Annex I

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Hon. Nihangaza Charles, Ministre des Finances Ministère des Finances, Cabinet du Ministre, B.P. 1830, Tel: 223988-222775, Fax: 23827, Bujumbura, Burundi

Hon. Niyibigira, Assemblée Nationale, B.P. 526, Tel: 257-21340, Fax: 257-243002, Bujumbura, Burundi

M. Ndikumana Jean Berchmans, Conseiller Technique au Cabient du Ministre des Finances, B.P. 1830, Tel: 222022, Fax: 23827, Bujumbura, Burundi

M. P. Nyamoya, Organisation and Gestion Industrielles – OG, B.P. 2096, Tel 251-222096, E-mail , Burundi


His Excellency, Ambassador Farouk Mohamed Baraka, and Advisor to the Minister of Finance, Ministry of Finance, Lazoghly SQ., 202-7923191, Cairo Egypt

Mr. Fadel M. Jacoub, Commercial Attaché, Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt, P.O. Box 22030, Nairobi, Telephone 71851, E-mail , Fax: 719844, Nairobi, Kenya


Honourable Professor George Saitoti, Vice President and Minister of Home Affairs for the Republic of Kenya P.O. Box 30520 and 30428, Nairobi

Honourable Nichola K. Biwott, Minister of Tourism, Trade and Industry, P.O. Box 30027, Fax: 254-2-248721 E-mail ., Nairobi

Honourable Dr. Adhu Awiti, Minister of Finance and Planning, P.O. Box 30007, Tel. 338111, Fax: 215825, Nairobi

Dr. Edward Sambili, Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Kenya, P.O. Box 60000, Tel 226431, Nairobi

Mr. Peter Gakunu, Economic Secretary/Director of Planning, Ministry of Finance and Planning, P.O. Box 30007, Telephone 338111, Fax: 310205, Nairobi

Mr. Zachary N. Mwaura, Chief Economist, Ministry of Trade and Industry, P.O. Box 30027, Telephone 227411, Fax: 248722, Nairobi

Mr. Geoffrey W .O. Osoro, Principle Economist, Ministry of Trade and Industry, P.O. Box 30027, Telephone 254-2-248721, E-mail regional , Fax: 254-2-248721, Nairobi

Mr. Kefa L. Muga, Principal Economist, Ministry of Finance and Planning, P.O. Box 30007, Telephone 240109, Fax: 215825, Nairobi

Ms Pamela A. Msando, Principal Revenue Officer, Kenya Revenue Authority, P.O. Box 40160, Telephone 715504 ext 55069, E-mail Fax 718417/711410, Nairobi

Mr. Stephen Kirika Njunge, Senior Manager, Central Bank of Kenya, P.O. Box 60000, Telephone 246000, E-mail: , Fax: 219160, Nairobi

Ms Esther Chelule, Assistant Manager, Investment Promotion Centre, P.O. Box 55704, Telephone 221401/4, E-mail ., Fax: 336663, Nairobi

Mr. Anthony Muriu, Senior Economist, Ministry of Trade and Industry – COMESA Desk, P.O. Box 30027, Telephone 227411, Fax: 24871, E-mail , Nairobi

Ms Jane Wangui Kiringai, Policy Analyst, Kenya Institute of Public Policy, Research and Analysis, P.O. Box 35036, Telephone 241380, E-mail Fax; 719951, Nairobi,


Honourable Mathews A. P. Chikaonda, Minister of Finance Economic Planning, P.O. Box 30049, Fax 265-789173, E-mail , Tel 788030, Lilongwe 3, Malawi

Mr. Henry Robert Chirwa, Deputy High Commissioner, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, P.O. Box 30453, Tel 440569, Fax: 440568, E-mail , Nairobi

Dr. Maxwell M. Mkwezalamba, Principal Secretary (Economics), Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, P.O. Box 30049, Tel 788071, Fax 789173, E-mail , Lilongwe 3

Mr. Patrick F. Zimpita, Assistant Chief Economist (Taxation), Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning P.O. Box 30049, Tel 789355, Fax 788709, E-mail . Lilongwe 3

