House Assemblies: House Assemblies will be held as follows: Pupils and staff should go straight to the Assembly Hall on their allocated day where classes will be registered. All pupils should be seated together in their registration class.

Friday 28 August Seafield

Monday 31 AugustGordon

Tuesday 1 SeptemberInnes

Wednesday 2 SeptemberMoray

Thursday 3 SeptemberRandolph

Lockers: There are no empty lockers available in school, all are taken. (AW)

Talent Show: This year’s Annual Talent Show will take place in October. All those wishing to take part, please pass your names to Mr Webster. Rehearsals will take place on Tuesday and Wednesdays throughout September. (AW)

Buttons: We are looking to start our next display in the Support for Learning department but we are short onsome resources.Please if anyone has any spare red, orange or gold buttons we would really appreciate them being donated to us! Anyone in the SfL department will kindly take these off your hands at any time. Thanks, Miss Miller

S1-S6 Badminton Club: Badminton club will start next Wednesday 2 September in the games hall from 3.30 until 4.30. No previous experience is necessary and the club is open to all. If you have any questions, please see Miss Gardiner. (AG)

Music Magpie: Attention all new S1's and whole school! Mr Baker NEEDS YOU!! I am still in the process of collecting Computer games, computer consoles, CD's, DVD's, Blue-Rays or old mobile phones to raise money for school funds through Music Magpie! I implore you to hunt HIGH AND LOW just like A-Ha and bring in anything unwanted. I already have in excess of 300 DVD's but the more the merrier. Very low on CD's. Ask parents, neighbours, grandparents, friends, aunties, uncles and cousins! I'll take it all! Let’s make a big push over the next few weeks and see what we can get!! See Mr Baker in G23 for more info. IF YOU DONT WANT IT....I'LL HAVE IT!! Thanks (MB)


S1 & S2 Library Assistants: Can those pupils, who filled in forms to become library assistants, please come to the library on Monday at 1.20pm? Thanks. Mrs Toonen. (ST)

S1 -S3 Rugby Training: Starts on Wednesday 3 September from 3.30 to 5.00pm. All new and existingplayers are very welcome. Players should get a consent form for the season from Mr Kelly in G13 or the school website under Student Life/Sports/Rugby. (PK)

S3 – U15s Football: There will be trials held for the S3 U15s football team next Wednesday (2 September) after school. It will be outside, either on the Astro or the grass pitch. All pupils who are interested should attend or let Mr Robertson (B14) know that they are interested if they are unable to make it. (CR)

S1 – Interval/Lunchtime; S1 pupils are reminded that you are not permitted to leave the school grounds at interval/lunchtime unless going home for lunch. The situation will be reviewed in October. (AW)


Career Planning Appointments with Skills Development Scotland – Monday 31 August:

P2 Ryan Paterson 6RP3 Kyle Clarke 6IP4 Mohamad Arif 5I

P5 Liam Anderson 5SP6 Seren Staples 6G

S5 & S6: Are you studying Advanced Higher courses this year? An exciting opportunity to visit the University of Aberdeen Library is planned for you. You can look for and borrow resources to use in your dissertation research.This will be a valuable learning experience on its own and if you are planning a Higher Education course, then make the most of this opportunity to experience a university library. This library hasexcellent resources to support Advanced Higher studies and you can use the 'walk in service', which provides access to a set of databases and full text journal articles. This trip to Aberdeen by bus, is planned forThursday 1 October and if you are interested in signing up, please see Mrs Toonen by Friday 4 September. (ST)

Mr Barnett’s Study Class – Friday P5: Please note this has moved from G05 to G12.

Aldi's RetailApprenticeships: There are two vacancies presently in Elgin. Interested students should hold a minimum of N4/5 Maths and N5 English (A-C). Closing date for applications is 31 August 2015. For more information visit the website website (CF)

Higher Drama Theatre Trip: Can pupils who have not yet returned their trip permissionforms and money to Ms Ogg please do so as a matter of urgency. Many thanks. (AO)

Culbin Singers: This Forres based choir meets is looking to recruit new members and would be pleased to welcome anyone who enjoys singing. Ability to read music would be an advantage, but is not necessary. Rehearsals are on a Thursday evening. Please contact Gillian Innes at for further details. (HW)