2011.08.29TownHallBuilding Comm. Minutes



Wesley ChapelOffice

4107 New Town Road, Waxhaw, NC 28173

August 29, 2011 – 6:30 PM


Members Present: Chairman Bill Meyer (arrived late), Vice Chairman Butch Plyler, Gayla Adams, Jeannine Kenary, Jim Mullis, Gary Reader (arrived late)

Member Absent: Non-voting Member Karen Partee

Others Present: Council MemberLiaisonHoward Brotton, Village Administrator Cheryl Bennett; Citizens: Becky Plyler, Carol Mullis, Tim McCulla, Tim Jones, Jim Harter and Charlie Horne from Blackstone

Butch Plyler called the meeting to order; a quorum was present. The residents from Blackstone were welcomed, and reassured that we do not plan to cut down the trees between the Town Hall and Blackstone. Tim McCulla is on the Blackstone HOA Board of Directors and lives directly behind the proposed location of the new town hall. He spoke against Aston building a detention pond on the Village land citing the possibility of flooding and overflow; health threats and concerns brought on by air, ground and water born “inhabitants” of such a pond; dangers of an open, unguarded body of water, and having the citizens lose two potential acres of proposed parkland or walking trails. Tim Jones also said he was adamantly against the pond. Gary Reader said it would be a dry pond and water would leave at the same rate as it did before development. Discussion was held on what the pond would look like, and where the water would flow, and that Aston is grandfathered from meeting Phase II (water quality) requirements. Charlie Horne said the town needs to look further down the road for possibilities of expansion and other uses; using the land for stormwater limits future decisions. Howard Brotton reported that since Aston is constructing the PetSmart building, they asked for a decision by the September 12 Council meeting. If we decide not to go with Aston’s proposal, we will have an impact on our budget and have to figure out the roadway.

Jeannine Kenary made a motion to recommend to Council that we do not accept Aston’s proposal. Butch Plyler seconded the motion. Jim Mullis said when he was on Council and we accepted the land he had it entered in the minutes that we got it free and clear. Gary Reader said he was never happy that the Committee decided to put the building where it is planned, because it land locks you. He also said the water won’t come out to Mr. Jones’ land any faster, and it won’t be detrimental to Blackstone. Butch Plyler said it would be a holding pond like that next to Harris Teeter.

The motion passed unanimously.

Gary Reader made a motion to adjourn; Jim Mullis seconded the motion.

The motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,


Cheryl Bennett, ClerkChairman Bill Meyer

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