District Health Office Performance Evaluation Checklist
District Health Office Performance Evaluation Checklist
Draft 091118
No / Indicator/Performance Measure / Primary/Secondary Data Sources / Composite Criteria/Validation Criteria / Weight1 / 50% of Health Centers have been supervised at least once per quarter / Supervision Report
Travel Request Form Signed /
- Supervision Report Exists
- At least 50% of all Health Centers have been supervised during the past quarter, and these do not include those Health Centers which have been supervised in the quarter preceding the evaluated quarter
- These supervisory visits are the formative visits and are not the same as the Quantity or Quality Audit visits
2 / At least three Monthly Meetings with Health Center staff during the past quarter / Meeting Minutes
Participants List
Travel Request Forms Signed / Each of the three meeting reports need to have the following criteria:
- Date and time indicated
- Agenda available
- Signed Participants list available
- Discussion on the contents of the past month’s HC monthly reports using the Printed Monthly HC reports (from the HMIS database
- Follow up of recommendations and tasks from previous meeting
- Actionpoints listed with tasks attributed
3 / At least one half hour training on one specific topic, during the monthly HC staff meetings / Meeting Minutes
Participants List
Travel Request Forms Signed / In the meeting minutes, a description of the topic as follows:
- Objective of the training
- Short Description of the session, referring to the available national protocol
4 / Monthly HCHMIS report entered in the HMIS database and Report Printed / Printed HCHMIS Monthly Cumulative Report
Data available in the HMIS DB
Monthly HCHMIS reports (original) /
- Printed Monthly HCHMIS Report Available and Filed in a Specific File
- Original Monthly HCHMIS Reports Available and Filed in the Specific HC Files
- All HCHMIS Reports for all HCs in the district available
5 / Activity Calendar for the Month is Available / The Activity Calendar /
- Monthly Activity Plan is available accordingto set format
- Activity Calendar for the Current Month is visible on the wall of the District Health Office
6 / Participation in the Quarterly District RBF Steering Committee Meetings / District RBF Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
Participants List /
- Three Printed Monthly District HMIS Cumulative Reports have been presented and discussed and or validated in the District RBF Steering Committee meeting.
- Eventual changes suggested to the HMIS reports (missing data, data entry errors etc) are documented in the meeting minutes.
- Meeting was held subject to the legal quorum defined in the District RBF Steering Committee agreement.
7 / Management of the District Pharmacy / [list objectively verifiable primary tools used in Zambia at this level] /
- Criterion 1
- Criterion 2
- Criterion 3
- Etc
8 / Organize quarterly HC RBFQuantity audits / Monthly Activity Calendar
RBF Audit Report
Travel Request Forms Signed /
- 100% of all HC have had their three monthly RBF report- data audited during the past quarter
9 / Quarterly Quality Performance Evaluation of the HMOs done / HC Quality Performance Checklists
Travel Request Forms Signed /
- All HC Quality performances for the past quarter evaluated before the end of the fourth month, using the designated Quality Checklists
- Correct use of the HC Quality Performance Evaluation Form (all items filled) including the recommendation section
- All HC performance evaluation forms correctly filed in a specific folder.
(Maximum XXX Points ) Grand Total
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