Little Flower School 2017-2018
School Supply List
Supplies to be brought by the student:
- lunchbox (clearly labeled with student name please)
- bookbag or backpack (non-rolling preferred for safety on the stairs)
- pencil case
- 4 dry erase markers
- eraser
- 1 pair of scissors
- 2 large glue sticks
- highlighter (any color)
- 1jumbo size book cover
- #2 pencils-sharpened
- erasable pens (blue/black/ 1 red)
- colored pencils – no crayons
- colored markers
- 1 package of ¼”graph paper
- compass
- 2 two-pocket folders(science/foreign language)
- 2 marble composition books
- 1 sock/dry erase eraser
- 1 set earbuds or small headphones
- 1 large container disinfecting wipes
- 2 large boxes of Kleenex
- clear contact paper to cover workbooks at home
Supplies purchased from school: $17
- homework organizer
- 1 vinyl math folder
- foreign language notebook
- math graph notebook
No water bottles in the classroom, please!
Little Flower School 2017-2018
School Supply List
Supplies to be brought by the student:
- lunchbox (clearly labeled with student name please)
- bookbag or backpack (non-rolling preferred for safety on the stairs)
- cloth pencil case
- crayons (box of 24)
- blue/black/red pens (not erasable)
- 1 pair of scissors
- #2 pencils with erasers
- 5 jumbo book covers for textbooks
- 1 large glue stick
- simple calculator
- erasers
- 12" ruler (inch/cm)
- colored pencils (box of 12)
- 1 highlighter (any color)
- 6 marble composition books (100 pages)
- 3 two-pocket folders
- 1 package of ¼”graph paper
- 1 set of earbuds/small headphones
- 1 large container disinfecting wipes
- 2 large boxes of Kleenex
- clear contact paper to cover workbooks at home
Supplies purchased from school: $25
- homework organizer
- 1 vinyl math folder
- foreign language notebook
- math graph notebook
- dictionary
No water bottles in the classroom, please!
Little Flower School 2017-2018
School Supply List
Supplies to be brought by the student:
- lunchbox (clearly labeled with student name please)
- bookbag or backpack (non-rolling preferred for safety on the stairs)
- TI30Xa calculator (Staples-Texas Instruments)
- cloth pencil case
- jumbo book covers for textbooks
- thin highlighters
- metal compass
- clear plastic protractor
- 1 package of ¼”graph paper
- loose leaf paper – wide rule
- 6 marble composition books
- #2 pencils with erasers
- colored pencils – box of 12
- ruler - 6” (inch/cm)
- 6 two-pocket folders
- pens (blue/black/red)
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 large glue stick
- 1 set of earbuds/small headphones
- 1 large container disinfecting wipes
- 2 large boxes of Kleenex
- clear contact paper to cover workbooks at home
Supplies purchased from school: $14
- homework organizer
- foreign language notebook
- math graph notebook
No water bottles in the classroom, please!