The Presbytery of Susquehanna Valley

Cordially invites you

to a

Service of Worship

to Install

The Rev. Thomas D. Vance

Sunday, August 23, 2015

3:00 p.m.


Masonville Federated Church

Corner of Route. 206 & Route. 8

Masonville, NY 13804

Reception to follow


A Calendar of Prayer for our Presbytery


5 – George Budine, Commissioned Lay Pastors

12- Shirley Davis, Commissioned Lay Pastors

19 – Bea Mooney, Ruling Elder

26 – James Belt, Teaching Elder


Prayer Joys and Concerns

Dear Friends, there are many in our hearts and in our prayers, may we hold in prayer colleagues and their families:

Prayers of healing

Please contact Committee on Ministry co-chairs, Mark Montfort and Pat Raube if you have a pastoral care concern or need.


Staff News

Other News


Sending Service for First Presbyterian Endicott - August 23rd 4pm

The Final Worship Service for FPC Endicott as a PCUSA congregation will be held at the church on Sunday Afternoon August 23 at 4 pm. This is a joint worship service planned by the Presbytery Cabinet and First Endicott as they move to ECO - A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians. The resolution approved by Presbytery called this the Final Worship Service of Commissioning, which is a close synonym to Sending. Since Susquehanna Valley can't really commission a church of another denomination, we are using the term Sending, since that also has the idea of "Go in God's Grace to love and serve the Lord where you are called." This service is open to all who wish to say farewell and Godspeed and mark both an ending and a beginning.

Some members of First Endicott will remain PCUSA for a while, including some who are serving Presbytery committees, and will be kept on a special roll of members held by the Presbytery for several years. An initial information session on this process has been held at the church. If you have questions or know someone who needs to know about this special membership roll, contact the Stated Clerk.


Communications Coordinator

Albany Presbytery is looking to hire a communications coordinator for the next 12 months beginning Sept 1, 2015. Please see the attached link for the job posting and please share with your networks. We are looking to receive as strong a pool of candidates as possible. All inquires should be directed to:

Link to Call for Resumes:

Thank you for your assistance with sharing this on behalf of Albany Presbytery,

Rev. Shannan R. Vance-Ocampo, Transitional Presbyter

Albany Presbytery

Office | 518-273-4991

Cell | 732-895-9083


Homer Congregational Church Seeks DCE

We are seeking to hire a part-time Interim Director of Christian Education. We envision this position to last at least a year with the individual eligible to apply for the permanent DCE position. I have attached our advertisement and job description. Resumes can be sent to . See also For more information, goIntDCE opportunity1 .


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The University of Dubuque Theological Seminary is pleased to announce that we will be offering nine online fall courses for Commissioned Ruling Elders in our CLP/CRE program, scheduled from September 8 to December 18, 2015. We would appreciate it if you would pass on this information within your presbytery/church and advertise it in your newsletter or other publications.


Introduction to Old Testament – Dr. Martin Benckhuysen
Introduction to New Testament – Dr. Jim Gunn
Christian Education – Dr. Susan Forshey
Introduction to Preaching – Dr. Timothy Slemmons
Pastoral Care – Dr. Beth McCaw
Presbyterian Polity – Dr. Scott Nesbitt
Reformed Theology – Dr. Elesha Coffman
Reformed Worship and Sacraments – Dr. Timothy Slemmons

NEW COURSE OFFERING: Church Administration and Finance – Dr. Phillip Jamieson

This year we are adding two new courses to our CLP/CRE course lineup. During the Fall 2015 semester we are offering Church Administration and Finance and for the 2016 Spring term we will be offering Christian Leadership Ethics. Church Administration and Finance will enable lay pastors to explore and develop the practical skills necessary for effective church administration, while Christian Leadership Ethics will examine topics like sexual misconduct, confidentiality, boundaries, money, youth programs, volunteers, etc. and the implications for ministry. Both are essential for anyone who is preparing for successful service in the church.

As always, current students can register by going online at or by contacting Carla Gibbons, Distance Education Coordinator ( or call 563-589-3630 / 1-888-207-8218), to pay by credit card or check. The tuition rate is $380.00 per course. In addition, please remember to check our continuing education website for upcoming events.

Yours in Christ,

Richard J. Shaffer Jr.

Associate Dean and Assistant Professor of Ministry

Director of Distance Education

University of Dubuque Theological Seminary

Dubuque, Iowa 52001

(563) 589-3691


$395 registration fee includes 3 nights’ lodging and 7 meals
as well as all workshops and breakout sessions.

Looking for ways to equip your church’s leaders for discipleship and evangelism? Want to discern your congregation’s particular mission and take action that makes a difference? Perhaps you want to become more effective in sharing God’s love and reaching out through social media? Find answers to these and other timely questions: Register now for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s fourth Big Tent conference. Find out more about the schedule of events and featured preachers and speakers.



Founded just over 100 years ago, Hitchcock Presbyterian Church is located in suburban Scarsdale, New York. Scarsdale is situated in the beautiful Hudson River Valley, with easy access to New York City. Hitchcock is a warm and welcoming, diverse, multigenerational faith community of 450 members.

We come to be in the presence of God so that we can be the presence of God in the world around us. We are seeking a visionary leader who will support and nurture our long tradition of serving God throuh worship and music, fellowship, pastoral care, youth and adult education, and community outreach. Will you partner with us in deepening our faith and expanding our ministries? We welcome all who are inspired by our MIF #06077 to visit our website,, and apply for the position. Please send your resume to or Hitchcock PNC, 6 Greenacres Avenue, Scarsdale NY 10583, Attn: Pastor Nominating Committee