Mr. Ian Charles Bonongwe, General Manager, Malawi savings Bank Ltd, P.O. Box 521, Fax 623516, Tel 625111, E-mail . Blantyre


Hon Anil K. Gayan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Co-operation Government Centre, Fax 230-208 8087, 230-212 6764, Port Louis

Mr. Hon. Consul Charles Kuteva, Consulate of Mauritius, P.O. Box 49326, Tel. 254-2-330215, Fax 254-2-221006, Nairobi

Mr. Ghumsan Ramesh, Economist, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Co-operation, Ground Floor Government House, Port Louis, Tel 230-2013347, Fax 230-2011337, E-mail ,


Hon. Donat Kaberuka, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Kigali

M. Rubagenga Emery, Secretaire Permanent, Association des Industriels, Fédération Rwandaise du Sector Privé, B.P. 2327, Tel: 83541/83538, Fax 83542, E-mail:

Mr. Rwangombwa John, Deputy Commissioner Customs and Excise, Rwanda Revenue Authority, P.O. Box 3987, Tel: 08500658/516296, Fax 78088, Kigali

M. Rutayisire Emmanuel, Directeur du Trésor, Mnistère des Finances, B.P 152, Kigali, Fax 571608, Tel. 75239, Kigali


Mr. Terry Jones, Director-General, international Cooperation, Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation, P.O. Box 92, Tel. 225348, Fax 223045, E-mail: Victoria Mahe


Honourable Hassan Almed Taha, Ministry of Finance, P.O. Box 297, Fax 770282, Tel: 770917, E-mail: H.A.TAHA2000@YAHOO , Khartoum

Mr. El Hafiz Atta El Mannan Taha, Ministry of Finance, P.O. Box 298, Tel: 770840, fax 779642, Khartoum


Honourable Majozi Sithole, Minister of Finance, P.O. Box 443, Tel No. (268) 42141/46, Fax No. (268) 43187, Mbabane

Mr. Myekeni Vilakazi, Principal Secretary, Enterprise & Employment, P.O. Box 451, Fax: 40-44711, Tel 4044928, e-mail: , Mbabane

Mr. B.T. Mamba, Senior Economist, International Relations, Central Bank of Swaziland, P.O. Box 546, Tel: 4049402, Fax: 4040038, E-mail: , Mbabane


Hon. Sam K. Kutesa, Minister of State for Finance and Economic Development (Investments), P.O. Box 8147, Tel: 344780, E-mail: , Kampala

Mr. Emmanuel Tumusiime-Mutebile, Governor, Bank of Uganda, P O Box 7120, Kampala, Uganda, Tel: 232672/258441,Fax No: 256-41-255983

Dr. Muhammad Serunjogi, Advisor to Governor on Regional Co-operation, Bank of Uganda, P.O. Box 7120, Kampala, Tel: 230978, Fax 61059, E-mail: Kampala

Mr. Keith Muhakanizi, Director of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Planning and economic Development P.O. Box 8147, Kampala, Tel: 230290, fax: 230163, e-mail: , Kampala

Dr. Evarist Mugisa, RIFF UTWG Secretariat, P.O. Box 3068, Kampala, Tel: 266288, 077731496, E-mail: , Kampala

Mr. Kashugyera Lance, Assistant Commissioner, Ministry of Finance, P.O. Box 8147, Fax: 256-41-250005, Tel: 256-41-349130, Kampala, E-mail: , Kampala


Honourable Godfrey Simasiku, MP, Deputy Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, P.O. Box 30580, Lusaka, Zambia Tel: 260-1-253388/253398, Fax: 250012, E-mail: , Lusaka

Ms. Florence Monde Sitwala, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, P.O. Box 30580, Lusaka, Zambia Tel: 260-1-253388/253398, Fax: 250012, Lusaka

Mr. Sunday Chikoti, Trade and Investment Promotion Officer, Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry, P.O. Box 31968, Tel: 096-769883, Fax: 226673/221488, E-mail: , Lusaka

Mr. Chimpita Kalumpha Phiri, Protocol Officer, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development , P.O. Box 50062, Tel: 250886, Fax: 250501, Lusaka

Mr. Boniface Kunda, Senior Economist, Ministry of Commerce, P.O. Box 31968, Tel 221475or 228305 Fax: 226673, E-mail: , Lusaka,


