Child Care FacilitiesRevolvingFund

Multiple Classroom Building AllowanceApplication


Existing or new Child Care Facilities Revolving fund (CCFRF) program applicants thatare constructing a new relocatable building with more than one classroom may submit aMultiple Classroom Building Allowance (MCBA) Application to: (1) combine two or moreexistingapplications into a single multiple classroom application or (2) expand an existingapplicationinto a multiple classroom by addingmodules.

The California Department of Education (CDE), Early Education and Support Division(EESD), will release MCBA fundsafter:

1.It has received and approved all the necessary documents required for fundreleases, including the approved construction plans showing the multiple classroomlayout(s).

2.It has approved the project’s finalcosts.

3.It has amended the CCFRF Contract and Lease to Own Agreement to reflecttheincreased contractamount.

To Apply for theMCBA:

Complete the attached MCBA Application, (CCFRF-8A) Form, and returnto:

Bill Rhinehart, Staff ServicesAnalyst Early Education and SupportDivision California Department ofEducation1430 N Street, Suite3410

Sacramento, CA95814-5901


To best meet their needs, contractors may apply for either Option 1 or Option 2.Contractors may also choose to apply for less than the Maximum Funding Allowance(MFA).


Relocatable classrooms are typically constructed to 12 by 40 foot modules. The MFA isbasedon a basic building of 1,440 square feet consisting of three such modules. The CDEmayapprove additional funds based on the number of additional modules added to the basicbuildingin order to increase capacity and serve additional eligible children, as justified by theapprovedconstruction plans and the certification of final costs by the projectarchitect.

Maximum Funding Allowance(MFA):

  • Up to $210,000 for a Basic building consisting of three 12 by 40 footmodules
  • Up to $70,000 for each additional 12 by 40 foot module for an enhancedbuilding

Example of BasicBuilding:

  • Three modules are $210,000 MFA

40 ft.

12 ft.12 ft.12 ft.

Example of EnhancedBuilding:

  • Three modules at $210,000 + one module at $70,000 = four modules at $280,000total

40 ft.

12 ft.12 ft.12 ft.

12 ft.

Forms andInformation

For questions about applying for the MCBA funding, contact Bill Rhinehart, StaffServicesAnalyst, by phone at 916-322-4876 or by e-mail .


The CDE reserves the right to reject any application based on a contractor’s failureto comply with contract requirements in current and/or prior contracts with the CDE.This includes, but is not limited to, the followingviolations:

  • Licensing
  • Fiscal
  • Programmatic

Multiple Classroom Building AllowanceApplication





Number of 12’ x 40’ modules in onebuilding:Total number of childrenserved:



Combine two or more existing applicationsinto a single multi-classroomapplication

Project Name:ProjectAddress:



Expand an existing application into amultiple classroom application by addingmodules.

Amount requested above $210,000 perMCBA formula (see instructions, page2):





As a condition of applying for and receiving Child Care Facilities Revolving Fund(CCFRF)funding, the Governing Board of the above named contractor certifies the followingstatements are true andaccurate:

1.I understand there is no guarantee of additional funding until the contractor receivesa written notice from the California Department of Education (CDE) that theMaximumFunding Allowance (MFA) for this project has been increased, the amount oftheincrease, and that funds have been reserved for thispurpose.

2.I understand the amount of the Multiple Classroom Building Allowance (MCBA) willbelimited to actual project costs, as certified by the project architect, subject to the MFAasdefined by the MCBA fundingformula.

3.I understand in addition to the other documents required for fund release, thecontractor must submit construction plans showing the size of the building to beconstructed.

4.I understand in addition to the other documents required for fund release, thecontractor must submit the approved building plans justifying the size of the multiple classroomto beconstructed.

5.I understand the CDE may require additional documentation to substantiate thehigherproject costs prior to the release of funds. No additional funds will be released untilall required documents are received and approved by theCDE.

6.I understand the existing CCFRF Contract and Lease to Own Agreement mustbeamended to reflect the increased contract amount prior to the release of theadditionalfunds.

7.I understand the contractor’s amount of repayments will increase, and I certifythecontractor has revised its budget to reflect the additional repaymentcosts.

I certify under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge, the information inthis application is true and correct and is in compliance with statutes and administrative provisionsof the CDE, and all relevant local, state, and federal codes and regulations. The Governing Boardofthe above named contractor has authorized me to sign this application on itsbehalf.

Name of AuthorizedAgent: / Title:
Signature of AuthorizedAgent: / Date:

CaliforniaDepartmentof Education

September 2016