Comox Valley Aquatic Club

Registration Package


‘In Pursuit of Personal Excellence’

Our Mission: The Comox Valley “Sharks” Aquatic Club is a swim club dedicated to the overall development of personal excellence.

Our Vision: To attract individuals of all ability levels and develop healthy champions in sport and life by providing a framework for success through progressive learning, personal growth and competition.

Contact Information

Head Coach: Kris Bell,


Mike and Michelle Perry (squads 1-6 and shark fit)

Rachelle Drygasuk (Shark School)


Club Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3542, Courtenay, BC, V9N 6Z8


Section 1 – General Club Information

I.  Introduction page 3

II.  General Comments page 3

III.  Fees & Payment page 3

IV.  Fundraising Commitment Opportunities page 8

V.  Swim Meet Fees page 9

VI.  Training Schedule page11

Section 2 – Club Agreements & Forms

I.  Agreement 1: Swim BC Personal Information Consent Form page 13

II.  Agreement 2: Swimmer Registration, Withdrawal & Payment page 14

III.  Agreement 3: Medical & Liability Release Waiver page 15

IV.  Agreement 4: Code of Conduct page 16

V.  Agreement 5: Fundraising & Volunteer Commitment Policy page 17

Section 1: General Club Information

I. Introduction

Welcome to all returning and new swimmers to the Comox Valley Aquatic Club ("the Sharks"). We are looking forward to another excellent season this year.

The Comox Valley Aquatic Club (CVAC) has many programs designed to meet the abilities and interests of swimmers including: Shark School (introduction for young competitive swimmers), Shark Fit (swim fitness, maintenance program), Developmental Competitive Program Squads 1 through 6, as well as our Masters Program designed for adults wanting fitness and/or to develop their swimming technique(for information on the Masters program, please see the website at: under the Masters Swimming tab at the top of the homepage).

This enclosed information will be reviewed with you when you come in for registration at one of our scheduled times (times can be found on our website ( ) but as we all know, memories fade and this document provides a hard copy to refer back to. You can also find most of this information again on our website ( ) under the registration tab at the top of the homepage. Please visit our website weekly to keep current on club information.

II. General Comments

To swim with the Sharks, all swimmers (regardless of program) must be registered with Swim BC/Swimming/Natation Canada (SNC). Swim BC charges the swim club with registration fees for this and the Comox Valley Aquatic Club passes these fees on to you. Please note that after you complete registration with us, you can expect an email from Swim BC/Swimming/Natation Canada (SNC), which will ask you to confirm your primary contact information and swimmer information and provide you with a username and password for Swim BC. Failure to acknowledge this email will mean your child remains unregistered and will not be allowed to swim with the club until this is rectified.

Please note that the Swim BC registration fee varies year to year and with your child's age as of December 31 in the year of registration. We also have a club registration fee to defray some of the administrative costs of registering your swimmer. These costs are noted later in this document. If you want more information about Swim BC, visit the website at

In addition to registration fees there are a number of other program, fundraising and volunteer fees and commitments that vary depending on which program your swimmer is entered in - all discussed in detail in the attached Forms. .

III. Fees & Payment Methods

We accept credit card payment or cheque. If you are paying by cheque please bring at least 14 cheques. Please note, there is an additional 2.75% charged for this.

** Completed Registration including payment and all required post-dated cheques is required for your swimmer to be in the pool. Due to insurance reasons we are unable to make exceptions.

Shark School Fees

Annual Swim BC Registration Fees
Age as of December 31, 2015 / Fee
8 & Under / $82
9 & 10 / $102
Club Registration Fee (non-refundable)
All Swimmer of All Ages / $35
Club Program Fees
Session 1: September 21- December 18 / $200
Session 2: January 4 – March 18 / $170
Session 3: April 4 – June 17 / $170

Fundraising Commitment (FRC): None

Volunteer Point Commitment (VP): None

Swim-a-Thon Commitment: Not required but may participate if interested.

Shark Fit Fees

Annual Swim BC Registration Fees
All Ages / $40
Club Registration Fee (non-refundable)
All Swimmer of All Ages / $35
Club Program Fees
Monthly Program Fee (2 workouts per week) / $70

Fundraising Commitment (FRC): None

Volunteer Point Commitment (VP): None

Swim-a-Thon Commitment: Not required but may participate if interested.

