Prequalification Questionnaire / Expression of Interest
Construction Subcontract for the LAWPS Facility (Revision 3)
Prequalification Questionnaire / Expression of Interest
Construction Subcontract
For The Low Activity Waste Pretreatment System (LAWPS)
T. F. Kisenwether
Washington River Protection Solutions LLC
Date Published August 21, 2017
Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy
Office of River Protection
Contract No. DE-AC-27-08RV14800
P.O. Box 850
Richland, Washington
Only those capable Subcontractors who are interested in receiving a Request for Proposal (RFP) should complete the attached Prequalification / EOI questionnaire. The information provided by the Subcontractor’s will be used by Washington River Protection Solutions, LLC (WRPS) to identify Subcontractor’s that will receive an RFP for the construction of the Low Activity Wastes Pretreatment System (LAWPS). Any and all information transmitted by the Subcontractor, up to and including Subcontractor’s response to the RFP, may be used to verify the Subcontractor’s qualifications to perform the work. Failure to meet all requirements, at any time, may deem the Subcontractor ineligible. Subcontractor’s shall submit their response to the attached Prequalification Questionnaire / EOI using Microsoft Word file and pdf file via e-mail to no later than Friday,October 20, 2017. Responses that are unnecessarily excessive may be rejected in their entirety. Responses received after Friday, October 20, 2017 including mailed sections, might not be considered. Receipt of responses will be acknowledged by e-mail. If your company has previously completed an EOI response it is recommended that your company provide an updated EOI response which identifies the potential OFFERORs complete Team. Several early responses did not provide their proposed Team organizational structure. If the previously submitted EOI has no changes or newer data is not available there is no need to resubmit a new EOI. In addition the proposed LEAD Subcontractor shall submit their Quality Assurance Program for WRPS evaluation. Note the date and scope changes.
Name of Participating Firm(s):Point(s) of Contact:
Telephone Number(s):
Facsimile Number(s):
E-mail Address(es):
WRPSis planning to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) in the first quarter of FY 2018for construction services that include furnishing the design, materials, equipment, and labor to construct and test the new Low Active Waste Pretreatment System (LAWPS)Facility on the Department of Energy's (DOE) Hanford Site located in southeastern Washington State. This project is governed by DOE Order 413.3B, “Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets,” with stringent Quality and Earned Value Management System requirements.
3.0Project Background
The DOE Office of River Protection (ORP) currently manages approximately 56 million gallons of highly radioactive mixed waste that is stored in underground tanks at the Hanford Site, located in southeastern Washington State. ORP is constructing a set of new facilities, collectively referred to as the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP), which will be used to treat and vitrify these nuclear wastes.
The LAWPS Project will separate High Level Waste (HLW) components from Low Activity Waste (LAW) components by filtration and ion exchange and will stage the treated LAW in Lag Storage Tanks. From these staging tanks, the waste will be transferred to the Waste Treatment Plant (WTP) LAW facility where it will be immobilized through a vitrification process. Construction of the LAWPS Facility will enable the U.S. Department of Energy to treat and immobilize Hanford Tank Waste.
WRPS has formed an Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Projectsorganization to execute the design and construction of the LAWPS Project. The construction phase of the project will be surrounded by it’s a fence which will itisolated from other existing Hanford Facilities.SUBCONTRACTOR and WRPS EPC procedures specifically tailored to permit efficient (near greenfield) execution of this large complex project will be utilized throughout the construction phases. This Project,both design and construction phases, is being carried out in accordance with DOE Order 413.3B.
Although WRPS ultimately manages and controls activities necessary to execute the Project, LAWPS has established an Integrated Project Team with some of its functions including:1) participating in weekly status meetings, design reviews, risk workshops, 2) Direct Feed LAW (DF LAW) Program strategy development, 3) budget planning, 4) project reviews, 5) variance analysis, and 6) project document development/maintenance. The LAWPS Project has engaged anArchitect/Engineer (A/E) subcontractor to develop the preliminary and detailed design, who will remain engaged throughout the project execution. WRPS Engineering is acting as the Design Authority for the design, procurement, construction, commissioning, and operation of the LAWPS Facility.
