Condition / Ng / T5 / Nf / Duration
Normal Power / 102.3% / 785C / 113% / Continuous
Military Power / 102.3% / 786
805C / 30
Topping Power / 102.3% / 806
835C / 1
Max. Allowable
Transient / 106%
108% / 870C / 125%
130% / Maximum
Never Exceed / 108% / 950C / 130%

Engine Limits

Ng / Nf / Nr
Minimum / 48% / 88% / 88%
Transient / 88 - 93%*
Normal / 48 – 102.3% / 88 – 113% / 94 - 104%**
Transient / 105 – 113%
Transient Overspeed / 125 –130% / 114 – 125%
Maximum / 102.3% / 113% / 125%

* If above 6,000ft DA, Nr Transient Range is 88 –99%.

** If above 6,000ft DA, Nr Normal Range is 100 – 104%.

Engine Oil Pressure

ECL in Crank / Positive Indication
Min(ECL in Start) / 12psi
Min(ECL in Fly) / 20psi
Normal / 20 – 62psi
Maximum / 62psi

Max. Steady Rate Fluctuation is 3psi.

Engine Oil is MIL-L-23699

Transmission Oil Limits

Pressure / Temperature
Minimum / 20psi / -12C
Normal / 20 – 85psi / -12 – 100C
Maximum / 85psi / 110C

Xmsn Oil is DOD-L-85734

Drive System(Torque) Limitations

Engine / Single
Normal / 0 – 100% / 0 – 134%
Transient / 101 – 106% (10sec) / 135 – 142%
Transient / 107 – 114%
(5sec)Max. / 143%

If any limits are exceeded, it must be reported on VIDS/MAF.

Fuel System Limits

The Fuel system holds 330 gallons(329.8 usable).

JP-4 is 6.5lbs/gallon and JP-5/8 is 6.8lbs/gallon.

Fuel Boost Pumps required for Flight above 8,000ft PA and delivers fuel to Engine Fuel Pumps at 20psi. Light in cockpit comes on if pressure falls below 3psi

Fuel Jettison Valves dumps @1,550lbs at 300ppm to leave 692lbs(or @65minutes).

Fuel Caution Lights come on at 325lbs(14%) remaining.

Max. Pressure Fueling is 55psi.

Min. Fuel on landing is 200lbs/side.

Ignition System Limits

Normal Cycle

2 ON, 3 OFF, 2 ON, 23 OFF

Alternate Cycle

5 ON, 55 OFF.

Hydraulic System Limits

#1 Flight Boost / #2 Flight Boost / Utility
(APU) / Utility
(Aft Xmsn)
Minimum / 1,050psi / 1,050psi / 3,000psi / 3,000psi
Normal / 1,300
1,750psi / 1,300
1,750psi / 3,300
3,450psi / 3,350
Maximum / 1,750psi / 1,750psi / 3,800psi / 3,800psi

The Hydraulic System uses MIL-H-83282 in the Utility and Flight Boost Systems as well as the Brake System and the shock absorbers on the Rotor Head.

Wind Limitations

Wind Azimuth Relative to Helo Hdg / Maximum
000 – 030 / 20
031 – 040 / 30
041 – 340 / 45
341 - 359 / 30

Wind Limits for folding/unfolding of rotor blades 45knots.

Airspeed Limitations

Max. Airspeed 145KIAS or CGI Limit

whichever is lower.

Max. Sideward Airspeed35KIAS

Max. Rearward Airspeed30KIAS

Single AFCS Inoperative110KIAS

Both AFCS Inoperative145KIAS or CGI Limit

whichever is lower.

External Hoist Extended<100KIAS

Cabin Door Opening/Closing<30KIAS

Cabin Door Locked Open<50KIAS

HEFS Deployed90KIAS

If FLCT fails extended and/or

ALCT fails retracted.65KIAS/6,000ft DA MAX

ALCT fails in TAXI90KIAS/6,000ft DA MAX

Maneuvering Limits

  1. No Aerobatic Maneuvers.
  2. Coordinated Turns.
  3. All Gross Weights and DA’s, 45 or CGI Limit whichever is lower.
  4. Aircraft with inoperative CGI’s
  1. <6,000ft DA = Bank Angles of 45 or less for airspeeds up to 80KIAS, reducing bank angle to 30 at airspeeds above 80KIAS.
  2. >6,000ft DA = Bank Angles of 30 or less for airspeeds up to 80KIAS, reducing bank angle to 15 or less at airspeeds above 80KIAS.
  3. Approaching service ceiling do not exceed 15 Angle of Bank.

3.Hovering Turns.

  1. Gross Weight up to 20,800lbs, 360 in not less than 10seconds.
  2. 20,8000 – 24,300lbs, 360 in not less than 15 seconds.

4.When turbulence is encountered, reduce airspeed to remain within CGI Limits.

Landing Limits

  1. Touchdown Speed.
  2. Power ON – 60KIAS.
  3. Power OFF – 60KIAS.
  4. Max. Rate of Descent.
  5. Normal Gross Weight – 480fpm.
  6. Max. Gross Weight – 360fpm.

***Avoid rapid upward nose movement on touchdown***

  1. Slope Landings

a.Up Slope10

b.Down Slope10

c.Cross Slope 6

Acceleration Limits

Gross Weight 20,800lbs = +2.5g’s / -0.5g’s

Gross Weight 23,300lbs = +2.26g’s / -0.5g’s

Gross Weight 24,300lbs = +2.14g’s / -0.5g’s

Weight Limits

Normal Gross Weight20,800lbs

Max. Gross Weight24,300lbs

Max. Continuous Operation Time = 8hours.

Prohibitive Maneuvers

  1. Any Flight into conditions of known icing.
  2. Extended flight with CGI in YELLOW and any flight with CGI in RED.

Tire Pressures

Main Landing Gear180 – 185psi

Aux Landing Gear150 – 155psi