Tomahawk Youth Hockey Association
Informational Guidelines
Mission statement:
The goal of the Tomahawk Youth Hockey Association will always be to create a atmosphere of sportsmanship, self-confidence, self discipline, fun in hopes of preparing the players not only for the game of hockey, but also to become a well-rounded and contributing member of our community.
While this philosophy is directed at our youth who play hockey, it must be implemented by adults. Coaches, parents, spectators and administrators of Tomahawk Youth Hockey Association must all do their part to ensure that this philosophy and the policies and procedures are upheld.
Tomahawk Youth Hockey Association
Team Philosophy
The philosophy of Tomahawk Youth Hockey Association and the premise for its existence is the healthy, educational, and fun participation of our youth in an organized youth hockey program.
Mastery of the skills of the game and the fund of playing and competing are essential to the development of a lifelong interested in hockey.
All players shall be given opportunities to develop to the limits of their potential, in an environment free from distractions that are often associated with over-emphasis on winning and excessive competition.
The Tomahawk Youth Hockey Association programs must be conducted to accommodate the number and range of players involved in organized youth hockey.
The goals are to:
- Teach good sportsmanship, the desire to play fairly, and the ability to except a victory over defeat graciously.
- Develop each participant to the limits of their potential; "let the kids play the game".
- Parents and participants should be willing to take constructive criticism, from coaches in an effort to develop the participant’s skill level.
- Develop a healthy philosophy towards winning that focuses on the improvement and mastery of skills, striving to win, and giving one's best effort rather than emphasizing the number of victories.
- Develop "TOTAL" respect for coaches, officials, other players, spectators, and self that promotes discipline, increasing maturity, and good reputation.
Game ranges: the Tomahawk Youth Hockey Board of Directors has recommended the following number of games for each level of our association (not including tournaments): Mini Mites 5-10 games, Mites 15-20 games, Squirts 20-30 games, Pee Wees 25-30 games-Bantams 25-30 games, girls 15 games. Also recommended to have only two games per weekend for the Mite level and three games per weekend at the Squirt level.
Tomahawk Hockey Association Inc.
Articles and Bylaws
Section 1. This organization shall be known as the Tomahawk Hockey Association, Inc. and is incorporated under the Laws of the State of Wisconsin without stock and not for profit.
Section 1. The objectives of the Tomahawk Hockey Association, Inc. shall be as follows; (1) to develop, maintain and perpetuate the game of hockey among young people in the Tomahawk area; (2) to encourage sportsmanship and a sense of fair play; (3) provide winter recreational facilities for these young people; and (4) to encourage and promote development of hockey in Tomahawk Schools.
Section 2. Tomahawk Hockey Association, Inc (THAI) shall hold property and funds to carry out the above purposes.
Section 1. Membership shall consist of parents and guardians of all registered players, registered players and registered coaches within the THAI.
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of nine members elected at-large. The election date(s) shall as determined by the THAI Board of Directors in accordance with election procedures found in Article XII.
Section 2. The officers of the association consist of the President, the Vice President, the Secretary and the Treasurer. The Board of Directors conducts election of officers with the ranking officer presiding this meeting. The maximum term for a specific executive board position (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer) is two consecutive years.
Section 3. The term of service for the Board of Directors shall be for two years commencing on the Board of Directors meeting in April.
Section 4. There shall be vested in the Board of Directors the right and authority to transact any business, formulate policy, manage all property and funds, and supervise all activities of the Tomahawk Hockey Association, Inc. subject to the Articles of incorporation.
Section 5. A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of one-half of the directors.
Section 1. President - The President shall preside at all meetings of the Tomahawk Hockey Association, Inc. and the Board of Directors. The President shall conduct business affairs and carry out policy as directed by the board. The President shall appoint such special committee's as required by the affairs of the association. The President shall be authorized to sign checks for payments authorized by the Board of Directors in the absence of the Treasurer. In summary, the President shall call the meeting to order, assist with the flow of the meetings, allow and encourage all members to speak, assist with all "follow through", keep and encourage good Board of Directors communication, implement Roberts Rules of Order, take votes if necessary, and assist and approve the construct of the agenda.
Section 2. Vice President - The Vice President, in the absence of the President, shall exercise all the functions in duties of the president and shall be vested with all of his\her powers.
Section 3. Secretary - The Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept, the minutes of the Board of Directors and membership meetings. He\she shall have custody of all the books and records of the Tomahawk Hockey Association, Inc. except those of the Treasurer.