Squads 1-6 Fees

Annual Swim BC Registration Fees
Age as of December 31, 2015 / Fee
8 & Under / $82
9 & 10 / $102
11-14 / $148
15 & Over / $190
Club Registration Fee (non-refundable)
All Swimmer of All Ages / $35

For families who have multiple swimmers in squads 1-6 there is a” multi-swimmer family discount” that is applied to the Monthly Club Fees and the Fundraising Commitment Fees (FRC). Please see the discount schedule below. Note there is no discount for Swim BC, Registration or Swim-a-Thon fees, shark fit swimmers or shark school swimmers

Monthly Program Fees (post-dated cheques for 1st of each month) beginning Sept 1st through to July 1st.
Squad 6 / $85/month
Squad 5 / $105/month
Squad 4 / $145/month
Squad 3 / $175/month
Squad 2 / $205/month
Squad 1 / $230/month

Fundraising Commitment (FRC): Yes. Squads 1-6 have additional fundraising commitment to offset the cost of running these programs. This amount is in addition to the monthly program fees and is divided into 2 equal instalments.

2 (two) post-dated FRC cheques are required: January 31, 2016 & June 1, 2016

Unlike the monthly program fees the personal FRC fees can be completely or partially eliminated through fundraising activities that take place within the two fundraising periods (volunteering on the Board of Directors, Individual & Corporate Sponsorship, Grocery Purchase Programs with Thrifty Foods, Quality Foods Rec Buck, selling Panago Pizza Vouchers, Bottle Drives, Christmas Poinsettia Sales, Christmas Lamontange Catalogue Sales, Gunter Brother Meat Sales, Fundscrip Program or bringing a New Swimmer to the Club etc). Those who successfully meet their FRC each period will have their post-dated chequedestroyed. Those who meet part of their FRC can issue a new cheque for the difference or have their original cheque cashed and the remaining credit will be applied to your account. If no amount has been raised towards the personal FRC the club will cash your post-dated cheque and your commitment will have been met.

Fundraising Commitment Fees (FRC) (minimum commitment)
Squad 6 / $100 (2 cheques @ $50 each)
Squad 5 / $150 (2 cheques @ $75 each)
Squad 4 / $200 (2 cheques @ $100 each)
Squad 3 / $300 (2 cheques @ $150 each)
Squad 2 / $350 (2 cheques @ $175 each)
Squad 1 / $400 (2 cheques @ $200 each)
Multi-Swimmer Family Discount (for Program Fees and Fundraising Fees)
Club Fees / Fundraising Fees (FRC)
Swimmer # 1 / No Discount / No Discount
Swimmer # 2 / 10% Discount / 25% Discount
Swimmer # 3 / 15% Discount / 50% Discount

Volunteer Points: Yes: Parents and/or Guardians of Squads 1-6 swimmers are required to participate in our volunteer point system. In order to run a competitive swim club we rely heavily on volunteers. To successfully run Sharks hosted swim meets which require a significant number of volunteers as well as CVAC requires parent volunteer participation to organize a number of other club initiated activities including fundraising opportunities. To encourage your participation we require that families earn a minimum number “Volunteer Points” each season. If you have more than one swimmer in the club the Volunteer Points are not cumulative but rather based on the number of points for the highest squad that your family is registered in. Each squad has an assigned minimum number of volunteer points that must be achieved. Each Volunteer Point is worth $35.

1 (one) post-dated cheque for VP amount is required dated: May 15, 2016

The goal is to have each family fully participate in achieving their volunteer points through volunteering which will result in your cheques not being cashed. This is an area where the club need’s your time rather than your money. Cheques will be canceled when the volunteer commitment has been met. If required points that have not been met a new cheque for the difference will be requested or the original cheque will cashed and the difference credited to your account.

Volunteer Point System (minimum commitment)
Squad 6 / 6 Points or $210
Squad 5 / 8 Points or $280
Squad 4 / 10 Points or $350
Squad 3 / 12 Points or $420
Squad 2 / 14 Points or $490
Squad 1 / 16 Points or $560

A list below shows opportunities for you to earn your volunteer points. Please note many of the volunteer opportunities require you attend a Level 1 timing clinic before you can take other clinics for other positions at swim meets - keep yourself aware of when these clinics are being offered via emails sent out by the club and watching the sharks website.

