Questia School Instructions

I have had some students looking for encyclopedias. There are no such hard copies of that species in media centers anymore. Instead, West has In this resource students can find encyclopedia articles, magazines, newspapers, academic journals, and primary sources for their topics. They can also create a project to hold all of the information per topic. The site also creates a bibliography for them.

The information contained here is from actual sources. So the books are full text, the encyclopedias are real. In other words, it will count as a book source. If you would like for me to give your students (and/or you) a tour and tutorial of the site, let me know and I can do that either here or in your classroom.

Make absolutely certain the go to and NOT

This is a shot of what comes up when I searched “sea otter.”

Once I click on a book, etc. I am taken to that source in its entirety. If I click Save to active project, it will then be available for the bibliography.

You can highlight text and cite information in the book/article and that information will save in the active project. (See below)

This is how the citation looks. This will be copied/pasted to their document.

If they go to the project (by clicking on the name of the project at the top left of the screen) this is what they will see. Notice that I have checked books and newspaper items that have been saved. At the bottom they click the green Create bibliography button.

They choose either APA, MLA or Chicago and click create.

This is what they will see. Then the click export to MSWord.

The Works Cited/Bibliography is done for them. (However, for some weird reason it is only single spacing. They would need to double space it.)

  • Teacher usernames will be your school email address.
  • New teacher passwords are WfHs1234! (You need to change this ASAP). Teacher who are not new to the school for the 2014-2015 have a password from last year. (It was set up as your network username, but you may have changed it. If you did change it and do not remember it for this year, let me know and I can change it for you.)
  • Your students will be (First name/Last name as it is in Infinite Campus) If they are new to the school this year, it will be
  • Student passwords will be their ID# without the 0s (zeros) at the beginning.

Let me know if anyone cannot sign in to their account.

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