WRPS has established the Construction Management Team (CMT), as a subset of the IPT. The selected construction subcontractor awarded the construction subcontract for the facility will be a key member of the CMT. The subcontractor must have the experience and ability to engineer, procure and construct complex projects that include safety significant systems. The LAWPS has been evaluated per the methodology in DOE-STD-1027-92, “Hazard Categorization and Accident Analysis Techniques for Compliance with DOE Order 5480.23, Nuclear Safety Analysis Reports,” to be a Hazard Category 2 nuclear facility (i.e., hazard analysis shows the potential to release sufficient quantities of hazardous material and energy during a design basis accident to result in significant consequences to on-site facility workers). The facility documented safety analysis identifies the resulting selected nuclear safety controls that include safetysignificant (SS) structures, systems, and components (SSCs) along with technical safety requirements and other defense-in-depth design and administrative features. Assurance that installed SSCs can be relied upon to perform their intended preventive or mitigating functions requires adherence to a rigorous acquisition processes. The subcontractor must have an established Quality Assurance Program meeting ASME NQA-1 2008/2009 Parts I and II requirements, an approved Cost Accounting System, and have a certified Earned Value Management System. Additionally, the subcontractor and sub-tier subcontractors must have an average Safety Experience Modification Rate (EMR)rating of 1.0 or below for the last three years.
WRPS will direct the commissioning for the project with support provided by the construction subcontractor. The WRPS Test Director will utilize resources provided by the Subcontractor to carry out system testing and acceptance prior to transfer of the facility to operations.
WRPS is issuing a separate Site Preparation Subcontract to clear, grub, level and gravel the site, install temporary construction offices to support WRPS Staff and the Full Construction Subcontractor, install temporary utilities, install construction fencing, and install an excavation support system to allow immediate vault construction to begin upon WRPS issuing a Notice to Proceed (NTP) for full construction activities. This site preparation work is scheduled to begin in the first quarter of FY18 and be completed by the end of FY18.
4.0Questionnaire Sections
This prequalification questionnaire / EOI has Sections A through L. Each section must be completedin its entirety. Failure to complete each section may disqualify potential Subcontractor’s. Each section is designed provide the key requirements anticipated to be in the request for proposal (RFP) for this Construction Service Subcontract, and asks related qualification questions. Responses should be limited to a few paragraphs unless directed otherwise. Responses that are unnecessarily excessive may be rejected in their entirety. The included questionnaire is focused on twelve (12) Sections below:
- Facility Scope Definition
- Type of Contract Discussion
- Cost Accounting System
- Earned Value Management System
- Small Business Qualification
- Team Identification
- Organizational Structure & Staff Qualifications
- Capability and Experience
- Property and Material Management Planning
- Health and Safety Program
- Quality Assurance Program
- Labor Agreements
NOTE: This is an Expression of Interest/Prequalification questionnaire only. This is not a Request for Proposal (RFP) and shall not be construed as a commitment by WRPS to award a contract.
A response to each section is required.
Prequalification Questionnaire / Expression of Interest
Construction Subcontract for the LAWPS Facility (Revision 3)
1.0SUBCONTRACT Scope Definition
Under the Department of Energy Tank Operations Contract No. DE-AC27-08RV14800, Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS) has been directed to design, construct, and operate the Low Activity Waste Pretreatment System (LAWPS) Project T5L01. The LAWPS project is being implemented in accordance with DOE Order 413.3B, “Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets”. The purpose of this subcontract is to furnish safe, compliant, cost-effective, on schedule design, construction, and commissioning of the LAWPS Project T5L01 by:
1)Applying performance-based contracting approaches;
2) Expecting the SUBCONTRACTOR to innovate and implement techniques that maximize performance efficiencies and
3) Complete the project on schedule.
As a result of the DOE Order 413.3B Critical Decision Process and the stringent LAWPS Project Schedule the Construction Subcontract procurement and this Statement of Work is structured as follows (Reference Figure 1):
- The Phase 1 Pre-Planning and Constructability scope will be awarded to one or more successful bidders, based on the Best Value criteria established in the Request for Proposal (RFP) package.
- After completion of the preplanning activities the planning subcontracts will be suspended and the initial successful bidders will provide a best and final offer to complete the CD 2/3 scope of work (Phases 2, 3 and 4). The CD 2/3 Work will be awarded to one successful bidder based on the Best Value criteria established for the BAFO. The unsuccessful bidder(s) subcontract(s) will be terminated.
- The successful bidder for the final BAFO will resume Phase 1 Pre-Planning and Constructability and begin the Phase 2 Optional 3A scope released by the WRPS, whileWRPS obtains DOE approval for the CD 2/3 (Phases 3 and 4) scope of work.
- After DOE approval of CD 2/3, Phases 3 and 4 Optional Work will be released by WRPS.
