Master of Science in Criminal Justice

with Concentration in Justice Policy & Administration


Graduate Student Policies and Procedures Manual



The Master of Science in Criminal Justice (MSCJ) with Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration program requires satisfactory completion of 36 hours beyond the bachelor’s degree.

Year I

Fall Semester:

CJUS 5000 – Criminal Justice Policy CJUS 5700 – Research Methods inCJ CJUS 5xxx–Elective

Spring Semester:

CJUS 5600 – Criminal JusticeTheory CJUS 5500 – CJ Administration CJUS 5xxx –Elective

Summer Semester: CJUS 5xxx – Elective

Year I1

Fall Semester:

CJUS 5xxx –Elective CJUS 5xxx –Elective CJUS 5xxx –Elective

Spring Semester:

CJUS 5900 – CJ Capstone

CJUS 5xxx – Elective

Requiredcorecourses(15hours)–offeredduringfullsemesteratleastonceperacademic year

CJUS 5000 – Criminal Justice Policy

CJUS 5500 – Criminal Justice Administration

CJUS 5600 – Criminal Justice Theory

CJUS 5700 – Research Methods in Criminal Justice

CJUS 5900 – Criminal Justice Capstone

Sampleelectiveofferings:(21hours)–offeredonarotatingbasis CJUS5050Criminal and SubstanceAbuse

CJUS5100Information Warfare,Security,Risk CJUS5120Cybercrime andDigitalForensicsCJUS5130 Information Policy, LawandJustice CJUS5250 Administrative LawforProfessionalsCJUS5270 CriminalEvidence

CJUS5350Seminar inContemporaryPolicing CJUS5450Punishment, Discipline,SocialPolicy CJUS5460 CorrectionalPrograms

CJUS5470Seminar in JuvenileDelinquency

CJUS5620Seminar inVictimology

CJUS5800Special Topics: CapitalPunishment

Seminar on Organized Crime Illicit Drugs and the Dark Net



Degree plan

During the first or second semester in the Online MSCJ with Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration program, the student must submit a degree plan to the graduate school through the departmental graduate advisor. The degree plan must beapprovedbythedepartmentalgraduateadvisorandthegraduateschool.Oncefiled,anychanges to the degree plan must be approved by the graduate advisor. Therefore, if you plan on taking a course that is not on your degree plan, you must notify the graduate advisor for approval prior to enrollment in the course so that necessary changes to your degree plan can be made.

Transfer Hours

Amaximumof9hoursofgraduatework,eitherfromanotheruniversityortakenoutsideoftheonline MSCJwith Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration program,maybeappliedtothedegree.Requestsfortransferhourstobeappliedtoindividual degree plans must be submitted during the first semester of enrollment in the program or in the semester immediately following completion of the course. Students must submit all applicable official transcripts or other requested paperwork before a decision will bemade.

AnycoursestakenoutsideofCriminalJusticemustbeapprovedbythegraduateadvisor/MSCJwith Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration coordinatorpriortoenrollmentinthecourse.StudentswhohavechangedmajorstoCriminalJustice from another department at UNT may be able to use 6 hours of the coursework toward the degree. These courses must be approved by the graduate advisor. No MSCJ face-to-face classes will be allowedcredittowardstheonlinedegree.

Studentsmustcompleteaminimumof27hours,oftherequired36hours,ofcourseworkintheonline MSCJwith Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration programatUNT.Theacceptanceoftransferworkisatthediscretionofthegraduateadvisor and online coordinator. If you would like to transfer hours from another University into the MSCJ with Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration program, please contact the online coordinator as other restrictions beyond those stated mayapply.

4000 Level Courses

Undergraduate work, including 4000 level courses, cannot be applied to the online MSCJ with Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration degree.

Admission Provisions

StudentsthatarerequiredtocompleteundergraduatecoursehoursinCriminalJusticeperthetermsof their conditional admission into the online MSCJ with Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration program must complete these hours prior to enrollment in graduate Criminal Justice coursework. All undergraduate coursework must be taken throughtheDepartmentofCriminalJusticeatUNT,butstudentsmayenrollineitheronlineorcampus- basedcourses.

Directed Studies

Amaximumof6hoursofCJUS5850–DirectedStudiesmaybeappliedtotheMSCJwith Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration degree.Directed studiescanbearrangedwithanygraduatefacultymemberwithintheDepartmentofCriminalJustice. ADirectedStudiesPlanforCJUS5850Formmustbecompletedbythestudentandfacultymember. Theplanmustthenbesubmittedtothegraduateadvisor.ADirectedStudiesPlanforCJUS5850Form canbeobtainedonlineat


Enrollment in the Capstone course must be approved by the online MSCJ with Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration coordinator. In order to enrollintheCapstonecourse,astudentmustbeintheirsecondyearoftheprogram,havecompleteda minimum of 27 graduate hours towards the online MSCJ with Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration and all required courses must be completed prior to enrollment (no dual enrollment). All online MSCJ with Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration students must successfully complete a comprehensive exam as a component of the Capstone criminal justice course for degree completion.

