IC/CEA DOREMI training course on Inter-individual variability of radiation-sensitivity:Mechanisms and Biomarkers
Part 1: Application to attend lecture series 9th – 13th December 2013
First name:
Work address:
Telephone number:
Fax number:
Is a visa necessary to enter France: Yes/No*
Please note applicants are responsible for obtaining all necessary visas and travel documents
Date of birth (day/month/year): ……/….../…….
M2 student/PhD student (1st/2nd/3rd/4th year)/Postdoc/other
If other:
Position held:
For M2 students please specify:
Title of M2 project:
University affiliation:
Name of M2 supervisor:
Email of M2 supervisor:
For PhD students please specify:
Title of PhD project:
University affiliation:
Name of PhD supervisor:
Email of PhD supervisor:
For Postdocs please specify:
Title of research project:
Name of supervisor:
Email of supervisor:
Date PhD obtained: (day/month/year)……/……/…….. from …………………University
Name of PhD supervisor:
Please provide a short description of your own research project and why you would like to attend the lecture series:
I , ………………………………., if accepted to attend the DOREMI course, will attend all lectures from Monday 9th December to Friday 13th December 2013.
Date: Signature of applicant:
I, ………………………………., M2/PhD/postdoc supervisor /employer* of ………………………… will allow him/her the necessary time to attend all lectures and fully participate in the DOREMI course from Monday 9th December to Friday 13th December 2013.
Date: Signature of supervisor/employer*:
Please return signed forms to
Part 2:Pre-application to attend laboratory sessions 16th – 20st December 2013
Students for the second week of the course will be selected based on their having attended the first week’s lecture course, their motivation and scientific background and being able to obtain the necessary security clearance from the CEA so that they can enter the CEA’s Saclay site where the laboratory sessions will be held. In order to be considered for this second week, please complete and return the following pre-application questions below together with part 1 of this application BEFORE 6THNOVEMBER 2013. Based on this information, selected students will have to quickly return the following additional documents to initiate the security clearance authorization: your ID picture, a copy of your ID card or of your passport. A copy of your civil liability and, for the people with a nationality from outside the European Union a copy of your visa and residence permit, will also be required. The answer for the security clearance is usually provided within 2 working days, but can take up to 1 week.
Please note this information is not necessary for those that only wish to apply for the lecture series.
First name:
Date of birth (day/month/year): ……/….../…….
Birth place:
Please note applicants are responsible for obtaining all necessary visas and travel documents
Please provide a short outline of why you want to attend the laboratory training and what you hope to learn and how this will help you in your research project.
I , ………………………………., if accepted to attend the DOREMI course , will attend all laboratory sessions from Monday 16th December to Friday 20st December 2013. I agree that the CEA can carry out the necessary security checks in order that I can enter the CEA premises.
Date: Signature of applicant:
I, ………………………………., M2/PhD/postdoc supervisor/employer* of ……………………………
will allow him/her the necessary time to fully participate in the laboratory session of the DOREMI course from Monday 16th December to Friday 20st December 2013.
Date: Signature of supervisor/employer*:
Please return signed sections 1 and 2 to
*please cross-out those that do not apply