1.  Help at a CVAC hosted meet we are host in hospitality, food preparation, etc. 1 Point

2.  Attend a Level 1 Timers Clinic 1 Point

3.  Attend a Level 2 or higher Clinic (stroke & turn, starter etc) 2 points

4.  Work as a timer at a meet 1 Point

5.  Act as Stroke & Turn, Starter, or other level two or higher

Official at a CVAC hosted meet 3 Points

6.  Attending an AGM 1 Point

7.  Parent Supervisor at a “Tag Dag” event (2-3 required) 1 Point

8.  Parent volunteering with a truck at a Bottle Driver 2 Points

9.  Organizing and executing one CVAC fundraising opportunity

such as: Bottle Drive, Lamontange Catalogue Sales,

Poinsettia Sales, Gunter Bros Meat Sales, Panago Pizza

Coupon Sales, Easter Chocolate Sales, Fundscript Card Sales

Thrifty Smile Card Program 1 point

10. Organize/host a social event for your swimmer’s squad or

the club 1point

Important: Volunteering at “Away Swim Meets” (ie non Shark’s hosted meets) are not credited towards your volunteer points - this is a great chance to offer other clubs your skills when they are short but it does not earn you volunteer points with our club.

Swim-a-Thon Commitment: Yes. Squads 1-6 must participate. Clubs from all across Canada participate in this annual event where swimmers raise funds through pledges to sponsor them in a 200 length or 2 hour swim (whichever occurs first). There is a minimum swim-a-thon commitment based on squad level. Raising funds above and beyond the required minimum is often rewarded through prize draws on the swim-a-thon day. In the past we have awarded a mountain bike valued over $800!

1 (one) post-dated cheque Swim-a-Thon is required dated: for May 1st, 2016

Swim-a-Thon (minimum commitment)
Squad 6 / $100
Squad 5 / $125
Squad 4 / $150
Squad 3 / $175
Squad 2 / $200
Squad 1 / $250

IV. Fundraising Opportunities: For Personal Fundraising Commitment (FRC) Squads 1-6 only

1. Join the Sharks board of directors:

·  Voting positions: Require 80% meeting attendance and all duties of position. President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Fundraising Manager, Registrar, Meet Manager, Club Officials Director, Team Manager ($250 towards your FRC).

·  Non-voting positions: These are ongoing positions throughout the year that do not require attendance at board meetings. Web Manager ($75); Swimathon Event Coordinator including money collection/paperwork ($100); Banquet Coordinator ($50)

Please put forth your name at Registration or at the fall Annual General Meeting if you are interested.

2. Individual Collection of Corporate Sponsorship Donations:

Bring in a cash sponsor and receive 20% credit toward your FRC. Sponsorship is for one swim season only. E.g. If you have “Retailer A” sponsor the club for $2500, you receive $500 toward your FRC. The sponsor’s name will be displayed on a banner, on the website, and on all meet documents for the year.

3.Thrifty’s Smile Cards:

Obtain a reloadable Thrifty’s Smile Card from our “Grocery Volunteer.” PRIOR to the clerk scanning your groceries, have it loaded with an applicable amount. Then have the clerk scan your groceries and 5% of your purchase will go toward your fundraising commitment.You keep the same card for the entire year and cards are available to your friends, co-workers, grandparents help meet your FRC.Sept 1st to May 30th.

4. Quality Foods Points:

Cash in points for “Rec Bucks” which can be submitted to the club to reduce your FRC.

5. Bottle drives (2/year):

Have your swimmer(s) share in the fun and the profits of the bottle drives. Each swimmer participating will receive a share of the funds raised towards their FRC

6. Lamontagne Catalogue Sales:

When your family generates sales through this catalogue event you will receive a percentage of the profits toward your FRC

7. Poinsettia Sales at Christmas:

Receive a percentage of the profits of every poinsettia that your family sells.

8. Panago Pizza Coupons:

Purchase/sell a $10 coupon from the Club’s Panago Representative to use for ANY medium Panago pizza and $3.00 goes toward your FRC.

9. Fundscrip:

Register with this great program to purchase gift cards from a wide variety of retailers to earn varying percentages toward your FRC (eg. order a $100 gift card from Canadian Tire, a $100 gift card from Mark’s Work Warehouse and a $100 gift card from Extra Foods and you’ve earned $13 toward your FRC). Rebate percentages vary with each retailer There are a number of ways to purchase cards. 1) Cards can be ordered as part of a large club order 2-3 times annually. Cards must be prepaid and are delivered to you at the pool via our Fundscrip Coordinator. 2) Direct Ship – order cards anytime, you pay the shipping. For more information visit Your “group” is the Comox Valley “Sharks” Aquatic Club. The Fundscrip coordinator always has an inventory of $100 Superstore cards on hand for purchase.