Please return this questionnaire to your acquisitions editor with your final manuscript. For manuscripts with multiple authors, please complete one questionnaire only and include information for all authors (pay attention to the order; “Author 1” should be the lead author and coauthors should be listed in the order they should appear on cover, title page, and any marketing materials).
For more than two authors, please copy and paste additional contact information fields below.
Author 1 name (as you wish it to appear on the cover of your book and in promotional materials):
ALA Publishing will use your name below and year of birth to apply for Cataloging-in-Publication data for your book. If you have published books before, please consider carefully how your name(s) appeared in those as the Library of Congress will look for earlier works published under your name.
Author 1 full name and year of birth for Library of Congress cataloging purposes:
Phone (w):TYPE HERE
Phone (h):TYPE HERE
Author 2 name (as you wish it to appear on the cover of your book and in promotional materials):
ALA Publishing will use your name below and year of birth to apply for Cataloging-in-Publication data for your book. If you have published books before, please consider carefully how your name(s) appeared in those as the Library of Congress will look for earlier works published under your name.
Author 2 full name and year of birth for Library of Congress cataloging purposes:
Phone (w):TYPE HERE
Phone (h):TYPE HERE
Author 3 name (as you wish it to appear on the cover of your book and in promotional materials):
ALA Publishing will use your name below and year of birth to apply for Cataloging-in-Publication data for your book. If you have published books before, please consider carefully how your name(s) appeared in those as the Library of Congress will look for earlier works published under your name.
Author 3 full name and year of birth for Library of Congress cataloging purposes:
Phone (w):TYPE HERE
Phone (h):TYPE HERE
Tentative title and subtitle of your Work. If you have additional suggestions, please include those as well. ALA Publishing will review options, rework as necessary, and send final version to author(s) for approval.
Tentative Title: Tentative Subtitle:TYPE HERE
Other title options:TYPE HERE
Word count:TYPE HERE
Manuscript pages:TYPE HERE
Indexing (Describe any special indexing needs if applicable):TYPE HERE
Web extra?
If applicable, briefly describe the content of the webpage and explain the proposed structure - plain text? Links to text? Links to other websites? Links to external documents?
Your answers to the following questions will help ALA Publishing to better market your book.
Why would someone buy your book?
Try your hand at “selling” your book, here. Our marketing team will take what you write here and use it as a base when creating your catalog copy.
Three distinctive/compelling features of your book and how each benefits the reader:
Compelling feature #1: TYPE HERE
Benefit of that feature:TYPE HERE
Compelling feature #2: TYPE HERE
Benefit of that feature:TYPE HERE
Compelling feature #3: TYPE HERE
Benefit of that feature:TYPE HERE
One sentence concept statement (describe your book in one sentence):TYPE HERE
Provide up to twelve keywords that describe the content of your work (we may use these for search engine optimization):TYPE HERE
Selling points of author(s):TYPE HERE
Author bio(s):Please provide a brief up-to-date “About the Author” description for each author that can be used in the book or marketing materials. Please limit biographical summaries to your current position, one previous position, and any past or present experience and/or background related to the subject of the book (for example, any relevant teaching, speaking, and/or writing experience). Try to condense this information into one simple paragraph of 50 to 100 words. We will edit your summary to conform to our formatting and style standards, and also for length for different purposes in our outreach. See page 2 of the Author Guide for a sample biography.
About the author(s):TYPE HERE
Cover design requirements:TYPE HERE
Target audience:TYPE HERE
Table of contents (Copy and paste table of contents from your final manuscript here):
Please list the library/information science courses for which your book could be used as a text or as supplementary reading:TYPE HERE
Does your book satisfy the continuing education/staff development needs of practitioners?If so, please list any organizations or CE providers that might be interested, and explain how your book meets their needs:TYPE HERE
Please list any journals/publications RELATED TO the field of library and information science to which review copies of your book might be sent:TYPE HERE
Please list any journals/media entities OUTSIDE the field of library and information science to which review copies of your book might be sent:TYPE HERE
If you wish to have us solicit endorsements of your book, please provide the names and contact information for people eminent in the field who might be approached. Indicate those people with whom you are personally acquainted and whether we may say that we are contacting them at your suggestion:TYPE HERE
If you would like us to send a press release to your library school alumni office or your organization’s public relations office, please provide the appropriate contact name and address:TYPE HERE
Please describe your speaking activities (e.g., sponsoring organizations, approximate number of engagements annually, etc.):TYPE HERE
Please identify any periodicals in the library and information services for which you write/edit:TYPE HERE
Please add any additional comments or ideas pertinent to the promotion of your work. Feel free to include any other relevant documents with your submission.TYPE HERE
©American Library Association