From Father Jim
Second Sunday of Easter of the Divine Mercy

Today is “Divine Mercy Sunday.” We invite you to celebrate Divine Mercy in any of the following ways today and this week:
1. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place at 3:00pm this Sunday at Immaculate Conception Church.
2. We will pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3:00 pm, concluding with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
3. A time for personal prayer and adoration will be observed.
4. Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament will conclude our Divine Mercy Devotion.
5. The requirements for the indulgence associated with this devotion can be satisfied by participating in any regularly scheduled Parish Mass (See Bulletin Mass Times) and by celebrating the Sacrament of Penance at either of our regularly scheduled times: (ICC 4:15-4:50pm; SJ 8:20-8:50am)
The Little Sisters sends their sincere thanks and appreciation to you for your generous contributions to the Little Sisters of the Poor Jeanne Jugan Residence. They were extremely appreciative for the gracious welcome that you extended to them during their visit. The Little Sisters have gratefully received over $5,030 in donations from our parishioners!
Thank you for understanding the mission of the Little Sisters who are true ambassadors in their good works. Together we offer our prayers that God will reward your charity, will grant grace and blessings in abundance to you and to the Little Sisters of the Poor.


Join this year’s exciting VBS adventure, “Maker Fun Factory: Created by God; Built for a Purpose!”We need adult teen volunteers for this wonderful faith-filled experience! . The next volunteer meeting is Wed. May 3rd at 6:30pm in the Parish Center.

Planning on attending VBS?Register Early so that T-Shirts and supplies can be ordered. VBS is for children Ages 4 through the completion of Grade 5

Online registration/payment available:

LIKE us on Facebook!

Save The Date!!

Our 7th Annual Golf Classic is being held on June 12, at Newark Country Club!! Come join us for a great day, great food, and some amazing prizes; including a hole-in-one contest car donated by Newark Chrysler Jeep Dodge! Spaces are limited! You can register as a golfer, sponsor, or dinner guest. Register online today at need volunteers to help with the planning committee and to help out the day of. Please contact the parish office at 410-398-1100 to register, volunteer, or for more information

The Music Ministryis looking for new members! See the bulletin for the schedule of rehearsals for our hand bell, contemporary, children's, and parish choirs. We’re also looking for cantors and accompanists. For more information, contact Dana Brehany, Director of Music Ministry at 410-398-1100 or

April17, 2017Monday of Easter

8:30 AMRuth Green

April18, 2017Tuesday of Easter

8:30 AMConnie Gumba

April19, 2017Wednesday of Easter

8:30 AMElna Leonardo

April20, 2017 Thursday of Easter

8:30 AMSalvador Panes

April21, 2017Friday of Easter

8:30 AMVirginia T. Roesch

April22, 2017Saturday of Easter

8:30 AMJoseph Coiner (Living Intention)

5:00 PMWilliam Biedrzycki

April23, 20172nd Sunday of Easter

7:00 AMJoseph and Lena Rettagliata

8:30 AMAlma Jose

9:00 AM SJVictor Gottemoller

10:15 AMKenneth Hensley Sr.

12:00 PMGrace Jeffery

We extend a warm welcome to our new Parishioners:

Mrs. Missy Bunner

Mr. and Mrs. Jason Haugen

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mills and family

We extend our condolences and prayers to the families of those who have recently died:

Mr. Fred Jurgens

Congratulations to those who were recently Baptized:

Emma Mae Farris

Brody David Prince

Madison Michelle Prince


Readings for next week:Third Sunday of Easter

First Reading: Acts 2:14, 2233

After the Holy Spirit descends upon the apostles, Peter preaches with great enthusiasm to both Jews and Christians. He recalls for them in vivid terms the miracles and wonders that Jesus performed.

Second Reading: 1 Peter 1:1721

Peter makes reference to the Passover, when the Jews escaped from Egypt because the blood of the paschal lamb was shed. Now they are being saved from sin by the blood of Christ, the Lamb of the New Testament.

Gospel: Luke 24:1335

Jesus reveals Himself to two disciples on the way to Emmaus. After explaining to them the passages in Scripture which referred to Him, Christ “took bread, broke it, and distributed it to them.” Then they recognized Christ and their “hearts burned within them.”

