HOPE Network

Volunteer Application

HOPE Network provides educational, emotional, and material support to single mothers and single pregnant women living in Milwaukee, Waukesha, Washington, and Ozaukee counties. Our programs are designed to help mothers gain a sense of community, enhance their parenting skills, and develop self-reliance.


First Name: ___________________ Last Name: __________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________

City: _________________________ State: _______________ Zip: ________

Telephone: __________________________ Email: __________________


HOPE Network’s office is open Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 12:00 noon

Available Hours

Mornings: _____am to _____am

Afternoons: _____pm to _____pm

Evenings: _____pm to _____pm

Special Events held on weekends: _____am/pm to _____am/pm

What days of the week (Monday – Friday or weekends) are you available to volunteer?



Regularly: How many hours per week? _____

Periodically: How many hours per month? _____

Work on a one-time or short-term project? _____


How did you hear about HOPE Network? _________________________________

Why are you interested in volunteering with HOPE Network? _________________


As a volunteer, what special skills or abilities will you bring to our organization?


What other organizations have you volunteered with? _________________________


Please check the volunteer work you are interested in doing (check all that apply)

 Answer telephone

 Light clerical work (typing, making packets, create mailing labels)

 Mailings (stuffing envelopes, stamping envelopes, etc)

 Technology assistance

 Newspaper research (quarterly work)

 Delivery Driver (quarterly work, volunteer mileage is paid)

 Sorting Clothing (Thursday mornings)

 Hauling items up and down one flight of stairs (Thursday mornings, must be able to lift 20 lbs.)

 Portable Crib Program (preparing baby layettes, checking references)

 Public Speaking (write press releases, speak to media)

 Artist (work on designing Annual Mother’s Day cards, signs)

 Web Site design & consulting


 Scholarship Judge

 Wine and Beer Tasting Event Committee (held in October)

 Holiday Giving Tree Event (September – December opportunity)

 Back to School Event (May – August opportunity)pp

 Mother’s Day Event (February – May opportunity)

 Brewers Outing Event (June – August opportunity)

If you are interested in volunteering for HOPE Network, please download, complete, and return this Volunteer Application Form to:

HOPE Network, Inc.

P.O. Box 531

Menomonee Falls, WI 53052