Name: Date:



City, State, Zip:

Telephone (work): Telephone (cell):

Fax: Email address:

Please provide thorough responses to ensure that the Task Force subcommittee is able to make an informed decision regarding your appointment.

1.  Please attach a resume, or describe your professional work history, highlighting any professional or personal experience in adolescent sexual assault treatment, management, response, investigation, prosecution, education, training, prevention, or policy development.

2.  The Task Force Advisory Committee (TFAC) (that is, all of the subcommittees together) meets in person in Salem quarterly. The subcommittees also meet separately on the same day as the full TFAC. Additional subcommittee meetings may occur in person, via telephone, or via computer-based webinar. Members are asked to attend at least two-thirds of meetings annually and to not miss more than two consecutive meetings to maintain good standing. Can you make this commitment?

3.  Committee members are expected to complete or assist with interim work projects between meetings. Are you able to spend 1 – 2 additional hours per month on committee projects?

4.  If you are employed, do both your organization and direct supervisor support your involvement in and attendance at Task Force subcommittee meetings?

5.  The mission/purpose of the Legislative & Public Policy Subcommittee is to develop, monitor and advocate for legislation and public policies that best address sexual assault. A primary function of the Subcommittee is to develop and promote victim-centered legislation to better address the needs of both the victims of sexual assault and the organizations and/or systems that serve them.

The subcommittee’s values and beliefs are:

·  A society free of sexual violence is a basic human right.

·  All people are affected by, and must work to end, sexual violence.

·  Sexual violence is the result of sexism and other forms of oppression and can be prevented.

·  Offenders choose to commit sexual violence and should be held responsible for that choice.

·  Sexual violence is never the survivor’s fault.

·  All victims of sexual violence deserve equal access to justice.

·  All victims of sexual violence deserve a response that is respectful, supportive, and victim-driven.

·  Strategies of sexual violence prevention and response must be comprehensive and socio-culturally appropriate.

·  Strategies of sexual violence prevention and response must be based on evidence or testable theories and must incorporate evaluation.

How do you feel about this mission, and these values and beliefs? Do you agree with them?

6.  What, if any, experience do you have with the legislative process?

On what issues?

3625 River Rd N, Suite 275, Keizer, OR 97303 · Phone: (503) 990-6541 · Fax: (503) 990-6547

Email: · Web: www.oregonsatf.org

Form Reviewed 10/2014