Two “C” Rule

ThegraduatecommitteeintheDepartmentofCriminalJusticewillrecommenddismissalofastudent fromtheonlineMSCJwith Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration programifthestudentreceivestwocoursegradesofCorbelow(forpurposes of this rule, the first grade received in a course is used). The departmental graduate committee is comprisedofthegraduateadvisorandtwodepartmentalfacultymemberswhoarecurrentlyserving as graduate faculty for the University. If the departmental graduate committee recommends the dismissal of a student under this policy, the student may provide a written appeal to the departmental graduate committee for consideration. The decision to reinstate a student after dismissal is recommended is solely at the discretion of the departmental graduate committee. If a studentwhoisreinstatedreceivesathirdgradeofCorbelow,thestudentwillbedismissedfromthe program without further recourse. For the purposes of this policy, a grade of “C” can count toward the MSCJ with Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration degree but a grade of “D” or“F”cannot.

Program Dismissal

The Department of Criminal Justice will not participate in Interdisciplinary Studies for students that have been dismissed from the online MSCJ with Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration program for any reason. Therefore, coursework that has beencompletedtowardstheonlineMSCJ with Concentration in Justice Policy and AdministrationcannotbeappliedtowardsInterdisciplinaryStudiesdegree requirements.

Progress Toward the Degree

Students are expected to maintain continual progress toward completion of the MSCJ with Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration degree. The following policies ensure our students maintain progress toward the degree.

1)Studentsmustenrollincriminaljusticeclasseswithinone(1)yearofbeingadmittedintothe MSCJwith Concentration in Justice Policy and Administrationprogram.

2)Studentsmustalsoenrollinatleastone(1)courseeachyearthatwillcounttowardtheirMSCJ with Concentration in Justice Policy and Administrationdegree.

3)Students have one (1) year after completing their coursework on their MSCJ with Concentration in Justice Policy and Administrationdegree to take comprehensiveexamsordefendtheirthesisproposal.Studentswhofailoneormoresections ofthecomprehensiveexamshaveone(1)yeartoretaketheexams.Studentshaveone(1)year afterdefendingtheirthesisproposaltodefendthefinalversionoftheircompletedthesis.

StudentswhofailtomeettheaboverequirementswillbedismissedfromtheMSCJwith Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration program.Students who are dismissed under this policy may provide a written appeal to the departmental graduate committee for consideration. The decision to reinstate a student after dismissal is solely at the discretionofthedepartmentalgraduatecommittee.Studentswhoviolatetheabovepoliciestwicewill be dismissed from the MSCJ with Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration program without furtherrecourse.

Incomplete Grades

Thegradeof“I”isassignedwhenextraordinarycircumstancespreventthecompletionofcoursework within the time frame of a given semester. What constitutes extraordinary circumstances meriting the grade of “I” is solely at the discretion of the course instructor. To remove the grade of “I”, the student must complete the coursework remaining in a time frame determined by the course instructor. However, a student must remove a grade of “I” within one year of receiving the initial grade by completing the stipulated work and processing a Student Request to RemoveGradeof “I” form. The form can be obtained from the Department of Criminal Justice. The student must process the paperwork as stipulated on the form. If a student does not complete the stipulated work and process the appropriate form within one year, the instructor may change the grade of “I” to a grade of “F”, if appropriate.

Studentswhohavenotcompletedtherequirementsforanyassignedgradeof“I”duringthefirstfull semester following receipt of the incomplete will be blocked from registering for futurecourses.

Time Limitations

All requirements for the MSCJ with Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration degree must be completed within 5 years. As individual courses, transfer credits as well as those completed in the program, exceed these time limits they lose all value for degree purposes. Students anticipating they will exceed the time limit should apply to the graduate school for an extension before the normal time period to complete the degree expires. Holdingafull-timejobisnotconsideredinandofitselfsufficientgrounds forgrantinganextension.

All students must make a determination if they are in the on-campus MSCJ with Concentration in Theory and Researchprogram or the online MSCJ with Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration.IfanonlineMSCJwith Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration studentwantstotransferovertotheon-campusMCSJtheymustgothrough a new application process and contract the graduate advisor for more information. The on-campus program has different admission requirements than the online MSCJ with Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration program. Only 9 hours of on-campuscourseswilltransfertotheonlineprogram.Extraordinarycircumstancescanbedetermined by the online MSCJ with Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration Coordinator and the graduateadvisor.


Students should track their progress through the online MSCJ with Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration program and are responsible for ensuringthatallrequiredcomponentsnecessarytograduatehavebeenmet.Duringthefinalsemester ofenrollment,thestudentwillapplyforgraduationandshouldbeindirectcontactwiththeregistrar aswellastheiradvisortoensureeligibility.

Graduate Certificates

Graduatecertificatesrequireaseparateapplicationandhaveaseparateadmissionsprocessfromthe online MSCJ with Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration. Courses completed towards the completion of either the online MSCJwith Concentration in Justice Policy and Administration or a graduate certificatewillcounttowardseach,butaseparateapplicationmustbecompletedforeachawardthe student isseeking.