Daily Readings:2ndSunday of Easter


Acts 2:42-47; 1 Pt 1:3-9; Jn 20:19-31


Acts 4:23-31; Jn 3:1-8


1 Pt 5:5b-14; Mk 16:15-20


Acts 5:17-26; Jn 3:16-21


Acts 5:27-33; Jn 3:31-36


Acts 5:34-42; Jn 6:1-15


Acts 6:1-7; Jn 6:16-21

How can you help our children have fun and learn more about Jesus this summer?

Our Vacation Bible Schoolteam is looking for generous hearts that can help sponsor our VBS program. Your donation would help with the cost of snacks, supplies, and program materials. We hope to offer a meal two nights for VBS families.

All donations are appreciated, no amount is too small!Envelopes will be available the weekend of May 6th & 7th at ICC and May 14th at St. Jude. Just place your donation in the special envelope marked “Maker Fun Factory: Created by God, Built For A Purpose” and drop it off at the Parish Center or put it in the collection basket at Mass. Thank you and God bless you for your goodness and generosity.

Adoration for Vocations On the first Sunday of each month, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament occurs from 1pm-3pm in IC Chapel. Please come join us to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. The next opportunity is,Sun May 7th. For information, contact Dermott Mullan at 410-398-3368

Liturgical Ministers for Next Week:April 29-30:


Altar Servers:Mason H, Cameron BEM’sGina L, Madison LLector:Louis NUshers: Eileen P, Pat C, Bill W, Diana B


Altar Servers:Ashley DEM’s: Sandra H, Frank S, Gerald MLector:Will K Ushers: Charles M, William C, Donald N


Altar Servers:Layla B, Will CEM’s:Stephen C III, Cecilia G, Pater GLector:Jeanne DUshers: Anthony D, David D, Wendel S, Anthony M

9:00am (SJ)

Altar Servers:Mitchel H, Jakob H EM’s:Chris H, Larry B, Narcy Z, Carol V, Diane C, Dotty D, Pat DLector:Helen BUshers:Kevin O, Jule V, William D


Altar Servers:Henry W, Tommy MEM’s:Richard L, Rita M, Ben F, Gwen D, Jim D Lector:Rachel WUshers: Bob W, Charles C, Steve A, David B


Altar Servers:Andrew F, Kendra MEM’s:Corazon S, Grace BLector:Michele CUshers: Teresa G

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy is for children ages 5-8 ONLY. Children who are not in this category are asked to remain in church.

The catechist for next Sunday, April 30this:

Dana Bell

Does your child need to be Baptized? You’re Invited! Baptism Classes are: May 15 & August 21, 7:00-8:30pm in our Parish Center. It’s never too early to prepare for the Baptism of your child. Parents are required and Godparents are encouraged to attend these classes. Contact the Parish Office to register for the Baptism Preparation Class and to arrange the date of Baptism at 410-398-1100

Visit the Parish Website for Easter season scripture puzzles for children and other resources for adults!

Holy Heroes Free Mass Prep Resources available:

Sign up at

Weekly Family Video Reflection From Strong Catholic Families: Every Wednesday a video link and reflection question will be posted on the Strong Catholic Families Facebook page for families to watch, reflect, and discuss.

This Facebook page is updated daily with articles, resources, videos and family-related information

aimed at Catholic parents. For more family friendly resources, visit

Inspirational quote of the week: “Our hearts were made for You, O Lord, and they are restless until they rest in you.”~St. Augustine of Hippo

Faith Formation

Immaculate Conception School News

ALLELUIA!As we continue to celebrate the Easter season, our students and staff are enjoying their last weekend of vacation. School will be open Monday, and we’ll start down the home-stretch towards the end of the school year!

We will celebrate our school’s Easter Mass on Thursday at 10:00am. Please join us as our 2nd graders lead our liturgy and we resurrect our “Alleluia!” Later that day, our 1st graders will welcome their special guests to join them for lunch.

Friday marks the mid-way point through the last trimester, and interim reports will go home. It’s hard to believe that the year is almost over!

Applications are being accepted for next school year. If you missed our open house, don’t worry. Individual tours are available upon request by contacting the office at 410-398-2636, and we will have another open house later in the spring. Now is the time to consider the benefits of a strong, faith-based, challenging academic program that Immaculate Conception provides.

