Application Form

University of Cambridge/ Wellcome Trust Junior Interdisciplinary Fellowships

Please refer to the accompanying call text for remit and eligibilitycriteria and return the completed form and accompanying documents to Dr Rosalyn Gregory()by 4th January 2017

1. Candidate’s details

Please list the full name, title, departmental and institutional affiliation, position and contact details of the applicant for the Interdisciplinary Fellowship

2. Details of the Principal Investigators

It is anticipated that each award holder will work with two Principal Investigators at the University of Cambridge, one in the physical sciences (broadly defined to also include mathematics, computing, or engineering), and the other in the biological sciences, who will each provide appropriate guidance and support.

Please list the full names, titles, departmental affiliations, positions and contact details of the project PIs

3. Title of the proposed project

4. Abstract of the project (max 250 words)

5. Duration of the project and start/end dates

Please list the duration of the project and the proposed start and end dates of the fellowship

6. Brief description and rationale for the proposed project (max 1 page of A4)

Please explain concisely the aims and scope of the project.

It is not expected that this applicationnecessarily contains a fully formed research proposal, however,you should explain what research question you(with guidance of the principal investigators)aretrying to tackle during this fellowship. Please also briefly describe your research plans (to the extent known) and include a rough timeline of activity where appropriate.

Applications from previous awardees must clearly demonstrate how the previous and proposed research constitute different projects.

Finally, pleasealso justify why this particular collaboration is being pursued, i.e. what is the benefit and novelty of bringing together your expertise and the expertise of the principal investigators in this way. Please state clearly, and give justification for, how this Fellowship would facilitate a genuine transfer of knowledge/techniques between disciplines.

7. Plans for continuation of the collaboration beyond the term of the fellowship

Please describe any future plans for taking the proposed research collaboration forward, such as future joint projects, funding applications for grants/fellowships etc.

8. Justification of resources(separate sheet of A4, max 1 page) –

Please indicate the salary you are asking for (in the range£29,301-£38,183)

In addition, an allowance for consumables may be granted (up to a maximum of £15,000) depending on the justification made in the application.

9. References

Please provide the contact details (including e-mail addresses) of two referees who are familiar with your research. Please arrange for your referees to email the references directly to Dr Rosalyn Gregory() in time for the deadline.

Version: Nov 2016