Utility Board Meeting

January 18, 2016


Government Body:Winterset Municipal Utilities

Date of Meeting:January 18, 2016

Time of Meeting: 8:30 A.M.

Place of Meeting:Electric Generation Plant, 321 N. 1st St.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the above-mentioned governmental body will meet at the date, time and place above set out. The tentative agenda for said meeting is as follows:


  1. Call to order, roll call
  2. Approval of agenda
  3. Minutes of meetings
  4. General Manager Report
  5. Prairie grass planting, Al Lange
  6. Watershed discussion
  7. Water Superintendent Report
  8. Electric Superintendent Report
  9. Claims

Added items for discussion…

The Board of Trustees of the Winterset Municipal Utilities, Winterset, Iowa, met on January 18, 2016 in accordance with the above Notice & Call of Public Meeting. Chairman Kendall Kerns called the meeting to order with the following members of the Board in attendance.

PRESENT: Steve Montross, Patty Weeks, Kendall Kerns


Others in attendance, Steve Benshoof, Utility Water Superintendent, Chuck Johnson, Utility Electric Superintendent, and Dave Braga.

Chairman Kerns asked for approval of the agenda. Trustee Weeks moved the agenda be approved as changed. Seconded by Trustee Montross. On a voice vote the motion carried.

Chairman Kerns stated the minutes from the, December 21st and January 11thmeetings had been provided to the board. Trustee Weeks moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Trustee Montross. On a voice vote the motion carried.

Mr. Benshoof was asked to give the General Managers report to the board. Mr. Benshoof stated that there is a meeting at the NRCS building Wednesday the 20th with the Soil and Water Conservation board concerning a coordinator for the Cedar Lake watershed. Mr. Benshoof reported that Mr. Wesselmann was working on the projects and priorities list. Mr. Benshoof stated that the utilities have been reimbursed $7,561.37 for their shared dollars spending for 2015. Mr. Benshoof stated that we are pursuing engineering proposals to extend a larger water main to the downtown square.

Chairman Kerns addressed the next agenda item, the Prairie grass planting with Al Lange. Trustee weeks and Al Lange of the Madison Co. Pheasants Forever chapter gave a brief history of the planned prairie grass planting at the Dam spillway site. Mr. Lange suggested that next fall to kill off the existing vegetation with the planting to occur the following spring. After a brief discussion it was decided to have a meeting at the lake in September.

Chairman Kerns asked Trustee Weeks to address the next agenda item, Watershed discussion. Trustee Weeks stated that she was meeting with the Soil & Water Conservation Board on Wednesday the 20th at 9:30 am, along with the Water Supt. and General Manager, to discuss their participation in a watershed coordinator.

Mr. Benshoof was asked to give the report on the water department. Mr. Benshoof presented the written report to the board and reported that they worked on installing new hydrants at the campground. Mr. Benshoof stated that they had to replace a fire hydrant at 7th Ave. & W. Husky Dr. due to a traffic accident; insurance has already reimbursed the cost. Mr. Benshoof reported they repaired a service line at 59 EW. Jefferson St., it was on the square. Mr. Benshoof reported that they have switched to free chlorine for disinfection for one month, as they do every year. Mr. Benshoof stated that he obtained a quote for working on the bath at the lake house. Mr. Benshoofstated that Ben Moetsch has a satisfactory annual evaluation and he is moving him from Range 12 Step 3 to Range 12 Step 4, according to the union contract.

Mr. Johnson was asked to give the report on the electric department. Mr. Johnson presented the written report to the board and reported that theyhave been terminating transformers and secondary pedestals at the new development. Mr. Johnson reported that they were installing the electric infrastructure at the new housing development north of Mills St. Mr. Johnson reported that the Christmas decorationshave been taken down. Mr. Johnson reported that they were assisting the street dept. with tree removal. Mr. Johnson stated that they have received the new boring machine that was in the new budget. Mr. Johnson stated that he would like to use the annual shared dollars funds to purchase 6 body cameras for the Winterset Police Dept. Mr. Johnson stated that he was raising the hourly rate for his MOC student employee to $12.00 per hour due to an satisfactory evaluation.

Trustee Weeks stated she had reviewed the claims. Trustee Montross moved to approve the following list of claims. Seconded by Trustee Weeks. Roll call vote:

AYES: Weeks, Kerns and Montross

NAYS: None




CenturyLink, phone service 221.20

City of Winterset, salaries 1,472.93

City of Winterset, salaries 1,532.93

Doc’s Soft Water, office supplies 5.89

Iowa Assn of Municipal Utilities, apprenticeship prog 3,317.50

MidAmerican Energy, gas service 529.13

Norsolv Systems Enviro Service, machine service 169.01

Shermco Industries Inc., relay testing 2,571.00

SIMECA, purchase power 256,217.97

Unity Point Clinic, CDL testing 37.00

Wiegert Disposal, garbage service 36.75

Zee Medical Inc., first aid supplies 71.10


Agriland FS Inc., gasoline 33.17

Border States Electric Supply, line supplies 112.51

Breedings Hardware, hdw supplies 130.99

Brittains Std Parts, hdw supplies 55.55

Capital City Equipment Co., skid loader repairs 293.56

Carquest of Winterset, vehicle maint 308.62

CenturyLink, phone service 33.06

City of Winterset, salaries 11,075.35

City of Winterset, salaries 11,195.35

Family Center, hdw supplies 24.69

Iowa Assn of Municipal Utilities, CIASSO dues 238.93

Mary Terry, rebate 1,050.00

MidAmerican Energy, gas service 189.95

Norman Stephenson, rebate 75.00

Stuart C Irby Co., line supplies 402.80

Verizon, cellular service 54.99

WESCO, replacement jaw 194.83

Wiegert Disposal, garbage service 30.00

Winterset Oil Co., gasoline 400.91


Anthony Roberts, deposit refund/interest 131.25

Bell Transmission & Auto Repair, deposit ref/interest 131.25

Bob Timmons, deposit refund 125.00

Charles & Laura Townsend, deposit refund/interest 82.50

Cheryl Hanslip, deposit refund/interest 131.25

City of Winterset, addl internal transfer 26.06

City of Winterset, reimb internal 2,563.23

City of Winterset, reimb sewer/garbage revenue 10,792.39

City of Winterset, salaries 1,021.41

City of Winterset, salaries 911.73

Danielle House, deposit refund/interest 131.25

Gary Binns, deposit refund/interest 131.25

J & S Chickering LLC, deposit refund/interest 131.25

Joseph Petersen, deposit refund/interest 131.25

Kristal Clemens, deposit refund/interest 131.25

Madison Houston, deposit refund/interest 131.25

Michael Boomsma, deposit refund/interest 131.25

Postmaster, postage 130.47

Postmaster, postage 612.77

Robert Morrison, deposit refund/interest 131.25

Theresa Scott, deposit refund 125.00

Treasurer State of Iowa, 4th qtr use tax 1,687.00

Vickie Schreck, refund 270.99

Winterset Municipal Utilities, deposit forf/interest forf 1,315.68


City of Winterset transfers 15,810.00

City of Winterset, addl internal transfer 26.07

City of Winterset, benefits 11,620.43

City of Winterset, benefits 2,500.16

City of Winterset, reimb internal 2,563.22

City of Winterset, salaries 2,116.66

City of Winterset, salaries 2,122.06

Madison Co Chamber of Commerce, EVP contribution 468.75

Verizon, cellular service 12.19

Water Fund, reimb utilities 5,980.61

Winterset Madisonian, pub 97.91


Electric Revenue Bond Sinking, transfer 37,086.46

Electric System Improvement, transfer 5,500.00



SIMECA, debt service 16,000.00



Agriland FS Inc., gasoline 148.54

Breedings Hardware, hdw supplies/tools 42.82

Brittains Std Parts, hdw supplies 23.99

Carquest of Winterset, truck maint/hdw supplies 277.49

CenturyLink, phone service 196.54

City of Winterset, salaries 5,770.92

City of Winterset, salaries 6,454.68

DPC Industries Inc., chemicals 1,909.20

Family Center, hdw supplies 24.15

Hughes Network Systems LLC, internet service 90.94

Jetco, raw station repairs 526.40

PDQ Hoist & Tool Repair Inc., hoist inspection 465.00

Qtech Automation Inc., motor repairs 2,249.48

State Hygienic Laboratory, lab testing 561.00

Verizon, cellular service 80.16

Wiegert Disposal, garbage service 60.00

Winterset Municipal Utilities, utilities 5,980.61

Winterset Oil Co., gasoline 42.02


Agriland FS Inc., gasoline 148.54

Breedings Hardware, safety boots 125.00

Brittains Std Parts, hdw supplies 20.39

Capital City Equipment Co., equip repairs 218.43

Capital City Equipment Co., skid loader repairs 293.56

CenturyLink, phone service 33.05

City of Winterset, salaries 6,756.72

City of Winterset, salaries 7,219.05

DeWild Grant Reckert & Assoc, mapping 332.00

Family Center, hdw supplies 7.99

Iowa Assn of Municipal Utilities, CIASSO dues 238.92

John Deere Financial, equip maint 204.74

Madison Co Tire, tires 775.16

Martin Marietta Agg, rock 73.51

Metering & Tech Solution, line supplies 372.64

MidAmerican Energy, gas service 189.96

Wiegert Disposal, garbage service 30.00

Winterset Oil Co., gasoline 27.48


City of Winterset, addl internal transfer 26.06

City of Winterset, reimb internal 2,563.23

City of Winterset, salaries 1,021.41

City of Winterset, salaries 911.73

Northland Securities Inc., annual disclosure 1,750.00

Postmaster, postage 130.46

Postmaster, postage 612.77


Card Services, office supplies 493.86

City of Winterset, addl internal transfer 26.06

City of Winterset, benefits 13,687.56

City of Winterset, benefits 2,632.82

City of Winterset, reimb internal 2,563.22

City of Winterset, salaries 2,116.66

City of Winterset, salaries 2,122.06

City of Winterset, transfer 1,190.00

Madison Co Chamber of Commerce, EVP contribution 156.25

Verizon, cellular service 12.18

Winterset Madisonian, pub 97.91


Water Revenue Bond Sinking Fund, transfer 66,564.79

Water System Improvement Fund, transfer 5,000.00


ELECTRIC: $443,595.83

WATER: $146,965.77

The date of the next regular meeting was set for 8:30 AM, Monday, February 15, 2016 at Light Plant. Being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting was now adjourned.


Kendall Kerns, Chairman



Stephen Wesselmann, General Manager