Figure 1. Lifecycle
The fundamental purpose of the LAWPS Project T5L01 is to provide the capability to remove undissolved solids and radioactive cesium from Double Shell Tank (DST) supernatants and feed the treated waste directly to the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) Low Activity Waste (LAW) Vitrification Facility for immobilization. The project will be carried out under the DOE Order 413.3B, “Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets.” The schedule objective is to provide a complete construction start up tested facility that feeds low active waste (LAW) to the Waste Treatment Plant (WTP) LAW Facility by the target date of TBD. The 60% design is complete and is anticipated to be finalized with comments incorporated mid-year 2017. The 90 % design completion is anticipated in the last quarter of FY2018 with DOE approval of Critical Decision 2/3 (CD-2/3) authorizing construction in early FY19. Early construction funding is being requested in a CD3A package which is targeted for late in the first quarter of FY18. Full construction authorization CD-3 is expected in early FY19. See Figure 2.
Figure 2. LAWPS Timeline
The LAWPS is essential to the achievement of the overall Direct Feed LAW (DFLAW) mission described in the Department’s Hanford Tank Waste Retrieval, Treatment and Disposition Framework document. The mission requirements for DFLAW and the LAWPS portion of DFLAW are developed in the Direct Feed LAW Business Case (DOE/ORP-2013-01) and documented in the Mission Need Statement for the Low Activity Waste Pretreatment System at the Hanford Site (March 2014).
The LAWPS facility will be located on the 586-square-mile Hanford Site along the Columbia River in southeastern Washington State. The LAWPS facility will be located on the corner of WTP Loop Road and 4th Street as shown in (Figure 3). The LAWPS site is approximately 2000 feet west of the WTP construction site and 1500 feet northeast of the 241-AP Tank Farm (Figure 4). Access to the WTP site can be made from two primary routes; from Route 4 South (from the Wye or Rattlesnake barricades), north on Canton Avenue and then east on 4th Street, and from Route 11A (from the Wye, Rattlesnake or Yakima barricades) south on Canton Avenue and then east on 4th Street.
Figure 3. LAWPS Location
WRPS’s Design Agent is designing a majority of the project on a build to print basis. However, there will be several design elements within the construction scope that will be provided by the Construction SUBCONTRACTOR that will require design submittal approvals by WRPS’s Design Authority and Agent. These designs may be executed by the SUBCONTRACTOR’S vendors or sub-tiers, and will include a variety of equipment skids, control systems, tanks, and other engineered commodities. The construction sequence involves site preparation, excavation, foundations and structural work, tank fabrication, process equipment installation, utilities tie-in, system testing, instrument loop testing, and finally hot (or radioactive service) tie-in, which is outside the scope of this Subcontract.
Below are the anticipated phased construction subcontract scope descriptions based on each Project Critical Decisions Pre-Planning, CD-3A and CD-2/3. Each scope will require DOE funding authorizations.
- Phase 1 Work – Pre-planning and Constructability – This includes performing a site assessment, constructability reviews, develop mobilization documentation, develop the construction strategy, and risk identification.
- Phase 2 Work – CD-3A Mobilization and Other Preparation Activities – This includes mobilization/preparation activities; main process facility excavation, procurement/ fabrication of concrete reinforcement, embeds, forms, and supporting materials; long lead equipment design and procurement; placement of the mud mats; and initial rebar mats/embed mat installation; and form assembly/installation.
- Phase 3 Work – CD-2/3 Full Construction – This includes the facility construction including civil, architectural, mechanical, process, utilities, I&C, electrical and construction acceptance testing. Phase 3 ends after completion of Construction Acceptance Testing (CATS) and closure of CATS open items.
- Phase 4 Work – CD 2/3 Startup Construction Testing (SCTs) – This includes providing support to the WRPS during the startup testing activities prior to turning the facility over to the WRPS for Operational Acceptance Testing (OATS). Phase 4 ends after completion of the startup testing and acceptance by the WRPS.
Estimated Key Quantities for Construction & Installation
- Concrete construction (~14,400 CY).
- Weather protection building construction above vaults including resin handling, north annex and lag storage buildings (~ 20,000SF), ~980tons structural steel.
- Electrical installation (site transformer installed by others during or before site prep)
- ~110,000 lf conduit
- ~1,800 lf underground duct bank
- ~225,000 lf Cable
- ~5,000 lf Cable Tray
- includes fiber optic cable
- prefabricated electrical equipment building.
