MILLET MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION – Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2016

In attendance: Roger Lorensen, Jeff Huolt, James Rennie,Shelley Dreger, Cynthia McLachlan, Becky Bushaski, Don McLachlan, Jose DelaCruz, Melissa Emmerzael

  1. CALL TO ORDER: Cynthiacalled this meeting to order at 7:12pm
  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes April 2016 –Cynthiamotioned to accept minutes. Shelleyseconded – Carried.
  1. ADDITION/APPROVAL AGENDA: Additions: New Business –RCMP criminal record check for board members, Zone 4 & 1660 meetings. Old Business: Bylaws update. Don motioned to approve agenda with the additions. Jamesseconded - Carried

a) PRESIDENT – Roger Lorensen

- No report.

b):VICE-PRESIDENT – Jeff Huolt

-Nothing to report.

c)TREASURER –Lisa Henschel

-Lisa is having trouble getting accurate reports from the program/ computer. Because of that there are no specific numbers for this month.

-There are only a couple of changes to the accounts from last meeting: I deposited $196 into the general account. Also wrote cheques for Leanne's bar and grill for the last meeting at $115.80, Tim Green for $1200.00 and for myself to pay for the quickbookstraining $271.95

-Also deposited $300 into the 2016 raffle checking

-Kenny and I went over the totals for the raffle and after fixing errors on both ends we are still short $1118. There were 225 tickets sold at tournaments and concession that may have been handed in as cash from tournament. That total would be $1125

-Lisa is registered for the QuickBooks course on May 30th, thank you.

-Still waiting for a few cheques to clear and bank statements to come in before the audit can be completed.

-Becky motioned to accept the report. Shelley seconded. Carried.

d)REGISTRAR – Becky Buchaski

-As of todays date we have 24 kids registered (4 prenovice, 7 novice, 2 atom, 8 peewee, 3 bantam). Registration numbers are down compared to last year but our registration deadline is not for over a month either.

-Becky is missing the PreNovice binder from Josh Giacobbos team.

-Becky is hoping to set up a registration evening where people can come in and bring medical forms, cheques etc. She will let us know the date and who she needs to help out.

-Midget – based on the numbers of players eligible to play at the midget level, we will not be able to run a midget team. All midget players parents will be emailed to register in different associations to avoid late fees. They also need to register with us first and then they will be released. Jeff will also speak with Wetaskiwin and update Becky.

-Tryouts: Anyone who wants a tryout needs to come to the board first and then paperwork can be filled out. We need to get our numbers sorted based on the number of people trying out.

-Don Motioned: MMHA will approve tryouts for any player seeking to try out for AA team or above, providing application is received by the registrar and signed by either the vice president or president of MMHA and has been registered in MMHA. Christina seconded. Carried.

-Any release applications need to be given to Becky so she can keep track of the numbers. Basically she will be the point of contact related to any release applications.


-Lindsay has looked into ordering small nets for the prenovice teams. He or Jose will plan to order them.

-He was approached by a powerskating organization (wolfpack) and will pass on more information regarding costs etc. They also provide a goalie coach with their sessions. Possibly something to look into in the future. Tim Green has already been booked for the upcoming season. All sessions should be completed by Christmas and each team will get 3 sessions.

-Coach clinic: Hockey Alberta will do the advertising and take payments etc.

-Coach application deadline August 15, 2016

-Lindsay motioned for MMHA to purchase 4 smaller nets for under $2500.00. Cynthia seconded.

f)ICE COORDINATOR – James Rennie

-James emailed and distributed the tentative ice schedule for the upcoming season. There are more ice slots and there has been ice with the anticipation of possibly having two novice teams. There is also more ice starting in February to accommodate provincial games as well as playoffs. James will attend the AOC meeting June 20 to secure ice.

-Getting a key can sometimes be an issue and as James lives in town it would be a good idea for him to have it. Don motioned for James to be in charge of the key for the Hugo Witt room. Shelley seconded.

-A reminder that ALL BOOKINGS for the Hugo Witt room need to go through James. Coordinators, tournament managers etc. need to let James know their needs for the Hugo Witt room and James will be the contact with Don from the arena.

-All tournament dates as well as Hockey day in Millet have been emailed to 1660.

g)REFEREE IN CHIEF – Kenny Herman / Greg LePage (neither in attendance)

  1. RIC:


  1. Raffle Tickets

-Kenny is working on a document for things to do in the future with the raffle so it works smoothly.


-Reminder for everyone to complete their bingo obligations for this past season before the end of August 2016.

-There was someone apparently interested in taking over the bingo coordinator position but she is no longer interested.

i)EQUIPMENT – Jose DelaCruz

-Jose has received the keys but needs to get the combinations. He can get them from Roger. He hasn’t heard back from the past equipment manager, Don Williams, about an inventory list. He will work on making up an inventory list and hopefully get something back from Don.

-Melissa will write a letter and forward it to Coach’s Source for Sports indicating that Jose is our new equipment manager and he is able to make purchases on behalf of MMHA. Jeff will sign the letter before it is sent to Coach’s.


-Harvest Fest – Cynthia will hopefully have more information at the next meeting.


-No report.

l)BANTAM–Don McLachlan

-Don has contact information for any players registered in MMHA at the bantam level. He will keep them posted on the situation with the team and be in contact with Jeff and Wetaskiwin if we decide to have the same situation we did last season with our Bantam players merging with Wetaskiwin.

m)PEE WEE – Shelley Dreger

-Nothing to report.

n)ATOM – Christina Martens

-Nothing to report.

o)NOVICE– Cindy McGrath

-No report.

p)INITIATION – No coordinator yet.

-No report.


a)Bylaws: Becky got ahold of someone at corporate registries. They can’t confirm the status of our bylaws, but they did indicate there is a large backlog and it might be a while before they are returned.



a)1660 meeting – Don & Jeff attended the meeting. Information passed onto the board:

  1. Any time a roster is updated it needs to be re-sent in,
  2. Referees need to be doing more write ups for infractions (Greg needs to be aware of this),
  3. interlocking schedules with North Central, Sturgeon Pembina and 1660 will happen this coming season (this is to minimize the travel for atom to midget age players),
  4. Edmonton minor hockey has no hitting.

b)1660 meeting – Don attended the meeting Information:

  1. Jesse Hale will be the new contact for Hockey Alberta,
  2. Information for getting new bumpers funded was passed on to Jose will look into getting the application completed and submitted asap. Motion: Jose will apply for a grant for new bumper pads. Shelley seconded. Carried.
  3. Boundaries were potentially shortened – more information to follow as this will affect our numbers for MMHA,
  4. Referee fees are the same for 2016. All referees require criminal record check,
  5. There are a lot of changes to the way provincials will be run based on tier levels,
  6. AA model has been revised,
  7. AA now goes to Leduc instead of Wetaskiwin.

c)Hockey Alberta Zone 4 meeting – May 1 Duffer’s Den Sylvan Lake – looking for someone from MMHA to attend.

d)1600 AGM – May 7 @ Centennial Centre in Fort Saskatchewan (we will be fined $200 if we don’t have representation). Don McLachlan will attend.

  2. Request from Melissa (secretary) – please send via email all reports you want added in the agenda by the Thursday PRIOR to the regular Monday meeting. I will then email the agenda with all reports that have been received. Also if you don’t email the report, please give me a copy of your report at the meeting so I can have that to add to the minutes.
  1. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, June 29 @ 7pm

9. ADJOURNMENT:Shelley adjourned meeting at 8:47 pm