Faith Formation

Religious Education & Sacraments

Explore learning about the Gospel, Jesus,and our Catholic Faith by registering for our parish religious education program!

Classes for childrenin gr K-8are held on Sunday Mornings or Wednesday evenings. (Your choice) Online registration is available on our parish website: Questions? Contact the religion office at 410-392-3551 or .

This registration is also for Sacrament programs.

Note:Studentsmust have completed Gr. 1 to prepare for 1stCommunion! Students must have completed Gr. 7 AND 8 to prepare for Confirmation!


Rehearsal corresponding celebrations:

THIS Wed, Apr 26th: 6:30pm ICC - for Apr 30th at 2pm

Thurs, May 4th: 6:30pm SJ - for May 7th at 9am

Mon., May 15th: 6:30pm ICC - for May 20th at 5pm

Wed., May 17th: 6:30pm ICC - for May 21st at 2pm


3 EM’s Needed for Sun. April 30th at 2pm.

1 EM Needed for Sun., May 21st at 2pm.

1 Altar Server needed for Sun,May 21st at 2pm.

Contact the Religion office ASAP if you can help with either of these celebrations!

Youth Ministry


“Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and the Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of thewhole world. For the sake of the His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world.”—Divine Mercy Chaplet


23rd-30th: No Youth Group!




21st:Family Night

28th:Patriotic Rosary into Game Night

May 21st, the Youth Group invites all families with youth in 9th-college-age to join us from 6-8pm. Come meet new friends and learn what youth group is all about. Please bring a dish to share.

9th-12th and COLLEGE AGE:If you are in 9th-12th or a college-age young adult, you are invited to join youth group, Sunday nights in the Parish Center from 6-8pm.

7th and 8th GRADE YOUTH:Check the website and bulletin for information about youth group.


The teens attending Catholic Heartare selling raffle tickets for a steamer trunk filled with summer fun! If you are interested in purchasing a ticket, please contact the youth office. Tickets are $20 and the sale will run through the beginning of June.

YOUTH MINISTRY WISH LIST:Sodas in Cans, Pizza Gift Cards, Snacks, Md and Lg Cardboard Boxes, any color Spray Paint, Left Right Center Game

YOUNG ADULTS 25-40:Are you interested in meeting others your age? Are you interested in fun ways to deepen your faith? If you answered yes to either of those, then a young adult group is what your need. ICC is looking for young adults to join together to form a group. Contact Liz for more information.

Adult Education

Interested in a study group?Many opportunities are available. Call the Parish Office at 410-398-1100.


Catholicism: The Pivotal Players: Classes Mon., Apr. 24THat 6:30pm and Tues., Apr. 25th at 9:15am.Topic: Discussion of questions for G. K. Chesterton Pt 2 and viewing of Michelangelo Pt1

Social Concerns


Thank you for your help, prayers, donations to this essential ministry!!

We are currently in need of: toilet paper, house cleaners, diapers size 5 and 6, and cake mix

The Cecil County Pregnancy Center would like to express their deepest appreciation for the generous support of ICC. This year you donated over $7,460! This will make a significant impact on our continuing services to families. These families are finding new hope and encouragement because of your embrace of new life.

Parish and Family Life

Parish Coffee:Join us for Parish Coffee Sunday,May 7thafter the 9 AM Mass at St. Jude’s.

Join us for Parish Coffee, Sunday, May 14th after the 10:15 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception!

Parish Events / Information

Plans are underway for the annual Christmas Bazaar in November!! We are looking for volunteers to help chair certain areas.Our most immediate needs are for someone to lead advertising and someone to be in charge of theme baskets (to include soliciting donations and assembling the baskets). These two areas require lead time so we are hoping to find chairpersons for these areas as soon as possible. If you are interested in being on the bazaar planning committee in one of these areas or in another capacity, please contact Terry Gustafson, , 443-553-2324 or Lisa Kaminski,, 443-553-8042.