- Control systems (Allen Bradley).
- Safety significant control system.
- HVAC general service system – intake skid and duct work.
- HVAC safety significant system – intake skid fan/controls module and ducting.
- HVAC exhaust skid, ducting, stack and CIDs.
- Piping – 316LStainless – ~14,200 lf 1.5” and less, ~12,600 >= 2” (Safety Significant).
- Valves:137 (Remotely Maintainable Safety Significant, GFE) 240 (Safety Significant), 475 (General Service)
- REMOTE Connectors/Jumpers – ~46 – 2” and larger fabrication and installation (Purex jumper fittings furnished by WRPS).
- Piping systems general service.
- Mechanical equipment including tanks.
- Instrumentation –~2,333 instruments – wiring & terms included in electrical above.
- Fire protectionsystem.
Government furnished equipment and materials (See Section “I”)
- Overhead Crane
- Ion Exchange skid
- Cross Flow Filter skid
- Filter Feed Valve Skid
- All Grayloc and Purex connectors will be furnished loose. (Jumper fabrication will be done under this subcontract)
- Xomox valves that are required for the valve skid assembly’s above.
- ASME Tanks
Schedule Objective
The schedule objective is to provide a facility that feeds low active waste (LAW) to the Waste Treatment Plant (WTP) LAW Facility by the target date TBD. The project design is 60% complete. 90% design completion is anticipated in the last quarter of FY2018 with DOE approval of Critical Decision 2/3 authorizing construction (CD-2/3) near the end of the first quarter of FY 2019. Early construction funding is being requested in a CD3A package which is targeted for late in the first quarter of FY18.
The construction schedule will be very aggressive in order to meet DOE commitments to initiate tank waste treatment and disposal. The current construction schedule assumes working a rolling 4-10’s schedule for the construction in order to support the project completion dates.
The P6 schedule will be resource loaded including labor hours, equipment, and total cost of each activity. Critical path analysis, description of any variances and corrective action will be required as a monthly reporting requirement. Weekly updates to the target schedule will be required.
The current RFP schedule:
•Receipt of Responses for the Revised Expression of Interest - 10/20/17
•Issue the RFP - 12/2017
•Submittal of proposals to WRPS 4/2018
•Award of the construction Subcontract(s) for Phase 1 - 4/18
•Suspend Phase 1 Subcontract(s) 8/18
•Issue Step 2 Procurement for Phases 2 through 4 – 8/18
•Receive Step 2 proposals 11/18
•Resume Phase 2 Work (1 Subcontractor)- 12/18
The LAWPS Facility will be a Hazard Category 2 nuclear facility which will be remotely operated. The LAWPS facility will receive compliant waste from AP Tank Farm, employ a cross-flow filtration (CFF) system to separate the solids from the waste and an ion exchange (IX) system to remove soluble radioactive cesium (Cs) from the filtered waste. Along with the capability to remove solids and Cs from the waste, the LAWPS facility will have waste transfer lines connecting LAWPS with AP Farm and LAWPS with WTP, and lag storage tanks to store the treated LAW. At the lag storage tanks, the WTP waste acceptance criteria (WAC) will be confirmed prior to the treated LAW being transferred to the WTP LAW Facility for vitrification. Waste will be transferred via in-ground, double-walled, waste transfer lines from the 241-AP Tank Farm to the LAWPS and from the LAWPS to the WTP. The solids removed by the CFF system are continuously returned to the AP Farms and the Cs removed by the IX system is accumulated for transfer back to the DST system. The facility contains main process vaults which have multiple embedment depths with the deepest found 47 feet below grade with top of concrete elevation approximately equal to grade. The process vaults are enclosed within a 125 foot by 85 foot by 60 foot tall above grade structural steel weather enclosure building, which houses a 30 ton overhead crane and truck airlock. Located immediately adjacent to this are support structures housing electrical, HVAC, process equipment, 5 ton overhead crane, and spent resin dewatering, packaging and storage system. Balance of plant equipment is installed on slabs placed on grade. Balance of plant equipment is primarily designed to be fabricated and delivered as sub-assemblies. Plant utilities and piping systems are buried or located within trenches with covers. Double walled underground waste transfer piping lines (WTL) from LAWPS to the 200 East Area AP Tank Farm and to the Waste Vitrification Plant will also be installed (the tie in connections at the AP Farm and WTP will be completed by others). See Figures 5 and 6 for general facility and main process building general layouts.