Miss Terrill’s
First Grade Parent Night Information
Welcome to your child’s classroom! I am so excited to work together with you and your child in the year ahead. Throughout the year, our classroom will be learning, playing, and discovering together. Some important things to note about our classroom, school routines, and procedures are as follows:
My educational philosophy: I believe that learning should be active, varied, and fun! First graders are children who learn best through hands-on activities and meaningful experiences. Each child will be challenged at his or her own individual level. It is my job to help them grow.
Classroom Management: Every child deserves a safe and respectful place to learn and grow. We have worked in our classroom to develop promises to each other and rules to help keep us safe. Most importantly, our rules help remind us to respect our classroom and all of our school members. If a child is not being respectful, they are given one warning before asked to take a short time out to think. If a time out is given, together we will think of ways that will help remind them of how to behave more appropriately.
Assessment: Assessment is an ongoing process in our classroom. I keep a portfolio for each child; samples of activities are kept and shared with parents at conference time. Report cards will be sent home two times a year (2nd and 4th quarter). Conferences will be scheduled in the fall and spring.
Sick/Absent: If your child is sick, please call the office to report his or her absence at 437-2400 X5000
Leaving early/coming to school late: Please check in with the office BEFORE coming to the classroom to drop-off or pick up your child. Your child will need to obtain a slip from the office before returning to class or from his/her teacher before they leave the school.
Beginning of the day procedures: If your child is dropped off at school before 8:05, they are to wait outside in their line row. Please keep in mind that there is no supervision if you drop your child off before 7:45. Your child will be marked tardy if they are not here by 8:15.
End of the day procedures: If there is ANY change with your child’s going home routine, please send a note with your child. If it is a last minute change, you will need to call the office to make sure our secretary will get the message delivered to me. If I do not have a note or you have not called the office, I will expect your child to take his/her normal routine home.
Volunteering and ways you can help: I appreciate anything you are willing or able to do for our class! I am attaching a volunteer sign-up sheet and volunteer background form. Examples of how to help:
o Classroom help: working with small groups of children or during computer lab time
o Sharing a book or interest with our class
o Chaperoning field trips
o Even if you are not able to come into the classroom, I am still looking for people to help cut out projects or other classroom materials
o Anything else that you think our class would enjoy and benefit from! J
Folders: Your child will be bringing home his or her folder EVERY night during the week. Please check your child’s folder each night. There will be a parent signature sheet in their folder, but it is only necessary to sign it over the weekends. I will be mainly sending home “school” papers on Fridays. If you ever need to send a note or lunch money with your child, please send it in their folder.
Here at Mount Horeb we are really trying to cut down on paper and I would appreciate all e-mail addresses so I can send you the newsletter instead of receiving it in your child’s folder. Please write down an e-mail address on the sheet going around the room.
Everyday Math Program: Our math program is “Everyday Mathematics”. It is very hands-on and developmentally appropriate for the first grade level. Tonight you will grab all of the math homelinks for the year. Please keep them in a binder at home. I will let you know what pages to complete through our newsletter each week. Once a quarter I will ask your child to bring in their binder so I can check their work.
Literacy: This is the most exciting year to see all the gains in reading! Throughout the year your child will be meeting with me individually or within a small group. During this time, we will be working on different skills to meet our first grade goals. Please make sure when your child is reading with you that they are using a one to one word match with their finger. Every night your child will be bringing home a book from our own classroom. They can keep it as long as they want, but are not able to check out a new book until they return the old one. Every week they will also have a spelling test based on the sight words learned that week and the word family. This should not be a surprise to the students because they are words that they have been practicing in their homework and class all week.
Book it: Our class will be participating in the Book It Program sponsored by Pizza Hut from October through March this year. At the beginning of each month, your child will bring home a read aloud sheet for you to fill out. Each time a book, poem, article, etc. is read to your child (or your child reads a book to someone), record the title in a slot on the chart. There are enough slots for one book or story per day. Please use the back of the sheet if you need more room.
At the end of each month, return the completed sheet to me. Children who have a full sheet will be rewarded with a coupon for a free personal pizza from Pizza Hut.
The purpose of this program is to encourage you to share the excitement of literature with your child and enable your child to become a successful reader in the future.
Library Books: Please help your child remember to return his or her library books each week. We have library on Wednesday’s, so books need to be back in the following week. Another important key to model to your child is how to treat their books and keeping them in an important place away from pets or younger siblings.
Lunch: You are ALWAYS welcome to join us for lunch. We typically eat lunch around 11:35. If you are interested in eating hot lunch with your child, please let the office or myself know ahead of time so you are added to the lunch count that day.
Super Star: Super star is a chance for your child to be the “star of the week”. This is a very special time for your child to show off who they are and what they are interested in. A week in advance, I will be sending home a reminder of what to bring in for their super star week. We are doing it a little different than last year. Instead of a poster, your child will be bringing in pictures or descriptions about their favorite book, their birthday, favorite food, where they were born, someday I want to, things I like to do, my friends, my family, and what I’m excited about. Every day your child is able to bring ONE show and share item. During your child’s special week, you may have special guests come in to share stories about the child, read to the class, come in for lunch, etc. It’s their week so anything to make it special is ok with me. Please send in all pictures or descriptions by the Monday of their special week.
Birthdays and treats: Your child is welcome to celebrate his or her birthday or half birthday at school. This year if you are interested, you may bring a birthday treat. We are trying to be health conscious at our school so if you could think of something “healthy” that would be great. Please do not send anything with any type of peanuts or peanut butter. Parents or relatives are welcome to join our birthday friend during their special day. They are able to read a story, come for lunch, or anything you think will make your child’s day special.
**Please do not send birthday invitations to school unless the entire class is invited**
Book Orders: Throughout the year I will be sending home flyers from Scholastic Books and other book companies. Please remember this is completely optional. If you choose to order books, please write your check out to the book company and return the order forms to school by the date specified.
Medication Form: ANY medication (prescription or over the counter) that your child is taking needs to be dispensed through the office. All the medication requires a medication form be completed and returned to the office. *Medication forms are available in the PC office or on the district website. www.mhasd.k12.wi.us
Communication: Above all, communication between students, families, and teachers is the most important way to create a successful year for your child. Please do not ever hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
PC Office: 437-2400 X5000
Miss Terrill 437-2400 X5135
ELC/PC Principal, Rachael Johnson