The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians division 1 of Cecil County, Maryland is looking for new members! The LAOH is a National organization whose Mission is Friendship, Unity, & Christian Charity. The organization is open to women who are practicing Catholics and who are Irish by birth or decent or are the wife of an AOH member. The LAOH is having their LAST meeting on May 3rd at 1:00pm and won’t meet again until September! Make sure you get in contact with Janice White asap at 410-378-3493

COMMUNITY KITCHEN:Our next Community Kitchen will be held on April 28th at the Elkton Presbyterian Church at noon. We are asking for donations of sandwiches, fruit, or desserts to be delivered to the Parish Center by 10:00am on the 28th, or brought to the Presbyterian Church before noon. We also need volunteers to help serve the lunch and clean up after. The commitment would be from 11:00am-1:30pm. We would sure love to welcome any new helpers to our wonderful group of volunteers. This is a worthwhile and enjoyable way to be involved in the community. Please call Joyce Speakman at 610-597-3135 or Kathy Chamberlin at 410-398-7299 if you can help.

BUS TRIP TO NYC! We are planning a bus trip to NYC on Saturday, December 2. The bus will leave from People's Plaza in Glasgow at 9am, drops off in Times Square, then leaves Times Square at 9pm and will return to Peoples Plaza Seats are $35 each. Interested? Please contact Audrey Diotale: 302-561-5275, or Angela Maxwell at 302-563-0994,


California Wine Trip Raffle Tickets!! - $20 Each!

Winner receives a trip for two to California Wine Country! Trip includes airfare out of BWI, lodging for 6 nights, plus tours/wine tastings at select wineries. Travel dates TBD by the winner. Trip coordinated by State Line Liquors. Please fill out the form below and return with payment to the Parish Center. Thank you and Good Luck!!

Name: ______Phone: ______

# of Tickets: ______

Sunday, April23

8:20 AMConfessions - SJ

1:30 PMBaptisms - IC

6:00 PMHS Gathering PC

Monday, April24

9:00 AMNovena – CH

6:30 PMAdult Ed Class - PC

7:00 PMChristian Yoga - gym

8:00 PMAA Mtg - Caf

Tuesday, April25

9:00 AMHoly Hour – CH

9:15 AMBook Study - PC

9:15 AMAdult Ed Class - PC

10:00 AMSchool Easter Mass

4:45 PMFinance Council - PC

6:30 PMHandbell Rehearsal - IC

7:30 PMContemporary Rehearsal -IC

Wednesday, April26

9:00 AMRosary Crusade/St Jude Novena – CH

9:30 AMCantor Reh - IC

1:00 AMLeisure Club - PC

3:45 PMChildren’s Choir - IC

6:30 PM1st Communion Rehearsal - IC

8:15 PMKnights of Columbus mtg - PC

Thursday, April27

9:00 AMRosary Crusade - CH

6:30 PMCantor Rehearsal - IC

6:30 PMCub Scout mtg - caf

7:00 PMParish Choir Rehearsal - IC

Friday, April28ICS and Parish Office Closed

9:00 AMRosary Crusade - CH

7:00 PMNA - Caf

Saturday, April29

9:00 AMRosary Crusade - CH

4:15 PMConfessions - IC

7:00 PMNA - caf


Offertory Week of: April16Fiscal Budget

Immaculate Conception $8,453.64 $9,285.79

St. Jude’s $2,086.00 $1,940.31

Online $2,373.00 $2,633.28

Christmas Offerings $17,443.00 $26,131.00

$30,355.64 $39,990.38

2017-2018 Fiscal YTD Offertory Deficit ($4,967.59)

Easter Collection: DonatedBudgeted


Easter shortfall:($5,466.60)

Do you have an Online Giving Account?? It is easy to set one up! To sign up:

1.) Go to our website:

2.) Click on “Go to Online Giving”

3.) Sign up!

Community Events / Information

Knights of Columbus

Bishop Becker Council 2427

443-616-5370 or

Meetings: 2nd 4th Wednesdays of the month at the Parish Center.

Did you know that Immaculate Conception is an affiliate partner with The Franklin Institute?!This means that as a parishioner, you get discount pricing for admission and exhibits!!! Simply go to and enter our organization code: ICCPMGRP and then print out your discounted tickets!

Do you have unused or expired medication that you need to safely dispose of?? The DEA is running a safe disposal on April 29th from 10:00am- 2pm at the following locations: Cecil county Sheriff’s office, Elkton Police Department, North East Police Department, Perryville Police Department, Rising Sun Police Department, Maryland State Police Department, and Five Rivers Church. For more information please visit