Honourable Dr. Kuruneri, Deputy Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Private Bag CY 7705, Tel: 263-4-727472, Fax: 263-4-250617, Harare,



Hon. Abdisalaam I. Khatibu, Deputy Minister for Finance, Ministry of Finance, P.O. Box 91111, Tel; 255-22-2112855, E-mail: , Fax 222117790, Dar Es Salaam

Mr. Audifax A. Choma, Assistant Commissioner- External Finance, Ministry of Finance, P.O. Box 91111, Dar Es Salaam, Tel: 007-222-211.5289, E-mail:

Mr. Tobias Mworia, Tanzania, TWG Secretariat, Iramba Management and Industrial Services, P.O. Box 21856, Dar Es Salaam, Tel: 2212506, 0744319630, E-mail:

Mr. Daud Mohamed Msangi, Senior Economist Deputy NAO, European, Development Fund, Ministry, of Finance, P.O. Box 9111, Dar Es Salaam, Tel: 022-2117595/2111725, E-mail, Fax 2116597,


Mr. Bernard de Haldevang, Chief Executive Officer, African Trade Insurance Agency P.O. Box 10620, Tel 0733 638 266, EE-mail , Nairobi

Mr. Cyprien Sakubu, African Trade Insurance Agency, P.O. Box 10670, Tel o733636099,


Mr. Mohaber Rajendramarh Charge de Mission, Indian Ocean Commission, G. Forget Ave., Qutres Bornes, Tel 4272500/4259564/1652, Fax 4252709 E-mail , Mauritius


Mr. Arnold Mcintyre, Senior Economist, Room 5-300j, PDR, IMF,700 19th Street NW, Washington D.C.20431, E-mail .

Mr. Jon Shields, Assistant to Director, African Department, IMF, 700 19th Street NW, Washington D.C.(202) 20431, E-mail . Fax 589 6254,Washington

Samuel Itam, Senior Resident Representative, International Monetary Fund, Tel 221714


Mrs. Lolette Kritrzinger-Van Niekerk, Senior Economist, World Bank, P.O. Box 12629, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0028, Tel 27-12-431 3125 E-mail , Fax 27-12-4313134/5, ,


Dr. Chidozie Emenuga, Senior Macro-economist, African, Development Bank, B.P. 1387, Tel 22520204690, Fax, 22520204902, E-mail , Abidjan


Mr. Arno Schâifer, European Commission, DGDEV, Rue de la loi 200, B-1049 Tel: 0032-2-299.3682, Fax: 32-2-299.98.27, E-mail , Brussels



Mr. Isa Lukwago, Executive Secretary, COMESA Clearing House, 101 4 Purberck Close, Harare, Tel.: 263-4-726246-8/793911, Fax: 263-4-790954/730819, E-mail: , Harare


Dr. Micheal Gondwe, President, PTA Bank, P O Box 48638, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: 712250, E-mail , Fax 711510, Nairobi,

Mr. A. G. Ahmed, Principal Economist, PTA Bank, P.O. Box 48596, Tel 712250, Fax 711510, E-mail , Nairobi

Mr. Azhari Gasim Ahmed, Principal Economic Advisor, PTA Bank, NSSF Building, P.O. Box 48596, Nairobi, Kenya Fax: 711510, e-mail:


Mr. J. E. Sogoli, Legal Assistant, PTA-Reinsurance Company (ZEP-RE), P O Box 42769, Nairobi, Kenya, Tel: 254-2-212792, Fax: 254-2-224102, E-mail:


Mr. Mr. Erastus J. O. Mwencha, Secretary General

Dr. Charles L Chanthunya, Director of Trade, Customs and Monetary Affairs

Mr Mark Pearson, Regional Integration Adviser

Mr C. Rusagara, Administrator, Regional Integration Project

Ms. H. Dlamini, Chief Conference and Documentation Services

Mr. C. Sokpor-dufe, Translator

Mrs. Anne A. Nkaba, Secretary

Mrs. M. T. Chanda, French Secretary


Mr. Joe K. Muhindi

Ms Salome Rwiriliza

Ms Maria Pavlidus