Section 4. Treasurer - The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds of the Tomahawk Hockey Association, Inc. and shall keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures and shall payout funds as authorized by the Board of Directors. He\she shall submit, or cause to be submitted, at each regular meeting of the Board of Directors a report of complete financial conditions and at the annual membership meeting shall submit a complete annual report of financial conditions. The Treasurer shall validate checks for payments as authorized by the Board of Directors.
Section 1. The Directors shall serve as chairman of standing committees and shall be appointed as chairman of the committees by the President.
Section 2. The directors shall vote to fill all vacancies occurring on the Board of Directors of the TYHA until an election is held.
Section 3. The directors are required to attend scheduled meetings of the Board of Directors. Failure to attend two consecutive meetings without notifying an officer of reasons for absence prior to the meetings shall be cause for removal from the Board of Directors, unless valid cause is shown.
Section 1. Any standing committee, as needed, of the organization and duties of the same shall be listed in the bylaws.
Section 2. The president shall appoint special committee’s. These committee's shall be designated as ad hoc committee's and may serve a variety of functions.
Section 3. Finance Committee - The personnel of the finance committee shall consist of all TYH Board of Directors. The committee will hold 2 annual meetings per calendar year. The Treasurer shall maintain proper records, direct mailings, and acknowledged receipts from all donors during the year and provide the committee with an annual report. The TYH Board of Directors shall prepare an annual budget for approval.
Section 4. Registration and Membership Committee - The Registration and Membership Committee shall be responsible for player registration, recruitment and maintenance of current player rosters. This committee shall maintain a current list of the Tomahawk Hockey Association Inc. members. The secretary of the Tomahawk Hockey Association Inc. shall be chairperson of this committee.
Section 5. Player Development Committee - The Player Development Committee shall have charge of the coaching program and the training and orientation of all coaches involved by the Tomahawk Hockey Association, Inc. This committee will oversee all information and input from coaches\parents relative to all coaching placements, tryout procedures, move up policies, training\clinics for coaches, disciplinary procedures, record-keeping\documentation, practice scheduling, and internal peer review. The committee shall be composed of the chairman, acting as liaison and coordinator to the Board of Directors, who shall be a member of the Board of Directors, and a coach\parent representative who shall represent each of the five program levels. Members of this committee should consist of even representation of parents\coaches. The committee shall consist of 11 members, all volunteer and approved by the Tomahawk Youth Hockey Board of Directors.
See Player Development section of the Coaches Manual for more detailed responsibilities.
Section 6. Equipment Committee - The Equipment Committee shall coordinate the service, maintenance and construction of all facilities used by the Tomahawk Youth Hockey Association, Inc. this committee shall have charge of coordinating the selection and maintenance of all equipment purchased by the Tomahawk Hockey Association, Inc.
Section 7. Officiating Committee - The Officiating Committee shall be responsible for an adequate supply of trained and competent officials who are available to ensure each competing team equal treatment under the rules. This committee shall adopt the Rules of Play under which the program shall serve as official score keeper throughout the season. This committee shall maintain a roster of qualified officials and be responsible for signed officials to games played under the Tomahawk Youth Hockey Association, Inc. jurisdiction.
Section 8. Fund-raising Committee - The fund-raising committee shall oversee all "outside" the fund-raising activity relative to the Tomahawk Hockey Association, Inc. The committee shall be composed of the chairman, acting as a liaison and coordinator to the Board of Directors, who shall be a member of the Board of Directors, and parent representative's who shall represent members of the Tomahawk hockey organization. The committee shall consist of members, all volunteer and approved by the THAI Board of Directors.
Section 9. Events\Concession Committee - The Events\Concession Committee shall oversee all concession and season related\SARAPark activity to include all concession of games\tournaments, tournament scheduling, tournament planning, tournament referee scheduling, tournament game scheduling etc. The committee shall be composed of the chairman, acting as liaison and coordinator to the Board of Directors, who shall be a member of the Board of Directors, and a parent representative who shall represent each of the five divisions of play and members. The committee shall consist of members, all volunteer and approved by the Tomahawk Hockey Board of Directors.
Section 10. Facilities Committee - The Facilities Committee shall be responsible for the training of individuals from each team to run the score keeper’s booth, and the Zamboni machine. The committee shall consist of members, all volunteer and approved by the Tomahawk Hockey Board of Directors.
Section 11. Publicity committee - The Publicity Committee shall have charge of all advertising and publicity of the Tomahawk Hockey Association, Inc. This committee shall gather and organize all of the game score sheets for all games played by competing team's.
