Was Canada Secure in the Cold War?
Storyboard Assignment
Events/Topics / Group MembersThe Gouzenko spy case 1945 / Logan, Usama, Pouya
International Alliances –
NATO and Warsaw Pact 1949-present / Sophia, Brianna, Rana, Sophie
The Korean War 1950-1953 / Nabil, Lochlan, Greg
The Suez Crisis 1956 / Graham, Mohamad, Ethan
Continental Alliances – NORAD
1958-present / Chandler, Luc, Bakir
The Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 / Stephen, Tyler, Hao
The Race for Space 1957-1967 / Lorrain, Dan Meng, Linsey, Ali
Step 1
Research the following questions using the classroom resources. Each group member will be assessed individually on their research notes. You will need to find the information from class and online sources. Complete your research on the Research Mind Map which follows.
Step 2
Create your storyboard. A storyboard is a visual plan that film-makers use to show how a scene will go. It has pictures, captions and a brief written explanation for each panel. Use the Storyboard Template to draft your ideas. Your final storyboard must have 4-6 panels but each panel will be 1 full page (8.5”x11”). Your storyboard does not need to be wonderfully artistic (stick figures and cut outs work well!) but it does need to explain your event and present your point of view on Canada’s security. More panels does not necessarily mean a better mark. Be creative!
Step 3
Present your findings to the class. Stick your storyboard on the wall under your title in the classroom on May 14th. You will rotate explaining or learning from the other students in a fair-style format. Be sure you can answer the question: Did this event make Canadians more secure or less secure?
During the fair, you will need to complete the Cold War Organizer handout as you learn about the other events. You must submit this organizer at the end of the period along with your reflection with an overall point of view.
Research Mind Map
Storyboard Template/Draft
In your final version, each of these squares will be a FULL PAGE.
You must show events visually. You may use up to 6 panels if needed to explain your event.
Panel 1 – How did it start?/ Panel 2 – What happened next?
Panel 3 – What happened next?
/ Panel 4 – How was this event resolved? What were the short-term and long-term effects?
Cold War Organizer
Explain what happened in this space / Did this event make Canadians more secure or less secure? Why or why not?The Gouzenko spy case 1945
International Alliances – NATO and Warsaw Pact 1949-present
The Korean War 1950-1953
The Suez Crisis 1956
Continental Alliances – NORAD 1958-present
The Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
The Race for Space 1957-1967
Submit this reflection with your storyboard, notes and rubric for the APPLICATION portion of your assessment
Write a thesis answering this question:
Did Canada achieve Security in the Post-War Period?
What are 3 points of evidence from the storyboards which support your thesis? Explain how they support your point of view. Use point form.
Was Canada Secure in the Cold War?
Storyboard and Reflection Rubric
Criteria / Re-Do / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4Clear understanding of security-related events
K / No understanding of security-related events / Limited understanding of security-related events / Some understanding of security-related events / Clear understanding of security-related events / In-depth understanding of security-related events
Research notes are clear and thorough. Sources are identified appropriately and analysis is clear.
T / Notes are insufficient and/or not present or appropriate / Research notes are limited and lack detail. Little attempt to document sources or provide analysis. / Research notes are somewhat clear, may be too short or lacking detail. Sources are not adequately identified, analysis incomplete / Research notes are clear and sufficient. Sources are identified and analysis is clear / Research notes are clear and thorough with rich detail and complete bibliography and analysis.
The storyboard is clear and visually appealing. Effort and care is demonstrated
C / The storyboard is unclear and not visually appealing. No effort or care is demonstrated. / The storyboard is of limited clarity. Many visuals need explaining. Incomplete or little effort and care demonstrated. / The storyboard is somewhat clear. Some visuals need explaining, some may be incomplete or need more effort / The storyboard is clear and visually appealing. Effort and care are demonstrated. / The storyboard is clear, creative and visually engaging. Thorough effort and care is evident.
Reflection demonstrates clear analysis of cold war security events.
A / Reflection demonstrates insufficient analysis of cold war security events. Not enough evidence provided or explained to support position / Reflection demonstrates limited analysis of cold war security events. Little relevant evidence provided. / Reflection demonstrates some analysis of cold war security events. Some evidence provided, may not all be relevant. / Reflection demonstrates clear analysis of cold war security events. Supported with relevant evidence. / Reflection demonstrates clear and insightful analysis of cold war security events. Thoroughly supported with relevant evidence
K ______T ______C ______A ______
Learning Skills
Responsibility ____ Organization ___ Independent Work ____ Collaboration ____ Initiative ____ Self-Regulation ___