Section 12. Nomination Committee - The Nomination Committee shall oversee all voting practices during the election process. This committee shall consist of members, all volunteer and approved by the THAI Board Of Directors. The chairperson, appointed by the Board of Directors, shall be responsible for receiving nominations for the annual election. Individuals interested in participating for Board of Directors election must do so by providing a note of intent with signature. The nomination committee will provide a nomination box at a convenient location. All members interested in running for election will deposit their note of intent into the nomination box. The nomination committee will provide regular (at least weekly) updates of the individual candidates for the association membership to view. The nomination box will be available for election entries no later than 30 days antecedent to the election date.
Section 13. Disciplinary Hearing Committee - The Tomahawk Hockey Association Inc. Board of Directors shall serve as the Disciplinary Hearing Committee. No one on the disciplinary hearing committee may be a team member or a team official of the team involved, nor may be a relative to the player, parent or team official in question. The disciplinary decision of this committee shall be considered final.
Section 1. The THAI shall hold a minimum of ten (10) general meetings per year plus an annual meeting.
Section 2. The THAI shall hold an annual meeting, the place and date shall be selected by the Board of Directors and notice given to all members of the THAI via postings, newspaper, radio, web site, and e-mail if applicable. The President may call special meetings.
Section 1. Roberts Rules of Order shall govern in all matters not covered by these by-laws. The President shall have the authority to determine when the more formal "Roberts Rules of Order" are appropriate.
Section 2. The Secretary\President shall prepare the Tomahawk Hockey Association, Inc. Board of Directors agenda one week prior to the meeting date. All members of the Tomahawk Hockey Association shall have access to the meeting agenda to present an issue or concern. Items that are added to the agenda after posting, shall be for discussion purposes only. The Secretary will request a reasonable estimation of time required to present the item on the agenda, and the members name should be listed next to that agenda item. The member or members will be allowed, at minimum, the time requested on the agenda for the presentation to the Board of Directors.
Section 3. The President shall have the authority to determine what items require formal motions\second followed by further discussion for voting purposes.
Section 4. The President\Vice President shall have the authority to approve the agenda antecedent to the meeting.
Section 1. No officer or member of the Tomahawk Hockey Association, Inc. shall disperse any funds or monies in his keeping and belonging to the Tomahawk Hockey Association, Inc. nor incur any debt in the name of the Tomahawk Hockey Association, Inc. without authorization of the Board of Directors.
Section 2. No person shall use the name or official insignia of Tomahawk Hockey Association, Inc. for other than strictly Tomahawk Hockey Association, Inc. purposes without authorization of the Board of Directors.
Section 1. These by-laws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the members who are present at the annual membership meeting called by the Board of Directors. The agenda for this meeting must reflect the considered amendments to the bylaws and be posted two weeks antecedent to the annual membership meeting.
Section 1. Voting membership shall consist parents and guardians of all registered players and registered coaches within the THAI.
Section 2. Members interested in running for Board of Directors election, shall follow the procedures listed in article 7, section 12.
Section 3. The ballot will be constructed no sooner than 48 hours antecedent to the election.
Section 4. A member of the election committee will acknowledge THAI voting membership. The election official will provide a signature page for the voting member to acknowledge. Only one vote per voting member will be allowed.
Section 5. Absentee\proxy will not be allowed.
Section 6. Voting date and time will occur as appointed by the Tomahawk Hockey Inc. Board Of Directors. Voting ballots will be collected confidentially.
Section 7. The current Board of Directors must approve (by majority vote) the election results before the election can be determined as official. The newly elected THAI Board of Director members become active as Board of Director members April 1 of the fiscal year.
Section 1. All board meetings and minutes will be posted on the bulletin board found in the ice arena.
Section 2. On an annual basis, the policy manual shall be updated and revised as necessary by the Tomahawk Hockey Board of Directors on or before the September Board of Directors meeting. The reflection of this activity must be recorded in the minutes.
Section 3. The Tomahawk Hockey Association Inc. will allow reimbursement for registration fees up to the first completed game.
I. Schedule for Scorers Booth
- Team manager/coach is responsible to assign scorer booth, timekeepers and penalty box workers when hosting games. It is usual and customary for the team managers (and\or coach) to be able to fill the required positions for the above by requesting the help of parents before each game.
- Should be 4 people at least 1 adult at all times. No one under 12 years of age are allowed to work in the scorers booth, penalty box, concession or time keeping area.
- Set up of concession times will be posted at beginning of season.
II. Schedule for Ice Resurfacing